
Chapter 198: Zi Ji's mind is born with birth?

Xu Ran and Xiao Wu came to Soto City and looked for a luxurious carriage nearby.

Soto City was not too close to the Star Dou Great Forest, so Xu Ran naturally wouldn't want to walk over. If you are strong, you must pay attention to improving the quality of life.

With Xiao Wu and Zi Ji on the same horse, shaking and shaking, the carriage bumps, he can naturally eat a wave of tofu... For these, he is extremely proficient.

"Xiao Wu, wait for me here, I'll call Zi Ji over." Xu Ran looked at Xiao Wu, who was wearing a pink dress in front of him, and could not help but kissed her on the forehead , Said softly.

"Yeah." Xiao Wu looked at Xu Ran with beautiful eyes and nodded obediently.

Last time, Xu Ran told her about Zi Ji.

Zi Ji is the Hell Demon Dragon King, the patriarch of the Hell Demon Dragon clan, and has a place in the entire soul beast world. No matter where she has not been rebuilt, she still maintains a one-hundred-thousand-year soul beast cultivation base, and she is far less than Zi Ji.

Although a hundred thousand year soul beast is extremely powerful in the human world, it is not even a fierce beast in the soul beast world. Only the patriarch of an incomparably powerful orc race, or a soul beast over 200,000 years old, is worthy of the term fierce beast.

In the Star Dou Forest, she and Ming Erming had only lived in the Star Dou Forest before.

In fact, that place is far from the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest. The core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest is the lake of life.

The lake of life has a strong breath of life, and it nourishes the plants and animals of the entire Star Dou Great Forest. That place is extremely strong in heaven and earth, and if ordinary people go to practice, their cultivation speed can be at least doubled.

And that place, not everyone can enter, and only the real beast of Star Dou Da Senli can have a place there.

The fierce beasts living in the Star Dou Great Forest are all super soul beasts over 200,000 years old. Di Tian, ​​Brigitte, Ten Thousand Demon King, Xiong Jun, Chi King, Zi Ji...

If it hadn't been for Xu Ran to be an auspicious beast, I am afraid that in this life she and this group of beasts would not have too deep an intersection.

Originally, she was definitely a despised existence in the eyes of the beast. But now under the influence of Xu Ran, she has some status again.


Rose Hotel.

Since Dai Mubai was driven away, the best room in the Rose Hotel has been directly occupied by Xu Ran.

But Xu Ran didn't grab the key to that room from Dai Mubai. Xu Ran is not so boring to pay attention to a couple's room.

The key was given to him by Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun had been walking around with Dai Mubai in the past, and it was not uncommon for him to have the key to the Rose Hotel room.

Last time, he also matched the key to the room at the Rose Hotel and delivered it to Zi Ji.

When Xu Ran opened the door of the room, a beautiful purple figure was lying on the bed like this, and Xu Ran's eyes were caught.

Brigitte is wearing a purple-black cheongsam with a water snake-like waist and plump hips like peaches underneath. At this moment, Zi Ji is lying with her back to the door, hooked up and lying there, her body curve is perfectly outlined. Very coquettish.

For the fierce beast, most of his life will be spent in deep sleep.

Zi Ji came to the human world and had nothing to do. Due to the limitations of the human body, her cultivation became a lot more troublesome, so she naturally spent most of her time sleeping.

As for the weird things in the human world, she has no interest at all as the Hell Dragon King. The hobbies of humans and soul beasts are naturally different.

"Master Rui Beast. Are you here?" Feeling the movement from the room, Zi Ji quickly got up and bowed to Xu Ran.

However, as soon as he arched his body, the cheongsam, which was already very close to the body, became even more tight.

Especially the cheongsam that wrapped Ziji's buttocks was pulled extremely tight, making people a little worried about whether the cheongsam would suddenly be cracked. At the same time, because of the other side of human nature, there is some hope that the skirt will split, so as to expose the scenery inside...

What a Zi Ji, who has grasped the man's mind to death, if someone else is already lustful at this time, he is willing to be Zi Ji's skirt minister.

As Hell Demon Dragon King Ziji, her attributes are biased towards darkness, her cultivation base is high and strong, and she has a coquettish and evil appearance in her own right. If ordinary people really can't stand it.

Even the group of auspicious beasts like Di Tian might not be able to handle it.

But not everyone can enjoy Zi Ji's gentleness. With Zi Ji's pride, it is absolutely impossible to flatter a fierce beast of the same level as her.

Only Xu Ran, the Rui beast that had been drying her for a week, would let Zi Ji show this look.

It doesn't mean that Zi Ji hasn't come to Xu Ran these days doesn't mean she is not impatient. Her mission in the human world this time is to bring Rui Beast to that existence. With her pride, how can she tolerate the failure of her mission?

In these days at the Rose Hotel, she often went to inquire about Rui Beast. As she learned more and more about Rui Beast, she finally came to a conclusion that made her unbelievable.

Rui Beast was not as cold as the previous Rui Beasts. Not only that, but it seems to be extremely interested in that aspect.

This made her couldn't help being overjoyed. Rui Beast's willingness to reproduce offspring was a great thing for the soul beast race.

The Lucky Beast was born in response to the luck of the heavens and the earth, and because of this, the lifespan of the Lucky Beast is extremely uncertain. A beast dies, and it is very difficult to give birth to another one. If Rui Beast is willing to take the initiative to take that step and change from being born to viviparous or oviparous, the soul beast race will not have to worry that Rui Beast will leave them one day.

At the same time, she also wanted to be seduced.

In this way, he hooked Xu Ran to the Star Dou Great Forest.

Anyway, Rui Beast and Di Tian these fierce beasts are different. The auspicious beast has auspicious aura. It is born from heaven and earth, and is the darling of heaven. And these fierce beasts are on the contrary ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ every 100,000 years, they also face the tribulation that determines life and death.

If she really became the woman of the Lucky Beast, not only could she breed for the Lucky Beast, but also do such great things for the Soul Beast race. At the same time, she can also get some auspicious power from Rui Beast.

Don't underestimate the auspicious air. Without auspiciousness, she would survive the next catastrophe by only five to five. But she and Rui Beast were contaminated with cause and effect, and it could almost be said to be 100% able to survive the next catastrophe.

Luck is a very scary thing. When you are unlucky, drinking water is congested, and when you are lucky, you can still pick up money when you walk on the road.

It is precisely because of the horrible ability of the Rui Beast that the world soul beast is willing to call it the soul beast emperor.

Even if the Dragon God is alive, I am afraid that he can only use his strength to surrender the soul beast clan. It was completely different from Rui Beast's ability to convince soul beasts with his abilities.