
Chapter 171: Isn't Zi Ji able to catch it casually?

Hell Demon Dragon King Ziji, the patriarch of the Hell Demon Dragon clan, with a cultivation base of 270,000 years, ranked ninth among the top ten beasts.

The top ten fierce beasts refer to the ten strongest terrestrial fierce beasts.

Although Douyi didn't have the concept of the top ten fierce beasts. But now the top ten fierce beasts are still these ten. And Zi Ji's strength, when calculated on the human side, was roughly equivalent to the level of Sword Douluo.

In addition to her strength, Zi Ji's beauty is also a must.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, apart from Gu Yuena who was rejuvenated in the Lake of Life, Brigitte and Zi Ji are the most beautiful women, and they are called the double jokes of the Star Dou Great Forest.

He had predicted that Star Dou Great Forest would send someone to find him, and Miss System had reminded him before. So he was not surprised, let alone worrying about anything.

With the appeal and influence of Rui Beast in the spirit beast realm, no matter how powerful the spirit beast is, it will not attack him.

Ordinary soul beasts will be cursed and judged by fate if they attack Rui beasts. That kind of shackles in the dark, even the most powerful soul beast would feel terrified.

The more powerful the soul beast, the more it believed in Qi Luck.

In Dou Er, Rui Beast King Qiu'er wanted to hunt down a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. But the one hundred thousand year soul beast could only run away frantically, and didn't dare to do anything to Wang Qiu'er.

So Xu Ran didn't worry about Zi Ji's attack on him, and was a little excited about Zi Ji's arrival. If he had a powerful thug by his side, it would be easy to do things in the future.

At least, with Zi Ji's cultivation base, he can walk sideways in the Star Luo Empire without worrying too much about his safety.

In the future, even if he goes back to do something pleasurable with Zhuyun, even if he is hit by Davis, there is nothing to worry about. With Zi Ji's strength, she was able to suppress everything in the Star Luo Empire where there was a rare title Douluo.

Of course, this only refers to the single combat power. If facing the siege of so many elite troops from the royal family, Zi Ji would be nothing. But in any case, he can be considered as a guarantee in the future.

"Brother host is shameless, and Zi Ji is a super fierce beast for more than 200,000 years. It is not to help you let you go to steal the fishy." Feeling Xu Ran's thoughts, Miss System can't stand it anymore, Jiao Said the voice.

When is the host brother so shameless?

If the host's brother is really hit by Davis while meeting Zhu Zhuqing at night, Davis will definitely be **** off.

To know that Davis was still laughing at Dai Mubai's fiancee being robbed a few days ago, if he knew he was worse than Dai Mubai, don't know how it feels?

After all, Dai Mubai was dismissed from the marriage contract first, and then Zhu Zhuqing and Xu Ran were together.

And Xu Ran and Zhu Zhuyun...They still pretended to discuss important matters in front of him, and they went into the small black room to discuss in detail. If Davis knew about these, he would vomit blood directly.

"Who said that Zhu Yun and I were stealing fishy? We obviously meet normally between men and women in love." Xu Ran said. In other words, the nature is completely different. He can't allow Miss System to tag him at will. Is he Xu Ran that kind of person?

He treats Brother Weis like his elder brother. As his staff, or his capable man, how can he be too sorry for him behind his back?

"Hmph. The host's brother is necrotic." The system lady pouted and said proudly. She can see clearly that the host's brother is a woman who likes to grab others. And I also like to be just behind a thin wall, secretly...

"Men are not bad, women don't love. What can I do? I also want to be an honest person. But you don't like honest people." Xu Ran shrugged.


In the teahouse, Xu Ran asked for a private room.

"In Xia Ziji, meet Rui Beast." As soon as Xu Ran entered the room, there was a coquettish voice in his ear. The voice was soft and charming, very strange.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful purple-black figure appeared in front of Xu Ran. The woman has long purple-black hair, looks extremely beautiful, and her body exudes a trace of evil charm, which makes people can't help but look at her.

Zi Ji is the dream lover of all the fierce beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. With that monster face and rugged figure, two steps lightly can arouse the desire of the fierce beast.

However, as the Demon Dragon King of Hell, Zi Ji's fierce name is better than her fame. The ninth place in the list of fierce beasts in the whole continent is enough to see her terrible. Such fierce beasts, Xiong Jun, Chi King and other spirit beasts dare not provoke casually, although their strength is higher than Zi Ji, but once Zi Ji goes crazy, they are also afraid.

But such a woman, demon and charming, can even arouse Xu Ran's desire to conquer.

I'm tired of eating sweet, and occasionally change the taste, a bit of spicy seems to be very good.

As a Swiss beast, Zi Ji shouldn't be hot to him no matter how hot he is.

Moreover, Zi Ji was able to find her, it is estimated that Gu Yuena's will has been received, except for Gu Yuena, no one in Douluo Continent has this strength to lock his position.

"Rui Beast?" When Xu Ran stared at Zi Ji, Zi Ji also secretly looked at Xu Ran.

The fast-rising spirit power running speed in her body made her understand that the person in front of her was the beast she was looking for. But why does Rui Beast pretend so well?

After getting close to Rui Beast, her growth rate as a soul beast will increase, and it is through this that she is sure that she is in front of Rui Beast,

But relying on his other perceptions, he can no longer see his strangeness. If it weren't for the characteristics of Rui Beast, even she would think that the Rui Beast in front of her would be a human.

Now she finally understood why Ditian had to remind her to take care of Rui Beast. Not only because of Rui Beast's own status, the strength of this Rui Beast in front of him is not low.

Their Star Dou Great Forest also has three-eyed golden beasts. But she was only born for more than a thousand years. The Swiss beast in front of them is definitely stronger than their star-to-be.

The stronger the cultivation base of Rui Beast, the stronger the power of Qi Luck. Although the growth rate of the soul beast will not change. But in other effects, the effect will become stronger.

For example, Soul Beast Heaven Tribulation.

"You are Zi Ji in the Star Dou Great Forest. The patriarch of the Hell Dragon King clan." Xu Ran sketched a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at Zi Ji's plump and beautiful figure.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that Zi Ji is full of charm.

The nobility and domineering that Zi Ji has cultivated for a long time at a high position are blended with that evil and seductive temperament, which is unique.

The powerful soul beast of the Star Dou Great Forest, Gu Yuena is the most difficult to attack. But a fierce beast like Zi Ji, as long as he wants it, can't it be obtained by a hook?