
Chapter 474: What fluid was infused? Miss you night

Hearing a knock on the door, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong shrank their necks at the same time, pulling the quilt to cover his body, his face was a little red.

If an outsider sees this absurd sight, they will be over.

Xu Ran was shameless at first, and they were still helping the gang to abuse them.

But they can't help it, Xu Ran's strength is so strong, they can't help Xu Ran.

Even if they wanted to run, they would still be caught by Xu Ran, and Xu Ran also locked the doors, cutting off their desire to escape.

"Who is it?" Xiao Wu asked in a panic. If someone breaks in, how sorry? Who will be here now so late? Ye Lingling, Dugu Goose, or who?

"You've seen it during the day." Xu Ran said, raising his brows and couldn't help feeling comfortable. It seems that Tang Yuehua has taken the potion, and her strength has been greatly improved. Now Tang Yuehua is estimated to be grateful to him, and maybe he will be regarded as a gentleman.

But Xu Ran is also worthy of this title.

He Xu Ran is so strong and invincible, isn't he still a gentleman?

"Yuexuanxuan Lord Tang Yuehua?" The three Xiao Wu were surprised at the same time, and whispered in a low voice. At the same time, the three little hands pinched Xu Ran fiercely. Xu Ran is really going to provoke romantic debts. What good can a big beauty come to him in the middle of the night?

"Then let's hide first." The three Xiao Wu gave Xu Ran a fierce look, fearing that they would be discovered later. After patrolling around, the three of them all hid in the large closet in front. The closet is facing the bed, and you can see what Xu Ran will do later.

If Xu Ran dares to do bad things, they can also...

Uh, they don't seem to be able to do with Xu Ran. In addition to sulking himself...

Taking the initiative to hide the three women, Xu Ran shrugged and expressed his innocence, and then went to open the door for Tang Yuehua.

"Lord Tang Xuan, why are you here?" Xu Ran asked knowingly, as he was getting closer, looking at Tang Yuehua's posture, he was a little lost for a while. Tang Yuehua, who was originally beautiful, is now more temperamental and even more dusty.

Completely fight with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

"Is it still called the Master Xuan?" Tang Yuehua glanced at Xu Ran quietly, and was a little unhappy to see Xu Ran still calling her Master Xuan. Before Xu Ran put her on the ground and searched for her up and down. Did you forget this?

"Yuehua." Xu Ran smiled cheerfully.

The speed of this development is beyond his imagination. Does Tang Yuehua have a good impression of him now?

However, people like Tang Yuehua are indeed purer in their emotions, and since they have decided, they won't be twitchy.

"It's pretty much the same. What did you just do in the room? Sweat so much?" Tang Yuehua asked puzzledly. She just heard what seemed to be a move in the room, but didn't think much about it.

"I just, uh, infusion." Xu Ran said awkwardly, thinking that there were three people hiding in the closet in the room. Tang Yuehua is pure-minded, and her relationship with him has just made progress. If she finds out, she will definitely be cold.

One can accept it, and the three are afraid that her outlook on love will explode.

The three girls of Xiao Wu squeezed into the closet, hearing Xu Ran's shamelessness, and even talking about the infusion, they couldn't help but whisper and curse Xu Ran as shameless. But it's quite vivid.

"What kind of liquid did you lose?" Tang Yuehua asked unconsciously, wiping the sweat off Xu Ran's face with a handkerchief.

"Missing your night." Xu Ran blurted out.

"Huh?" Tang Yuehua opened her mouth. She didn't expect Xu Ran to say so, her face flushed, her heart was throbbing, and the endless sweetness flooded her heart, making her wish to rush into Xu Ran's arms and enjoy Xu Ran's pampering.

"Thank you for the potion you gave me today. I can already cultivate now, and my cultivation level seems to be very high." Tang Yuehua remembered the purpose of coming to Xu Ran and quickly changed the subject.

She didn't know how happy she was today for her breakthrough.

She couldn't practice since she was a child, and she was ridiculed by the strong and cloud-like Clear Sky School. After all, this is a world dominated by a soul master, even if it is only a weaker talent, no one will gossip, even a soul master is not, naturally many people will dislike her.

And this has always been her heart knot.

Now that she can practice, her heart knot is undone.

But what makes her even more happy is that she knows Xu Ran's character, and now she finally has someone she can trust and rely on.

"This is just the beginning. In the future, your cultivation base will get higher and higher. With me, your cultivation base will not fall."

"Yeah." Tang Yuehua nodded lightly, her heart sweet.

At the age of more than 30 years, she suddenly tasted the sweetness of love, and she cherished it even more.

"Xu Ran, this is the cake I prepared for you. You have been tired from the infusion for so long, let's eat some." Tang Yuehua shook the food cage in her hand.

"Uh, okay." Xu Ran glanced around the room, then opened the door and led Tang Yuehua in.

Turning on the light, Xu Ran looked at the messy ground, red, black and blue, with suspenders and stockings everywhere, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. Although Xiao Wu and the others hid, it seemed that it was hard to explain on this ground.

Looking at the things on the ground, Tang Yuehua was stunned, Yu Chi Feixia, her heart was even more throbbing. She had seen some things, but she had never heard of many things on the ground.

But according to the shape, the purpose can also be roughly guessed.

"Xu Ran, you..." Tang Yuehua blushed, sniffing the smell in the room. She realized that it was so late now, shouldn't she come to Xu Ran in the middle of the night?

If you are seen by outsiders, I'm afraid they will spread their gossip. Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, still late at night, if it is spread out, it must not sound very good.

The most important thing is, what did Xu Ran just do in the room?

There are so many girl things on the ground, isn't it?

Tang Yuehua searched the room suspiciously, but didn't see anyone.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing were also shocked. They just forgot to clean up. Originally, they were going to take a peek at Xu Ran and Tang Yuehua's good show~www.mtlnovel.com~ but if they were discovered, it would be bad.

"Xu Ran, eat, I'll help you clean up." Tang Yuehua handed the food cage to Xu Ran, and then began to pick up the clothes on the floor and fold them neatly.

Xiao Wu and the others love to be clean. When they came to see Xu Ran, they all wore new clothes. Although they wore them, they were still clean, just like the new ones. It's just a little torn.

Seeing Tang Yuehua's enthusiasm, Xu Ran couldn't say anything. He wanted to cry without tears while eating the dim sum made by Tang Yuehua. Originally, he and Tang Yuehua had already had feelings, and they could almost go further.

But now, his image of a noble and perfect gentleman is discounted again.

Wild* inhospitable?

Even if you don't want to recognize it, you have to recognize it.

But seeing Tang Yuehua finishing all the clothes on the floor, Xu Ran realized a problem. After waiting, does Tang Yuehua want to open the closet, and then don't he see everything? How embarrassing is it with big eyes and small eyes?

Wouldn't it be bad if you were scared and had a psychological barrier.