
Chapter 647: Determine the relationship, Hu Liena’s love

Hu Liena closed her eyes obediently and let Xu Ran kiss her.

She was young and didn't know how to kiss, and when she was nervous, she just opened her mouth slightly. However, Xu Ran likes this youngness even more, and Xu Ran likes Hu Liena's youngness.

That feeling is like a man and woman who loves first. Of course, it was indeed first love for Hu Liena, but not for Xu Ran.

But this does not affect Xu Ran's enjoyment of this feeling.

The more he knows nothing, the more Xu Ran likes it, very innocent.

"Xu Ran, between us now is..." After a long time, the two separated, Hu Liena was still so confused. It was the first time she kissed someone, and the feeling made her very obsessed.

She had heard in the book before that it felt very good. But she has not tried, she wants to dedicate her perfect state to the person she loves most.

And now that this person has appeared, that is Xu Ran.

Xu Ran is handsome and unparalleled in talent. Such a young man is unparalleled in the world, and now she and Xu Ran also have that kind of relationship.

"You said, what is our relationship?" Xu Ran smiled and squeezed Hu Liena's blushing face. Xu Ran, who is well versed in this, is not easy to handle Hu Liena, who is unmanned?

But now he is much better than when he first entered the mainland, more sincere and less routine.

"I can't tell you." Hu Liena looked at Xu Ran angrily, her cheeks inflated. She wanted to ask Xu Ran if they were a couple, but she was embarrassed to say so.

She has heard others say that a man and a woman are lovers after they have kissed.

Girls can't easily hand over their kisses unless they are their significant other.

But Xu Ran hadn't spoken yet, so she was naturally a little nervous.

She knew that Xu Ran was not the kind of **** who would not admit the account when he lifted his pants, but she couldn't rest assured before hearing Xu Ran's personal reply.

"Of course we are a couple. Silly girl. Is it possible that you still want to marry someone else in the future." Xu Ran couldn't help holding Hu Liena's slender waist from behind, feeling the soft fragrance of her body.

In Wuhun Palace, Hu Liena was also a girl he identified.

Such a beautiful woman is still a saint. What's more important is that she has been living in the Spirit Hall before, and now she is clean and untainted. This beauty belongs to him alone, and only he can enjoy it alone.

He has no reason not to have such a girl.

Anyway, his philosophy is to soak in more and more beautiful women, enjoy their beauty, and also bring them joy.

That's enough.

"I won't marry someone else." Hu Liena quickly denied. She didn't like the lustful boys outside, who looked at her with evil thoughts in their eyes. Only a gentleman like Xu Ran is her favorite.

"Is that the same as Xiao Wu, Sister Xue and others in the future?" Hu Liena tilted her head to look at Xu Ran, and looked at Xu Ran curiously with big eyes.

"Of course, you are all my dear ones." Xu Ran stroked Hu Liena's waist with the palm of his hand, breathing quickly. The wind at night was a bit cold, but very quiet, blowing on Hu Liena's black skirt, revealing the soft white legs.

"Oh. That's pretty much the same." Hu Liena blushed, and Xu Ran's breath came to her face. She was shy and a little happy. It is also a kind of satisfaction for girls to be recognized and liked by Airo.

She had always worried that she was not attractive enough to attract Xu Ran. But looking at it now, this doubt can be dispelled.

With Xu Ran, even if she is not attractive enough, she can still learn.

She has cultivated charms since she was a child, and if she used charms, she would not be weaker than Qian Renxue. And she can also grow foxtails. If that's the case, Xu Ran might feel different too.

She firmly believes that as long as Xu Ran has a little fascination with her, she can grasp Xu Ran's heart. Her charm is not for nothing. When she cultivates deeper in the future, the charm will become stronger.

She still remembered that when she was fighting in the Wuhun Academy before, she used magic techniques, and many people's eyes changed when they saw her. Charm can also make girls more enchanting and glamorous, preferring the attention of men.

"Xu Ran, it's getting late, let's go back, I'm going to bed." Hu Liena felt that the first time I met Xu Ran, we must be reserved. And now she was in a mess, and she suddenly confirmed the relationship with Xu Ran, and kissed Xu Ran again, even Xu Ran's hand was arrogant. Although Xu Ran knew how to control herself and didn't touch her sensitive position, it also made her blush and she couldn't bear it.

If she continues to be with Xu Ran, she is not sure what she will become.

For the owners of their demon fox spirit, although the practice of charm can make them more charmed, but at the same time, the practice of charm will also make her body and mind more sensitive.

Even holding hands and kissing each other, which is common for other girls, can make her feel strange in her body and mind. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Am I going too?" Xu Ran's eyes lit up. He hadn't been to Hu Liena's boudoir.

If you stay with Hu Liena for one night, even if you don't do anything, it seems pretty good to sleep with her.

And even if he didn't do excessive things at that time, he still couldn't enjoy his eyes.

"You! Shameless!" Hu Liena blushed lightly, turning her head to ignore Xu Ran. In the middle of the night, if Xu Ran stayed in her room, she wouldn't believe Xu Ran would not do that to her.

If Xu Ran held back it, it would only show that she was not attractive enough to arouse Xu Ran's primitive instincts.

"Okay, okay. I just stay outside and don't go in." Xu Ran took Hu Liena's hand and walked towards Hu Liena's bedroom. He hasn't reached that level yet. Just after confirming the relationship with Hu Liena, he will sleep with someone else. It will scare others so fiercely.

Anyway, he doesn't have no place to live, he can still go to Qian Renxue's place.

His family's Xue'er had the inheritance of angel gods, but she grew more and more immortal, like a noble angel.

"Xu Ran, it's not working now, will you wait for me a few more days?"

"What should be you always belongs to you. No matter whether the plum is sour or sweet, it will only be tasted by you." At the door of the Saintess Hall, Hu Liena hugged Xu Ran's neck and said affectionately. .

She was afraid that she would hurt Xu Ran's heart if she didn't let Xu Ran in, so she quickly calmed her down.

In fact, she also hopes that she can give her body to Xu Ran as soon as possible, and then she will truly become Xu Ran's woman. But she knows very little about that aspect. What if she can't make Xu Ran happy then?

At least wait for her to ask the sisters a few times. Otherwise, she wouldn't know anything, and she wouldn't move as soon as she lay there, which might have left a bad impression on Xu Ran.