
Chapter 210: Rui Beast's thoughts

"Oh." Three-eyed Jin Yao blinked her big beautiful eyes, as if she had suddenly become awkward, who had no idea about it.

Suddenly, she felt that the beast in front of her should belong to her.

Without even thinking about it, the three-eyed Jin Ya ran quickly towards Xu Ran, and then looked at Zi Ji with a vigilant expression.

This sudden scene made Zi Ji and Xu Ran a little dazed.

Especially for Xu Ran, Wang Qiu'er with three-eyed golden eyes is pretty good. But it seems that Nizi is always a little protective of food! Moreover, it seems that there is no relationship between them now.

What if she keeps being a light bulb like this? Then how did he make love to Xiao Wu in the Star Dou Great Forest? And how do you run Zi Ji and Brigitte?

"Since there are two Rui Beasts now. Don't directly call me Rui Beasts from now on. Otherwise, I can't distinguish between them. My name is Xu Ran, and you can call me Xu Ran from now on." Xu Ran thought for a while, and then Said.

Then he glanced at Jin Lu three times. Most importantly, he wanted to give Sanyan Jinya a name.

At this time, three-eyed Jinyao is not yet called Wang Qiu'er.

"Yes, Master Xu Ran." Di Tian and the other fierce beasts respectfully responded.

"Huh? Your name is Xu Ran, what about me?" A pleasant voice came from three-eyed Jinyao's mouth, because Xu Ran is now a little short in human form, so she put her claws away and stomped on the ground. The golden head turned to Xu Ran and looked at him curiously.

Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered a new world.

Yeah, she doesn't have a name yet.

Since she was born, people around her respectfully call her a beast. She has always used this title as her own name. Anyway, there is only one beast in every era.

Now that there is a second Rui Beast, she naturally needs to have another title.

"Zhao Tiezhu?" Xu Ran said subconsciously, looking at Jin Yu three times.

After speaking, the air suddenly became cold.

Everyone stared at Xu Ran blankly, their eyes widened. Even if they don't have any artistic cells, they can hear that the name seems too simple and simple...

It seems that there is only another Rui beast who dared to make fun of Rui Beast so directly.

"Zhao Tiezhu?" The aura on Sanyan Jinya's body immediately turned cold. She had lived for five thousand years, how could she not know anything about this knowledge. Obviously, Xu Ran was teasing her!

"Why? Don't like it? Then call Wang Qiu'er, how about it?" Xu Ran said with a gentle smile. He deliberately used a frustrating name to contrast with the name Xu Ran wanted her to accept, and asked her to accept the name "Wang Qiuer".

Originally Xu Ran planned to give Sanyan Jinya another name. But after thinking about it, the name still has more charm.

Moreover, Wang Qiu'er in the original work is too miserable, and he still wants Rui Beast to live well under this name to make up for the regrets in the original work.

In the original book, Rui Beast was calculated by Tang San and became part of Tang Wutong's daughter Tang Wutong. Even if she died for Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao would just be perfunctory. But Tang Wutong just left, and he started thinking about Dongquan, thinking of Dongjian, all kinds of thoughts. Qiu'er was gone, and he didn't even think about it. This operation was disgusting.

Fortunately, with him, all future plots will be reversed.

"Wang Qiu'er?" Three-eyed Jin Yao blinked, listening to the name, she seemed to be a little moved in her heart, and she quickly fell in love with the name.

"Then I will be called Wang Qiu'er from now on." Three-eyed Jinya nodded, and compared with the name Xu Ran had given her before, Wang Qiu'er still sounded comfortable. If you continue to let Xu Ran choose a name, I don't know if there will be any weird names, so...

She doesn't even know it, subconsciously, she has taken Xu Ran's opinion extremely important.

Named such a major event, but also thought of following Xu Ran's meaning.

After all, Xu Ran is the only male Swiss beast in the world, and as the only female Swiss beast in the world, she will naturally be attached to Xu Ran.

There is no way, there is only Xu Ran left in the world, what else can she do? I have no choice.


Seeing Rui Beast King Qiu'er pestering Xu Ran so much, Zi Ji knew that she had a few kilograms, and she would never be tit-for-tat against Rui Beast. Immediately pulled Xiao Wu to introduce to the other fierce beasts.

After seeing that the newly-arrived Rui Beast did not reject Zi Ji, it seemed that it was not that kind of indifferent type, the fierce beasts were amazed and quickly accepted this fact.

To Xiao Wu, the beast's established girlfriend, the beasts naturally did not dare to neglect.

At present, only Xiao Wu and Rui Beast seem to have had a physical relationship. How can they dare to despise Xiao Wu? Maybe sometime, Xiao Wu gave birth to a little Rui beast.

At that time, her status will soar.

"It turned out to be the Softbone Rabbit's family." Di Tian nodded. He naturally knew well the fact that Pope Bibi Dong led seven or eight Title Douluos in a raid and killed a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soft bone rabbit more than ten years ago.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, every one hundred thousand year soul beast is an extremely rare existence. Even if it is a gathering place for large soul beasts like the Star Dou Great Forest, there are not many soul beasts in 100,000 years.

Therefore, generally speaking, spirit beasts with a cultivation base of one hundred thousand years will be protected by their fierce beasts.

However, nearly ten Title Douluo shot at the same time, killing a 100,000-year soul beast at an extremely fast speed, and they had nothing to do. Even if they want assistance, it takes time.

And they don't want a large-scale conflict with humans.

Even in the Douluo Continent, the number of strong soul beasts is no less than the number of strong humans, they dare not.

Human soul masters have the backing of the gods, and there is no soul beast gods on them. No matter how they fight, there will be no results.

Annoyed that group of human gods, the situation of their soul beasts will be even more dangerous.

Therefore, such fierce beasts as Di Tian were extremely aggrieved.

They are not silly, they naturally understand the truth of the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. But sometimes, in the face of the increasing strength of human beings, they can do nothing. They can only protect the Silver Dragon King and wait for the return of the Dragon God.

"It's a pity, when we rushed over, the tragedy had already happened. But this kind of thing won't happen again in the future. The Titan Great Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python will be cultivated by our focus in the future, and nothing will happen. Accident." Brigitte comforted.

"It's okay~www.mtlnovel.com~ Everything is over. Xiao Wu accepted the kindness of the seniors." Xiao Wu said, taking back her low mood. This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say more.

"Okay, don't be sad." Xu Ran walked over at this time, put Xiao Wu in his arms, and said soothingly.

It took a long time to see Xiao Wu's mood stabilized before letting her go.

"Qiu'er, take good care of Xiao Wu, I still have something to do." Xu Ran said directly after seeing Di Tian's prompt eyes.

"Hmm. I see." Wang Qiu'er pouted and looked at the pretty girl in front of him seriously. She knew that this girl was the girlfriend Xu Ran knew when she was in the human world.

Looking at Xiao Wu, she suddenly had the idea of ​​transforming.

She is a beast and can control how she looks when she transforms into form.

She can transform into what she wants to transform into.

If she was transformed, she could make her figure very protruding, with long legs and long hair, she would definitely be more beautiful than Xiao Wu.