
Chapter 235: The background of the Star Dou Great Forest

"My lord, I have a 200,000-year-old three-headed red demon dog right leg bone here." Chi Wang said, reaching out to explore the void, and a crimson soul bone appeared. The soul bone was red with thick redness. Fire element.

The soul beasts that the Scarlet King and the others presented to Xu Ran were all one hundred thousand years old, two hundred thousand year old soul bones.

Obviously these are the soul bones left by their people after failing to cross the Tribulation. One hundred thousand years, two hundred thousand years of these soul beast catastrophes, even if the soul beast has not survived, but the soul bone can stay...

"Under Xu Ranmian, here I have a pair of emerald swan wing bones, life attributes are also at the level of one hundred thousand years." Brigitte said, holding a pair of emerald green wings in her hands. The emerald swan has light attributes and life attributes, and is biased towards healing. Obviously, this soul bone does not use Xu Ran.

However, the one hundred thousand year soul bone still had a soul bone attached, and it was also a treasure.

"Take care of it." Xu Ran chuckled and reached out to grab the soul bone in Brigitte's hand. She squeezed her palm in Brigitte's small hand, causing Brigitte's pretty face to blush.

Brigitte was wearing a turquoise long dress, she was generous, and she felt Xu Ran's use of the wing bones to cover up her molesting, her heart beating lightly. For countless years, no one has dared to do this to her.

But for Rui Beast, it's...

"Rui Beast is too eccentric." All the fierce beasts were broken in their hearts.

Seeing that Brigitte took out a precious but obviously unsuitable for Xu Ran's use of soul bone, Xu Ran's favor, and the extremely practical treasure they gave only received the "good" rating, I couldn't help but sigh Rui. The eccentricity of the beast.

This world, after all, still looks at Yan's world!

However, women are all foxes, which will only affect the future of Rui Beast!

"You have been treating Tianmeng these days," Xu Ran said, taking a look at Tianmeng Bingcan. The reason why the Tianmeng ice silkworm can be eaten by Ditian and the others has been long, and it must be related to Brigitte.

Otherwise, Tianmeng Bingcan must not be able to gnaw meat every day to the fierce beasts.

Xu Ran also noticed that when Tianmeng Bingcan looked at Ditian and the others, his eyes were full of hatred, but there was a touch of gratitude when he looked at Brigitte.

"Go back to the Lord, it's true." Brigitte nodded lightly, leaning slightly, the courtesy was in place.

"Thanks for your hard work. I'm afraid you will be busy for a while these days." Xu Ran said.

"It's my honor to do things for adults, it's not hard at all." Brigitte shook her head and said directly. Xu Ran is Rui Beast, the emperor of Soul Beast, she should do things for Rui Beast.

"Hmm..." Xu Ran nodded and put the soul bone into the storage soul guide, and Di Tian stood up at this moment.

Emperor Tian is known as the "Beast God".

Of course this is just a title, but it also represents his supreme status in the Star Dou Great Forest.

As a strong dragon clan, with a cultivation base of more than 800,000 years, he can be regarded as Gu Yuena's first confidant, and also the most loyal dragon god, loyal to Gu Yuena's existence.

Therefore, what Xu Ran is looking forward to is the treasure in Ditian's hands.

He didn't believe that Di Tian would have nothing good in his hands after sitting in the Star Dou Great Forest for so many years. Coordinating the entire Star Dou Forest, his stuff will not only come from his own people, but all races in the Star Dou Forest...

"My lord. I saw that the soul beast clan is getting weaker, and now our soul beast clan has no way to become gods. Therefore, I am worried that in the future we need to send a hundred thousand years of soul beasts to rebuild and use human bodies to become gods to break the current soul beasts. deadlock."

"So for a long time, I have been collecting the powerful soul bones of various soul beasts. So that if the soul beast family really has such a day, our soul beast genius can have the top configuration and lead the human genius."

"Here is the soul bone I collected." Di Tian said, handing a storage soul guidance period to Xu Ran's hand.

As Gu Yuena's direct subordinate, he is very clear about the current decline of the soul beast clan, and it is precisely because of this that he sees farther.

If the soul beasts want to become stronger, they need to rely on Gu Yuena to become a dragon god.

The other half of the Dragon God was suppressed in the God Realm, as long as that half was swallowed to become a god.

Therefore, he had been collecting spirit bones before. It is ready to send a group of powerful 100,000-year soul beasts to rebuild into gods and go to the **** realm to receive the power of the Golden Dragon King in response to Gu Yuena, so that the dragon **** will reappear.

Now Xu Ran appeared.

Xu Ran is an auspicious beast, a wizard that Gu Yuena valued, and the best candidate to become a god.

If Xu Ran couldn't do that step and regain the divine power of the suppressed Golden Dragon King, it would be even more impossible for others.

So, he thought for a while, he gave all the spirit bones he had collected to Xu Ran.

This is all the heritage of the Star Dou Great Forest!

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

He believed that the people Gu Yuena valued would definitely not be simple.

And he also believed in Xu Ran's talents, as long as Xu Ran became a **** in the future, his strength would only be weaker than that of Dragon God. A beast has never been a god, and no one knows how strong Xu Ran will be in the future.

"So much?" Xu Ran explored the scene in this storage soul guide with mental power. The space of this storage soul guide is terrible. Approximately one thousand cubic meters.

The number of soul bones in it was so large that Xu Ran's expression changed.

Looking around, various spirit bones piled up into a small bag.

And these were all ordinary spirit bones, and the slightly important ones were all packed in special boxes and placed on a wooden frame.

This soul bone reserve actually has thousands of pieces! ! !

This is the true foundation of the Star Dou Great Forest!

Except for a few soul bones that fell on thousand-year-old soul beasts, most of them were dropped from soul beasts over ten thousand years old. The proportion of spirit beasts over ten thousand years of natural death and internal fighting death of spirit beasts is far higher than the number hunted by human spirit masters.

Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the spirit bones of Douluo Continent remain in the Star Dou Great Forest.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, there are many masses of soul beast races, and each race group has powerful seniors, and they will basically have soul bones after death. Together, these spirit bones have definitely reached a terrifying number.

The spirit bones that Di Tian gave him were obviously selected carefully.

"This is the heritage of the tens of thousands of people in the Star Dou Great Forest." Di Tian said proudly. This is still the soul bone he scoured in the name-named race in the Star Dou Great Forest. He didn't look good at the spirit bones of other small races, and he didn't look for it, otherwise the number would be much larger than this.

"As long as Rui Beast can become stronger and help my soul beast clan re-emerge, instead of the current situation in a corner, let alone these ordinary soul bones, even the bones of our body, why not?" Di Tian muttered Said.

His belief is only one ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and their soul beasts shouldn't live in a small forest so aggrieved.

"Okay, I will help you do it." Seeing the gleaming light in Ditian's eyes, Xu Ran suddenly moved in his heart. Even if Xu Ran had the blood of a unicorn, his mentality was different from that of the fierce beasts like Di Tian.

Ditian and the others lived for a long time and had experienced the most prosperous period of the soul beast clan. Later, they watched the soul beast clan fall apart, and their feelings were naturally different.

It's just that the ruin of the soul beast family is ultimately due to the defeat of the Dragon God to the five supreme gods. Although Ditian and the others are strong, they are helpless.

Now that Xu Ran accepts such a body, he will fulfill this obligation to help the spirit beast clan become stronger.

He is a human being as well as a soul beast.

In the future, he will be a human god, and he will also be a beast god.

He wants to coordinate all this, control the two races, so that the human race and the orc race can develop in a balanced manner.