
Chapter 498: Hiss, Gu Yuena, this is a female Tyrannosaurus

"I can seal your strength and turn you into an ordinary woman completely."

"You are still the Pope because of your beauty. If the Pope's name is released, your worth will be very high. After all, the pope, noble and unparalleled, but fell into the dust, presumably many people will be crazy about you. You said Isn't it, beautiful Pope." Gu Yuena charmingly attached to Bibi Dong's ear and said, stretched out the green onion fingers and slid on Bibi Dong's body.

In front of her Gu Yuena, no matter who it is, she must obediently subdue. It is impossible to fight against her.

But the pope of the human world, the person with the highest human rights, bullying such a beautiful woman, is not a joy for her.

"You, no, you can't do this." Bibi Dong was going crazy, how did she provoke such a terrible crazy woman.

This is still a god, the strength is far above her, and he can't even resist.

Such a person will usually do what he says.

If such a woman is really offended, she will be miserable in the future.

She is not afraid of death, not at all.

But she was afraid of the feeling that she could not survive and die. She is the pope, she is Bibi Dong, she can die, but she is not allowed to be humiliated.

If the strength is really sealed by the goddess in front of him and thrown to that disgusting place, then it is really over.

"I really won't do this, provided that you are obedient, otherwise you know the consequences. In my hands, you are nothing. Even if you want to die, there is no chance, otherwise you can try."

"But you have to think about the consequences. If you violate the rules, I will strip you naked and leave it to dry for a day." Gu Yuena said coldly, and immediately let go of the soul pressure on Bibi Dong.

The huge pressure on her body dissipated, and Bibi Dong regained her freedom. In an instant, Bibi Dong became furious, and countless heaven and earth elements in the air gathered towards her.

She has never been so wronged since she was a child. After becoming the pope, she has the ambition to unify the mainland.

How arrogant she was, how could she let Gu Yuena bully her.

But the next moment, when she transported her spirit power and prepared to fight Gu Yuena to death and life, looking at Gu Yuena's cold eyes, the spirit power lifted up instantly dissipated like a deflated ball.

She was scared.

If Gu Yuena really treated her that way, even if it was only once, it would be enough to make her worse than death.

"It's best to abide by the rules, otherwise, you just knew the consequences." Gu Yuena glanced at Bibi Dong and turned and walked out.

Xu Ran left everything else.

Of course, what she said was to scare Bibi Dong. As a woman, how could she do such shameless things to other women to cheapen those stinky men?

But a violent beating is indispensable.

Xu Ran pity Xiangxiyu, but she couldn't wait to throw all these stinky women out one by one.

Robbing a man from her, Gu Yuena, is so unruly. Those people who came in the past have long been forgotten, and those who come later are unruly. Her status in the family is the highest, second only to Xu Ran. .


Xu Ran took a breath, shocked by Gu Yuena's operation.

This Nima is really fighting.

This is Pope Bibi Dong, is this a fight?

Originally, she still had some headaches, what kind of person Bibi Dong is, in charge of the Martial Soul Palace, so many powerful and incomparable Title Douluo must respectfully salute her.

Such a person is very arrogant and it is not easy to tame such a wild horse. But just a short while ago, Bibi Dong was completely subdued by Gu Yuena.

Seeing that, Bibi Dong was already completely afraid of Gu Yuena.

"It seems that women are more ruthless than men in many cases." Xu Ran was dumbfounded. For a while, he didn't even react at all. With his character, he would never hit a woman, let alone say that kind of foul language to a woman he likes.

After all, if you send Bibi Dong into the bar, isn't he the one who is green?

But Gu Yuena didn't care about this in the least, even, sooner or later Bibi Dong would still be in love with her, and Bibi Dong was more ruthless and Gu Yuena was relieved.

"This is true Nima's cruelty." Even Xu Ran couldn't help shivering, and Gu Yuena gave him a warning look when she left. Hiss, this Gu Yuena shouldn't be a tigress, no, tyrannosaurus female.

Although Gu Yuena was gentle and well-behaved by his side before, it was only in front of him. Facing other people, she was still that noble Gu Yuena.

"Na'er has seen Qian Renxue before, this...I think Xue'er hasn't been treated like that." Xu Ran was deeply worried. Gu Yuena didn't seem to have a very good temper, and I'm afraid she would not treat Qian Renxue. Will give a good face.

This makes Xu Ran a little worried.

From now on, there will definitely be a chaotic rhythm in the harem.

With this matter today, Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong's Liangzi will be settled in the future, and even if Bibi Dong is with him in the future, the two will definitely not get along well. With Bibi Dong's temperament, he would definitely find a chance to return, and Qian Renxue... the words of two people.

Uh, whoever gets beaten, he feels distressed. After all, they are all beautiful wives.

But this is all later.

In fact, Xu Ran is still very satisfied, although he still feels distressed watching Gu Yuena bully Bibi Dong, but there is no way.

Now Bibi Dong is observing the rules and dare not act recklessly, everything is simple.

"Lingling, get dressed and go out." Xu Ran reached out and patted Ye Lingling's ass.

"Oh." Ye Lingling's pretty face was pale, and she quickly put on her clothes and was ready to run out. Originally the little girl was very shy, but a terrifying figure like the Pope of the Wuhun Temple and a more terrifying and cruel figure like Gu Yuena appeared one after another, and the girl was scared.

Especially when Gu Yuena was bullying Bibi Dong~www.mtlnovel.com~ she couldn't stop her eyes, as if she was warning her. This frightened her.

She could feel that Gu Yuena was very strong, and the relationship between Gu Yuena and Xu Ran was also very good, she was her love rival. If Gu Yuena thought she was seduce Xu Ran just now, she would be dealt with...

Thinking of the torture that Gu Yuena said, she felt a little creepy.

She is not afraid of death, but she is already Xu Ran, and she absolutely cannot tolerate such grievances, let alone any uncleanness in her body.

"Don't tell Xiao Wu about today's affairs, especially her identity." Xu Ran hurriedly put on Ye Lingling's clothes and couldn't help but curl her lips. After this trouble, the scale Ye Lingling gave him would definitely be greatly reduced. But he couldn't help it. He was seriously injured and couldn't control Gu Yuena, the female tyrannosaurus.

"Oh, I see, I will be tight-lipped during tonight." Ye Lingling hurriedly responded. The Pope of Wuhun Temple came to Xu Ran's room and was threatened by the lesson. If he was exploded, the believers in Wuhun Temple would yell at Xu Ran.

The Pope is the belief of many people on the mainland, and no one is allowed to blaspheme.