
Chapter 617: Xie Yue hurts well, Xu Ran's character

Countless people were amazed.

They all know what this hand represents.

Even a titled Douluo-level healing spirit master might not have such a terrifying healing ability. This is too bad. However, the soul masters of the healing system have always been rare, and once they appear on the mainland, they will be robbed by the major forces.

Soul masters will always leave behind large and small dark diseases in their lifetime battles, which shows how popular the healing system soul masters are on the mainland. Another reason why the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit is stronger than the Qibao Glazed Tile Pagoda is that the Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit possesses healing power. Not only can it play a big role in the battle, but after the battle is over, it can also help teammates recover, treat illnesses and save lives.

"Lingling, is your Jiuxin Begonia so powerful?" Dugu Yan looked at Xu Ran with some surprise, and was surprised to see Xu Ran still having the ability to heal. Xu Ran is always so incredible. When you think Xu Ran's potential has come to an end, Xu Ran will come up with new methods to continue to shock you.

Xu Ran obviously has unlimited potential.

"No. Even my mother is far from able to do this. Even if Jiuxin Begonia has healing powers, but it is not so powerful, otherwise Jiuxin Begonia's martial arts would have been famous in the mainland. You can't hide it." Ye Lingling shook her head, her beautiful eyes looked at Xu Ran, with brilliant colors.

Having been with Xu Ran for so long, she still didn't know that Xu Ran had such a terrifying healing technique. This is more enchanting than her.

"Hehe, now Lingling, you are blessed. Go and let Xu Ran teach you. By then, your strength will definitely rise a lot. Maybe in the future, your future achievements will far surpass your elders."

Ning Rongrong joked from the side, poking Ye Lingling's chest with her tender little hand.

If Ye Lingling also had such a terrifying healing technique, wouldn't Ye Lingling's martial soul have to become stronger again in the future? The Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit is already stronger than the Qibao Glazed Glass Pagoda. Although her spirit was already the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ye Lingling's spirit might not remain the same forever.

Xu Ran is so powerful, and Xu Ran will definitely help Ye Lingling become stronger.

"Oh, Rongrong, you are lascivious. If you want to touch Zhuqing, she is big." Ye Lingling blushed and looked around. She was relieved to see that no one was looking at them. . Immediately knocked out Ning Rongrong's evil hands.

Ning Rongrong is too bad. Normally when Xu Ran is not at home, Ning Rongrong often rounds the ward, and he also called for practicing skills together. They didn't believe that Ning Rongrong's purpose would be so simple.

Zhu Zhuqing made a big blush on the side, with environmental protection arms on his chest, watching Ning Rongrong vigilantly. The sisters often laughed at her figure, she had long been used to it. Anyway, what Xu Ran likes is the best, and they can't even envy them.

Soon, Xie Yue's injuries recovered as before.

Xu Ran has a pure life attribute, which is much stronger than other ordinary healing spirits on the mainland.

"Xu Ran, you **** it." Tang San naturally felt that Luosha's divine power was rapidly draining from Xie Yue's body. Immediately, Tang San's eyes became extremely cold, and his face became even more black.

He didn't understand when Xu Ran learned such a terrible healing technique, it was incredible.

Xu Ran's strength is enough, why can he still have such an ability?

Is this Xu Ran's adventure again? Xu Ran **** it, why should all the good things belong to him?

"Brother, how are you?" Hu Liena looked at all this in surprise, and saw that her brother's face was getting better and better, and she became more and more grateful to Xu Ran in her heart. She also didn't expect Xu Ran to be so strong and possess such an ability against the sky.

"I'm fine." Xie Yue got up from the ground, feeling everything in her body, shocked. His injury was so serious just now, and the pain in his body was even more unbearable, but after a while, he completely recovered.

Not only did he leave no sequelae, but he also felt that his body was more vigorous than before, as if it was reborn a little bit, and every cell was full of power.

This is terrible.

Is this the famous Xu Ran on the mainland? Sure enough, under the prestigious name, there are no vain people.

"Xieyue thanks Master Xu Ran for his rescue. As long as Master Xu Ran is useful to get Xieyue in the future, Xieyue will definitely help me." Xieyue said, her eyes full of respect.

He just saw clearly, Xu Ran and Nana seemed to have some unclear relationships.

A strong like Xu Ran is unfathomable. If Xu Ran and Nana are together, Nana will also be happy.

"Evil brother, it's just a matter of effort. I don't want to see Nana sad, let alone see her being threatened by others to do things that I don't like." Xu Ran waved his hand and smiled slightly.

He couldn't help but look at Hu Liena, he didn't want much, just give Hu Liena to him.

In Wuhun Hall, only Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Hu Liena could make him a little interested. Others, he really doesn't care.

Xie Yue nodded and said nothing more. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

After looking at Xu Ran, then at Tang San, he made a judgment.

Tang San is despicable and shameless. In order to obtain Nana, even this kind of despicable means can be used, which is simply to the extreme. He would never allow Nana to have any contact with Tang San.

And Xu Ran is a gentleman, Xu Ran saved him, and if he made such a request, he would only agree. After all, if Nana and Xu Ran were together, Tang San wouldn't dare to have any other ideas.

If Xu Ran directly made this request, although he would be disappointed, he would still agree. But Xu Ran didn't say anything. He was willing to help others without asking for anything in return. This was enough to see how good Xu Ran was.

Xu Ran has a noble character, which is the opposite of Tang San. If Nana and Xu Ran are together, they will be happy.

"Tang San, don't worry about Nana anymore. She won't be with you, I will never allow it." Xie Yue said coldly at Tang San.

Tang San actually shot him frantically just now, and even threatened Nana with this. If Xu Ran were not here, maybe Tang San would have succeeded. At that time he couldn't believe what would happen if Nana and a scum like Tang San were together.

Fortunately, all the problems were solved with Xu Ran's arrival.

"Xie Yue..." Tang San's eyes were gloomy, staring at Xie Yue firmly, his eyes full of killing intent. Had it not been for Xu Ran's arrival, Hu Liena and Xie Yue's feelings would definitely agree to his request. At that time, she could only agree to what he wanted to do to Hu Liena.

At that time, he could make many unreasonable demands and use many methods to toss Hu Liena, and then he could live a happy life. Hu Liena is so beautiful and has such a good figure. He can get it, and he must be very happy.

But all this was destroyed by Xu Ran.