
Chapter 140: Xu Ran, tutor of Tianshui University

When Xu Ran and Shui Miao were talking about this in the room, the seven girls outside the door had already gathered together, their voices were very soft but they were chatting.

"Sister, how is Xu Ranmian? Is his temper okay? Did he find anything strange after he woke up?" Shui Yue'er had the most questions, pulling Shui Bing'er's sleeves and asked anxiously.

The other five girls, including Xue Wu, were a little nervous. After all, they were going to visit those strong men, and it would be fake if they said they weren't nervous. Such a strong man can slap them to death with a wave of his hand. How can they not be nervous?

Although these days, when Xu Ranmian was in a coma, they often came to visit him, and the fear in their hearts dissipated a lot. But that was Xu Ran who was facing a coma. Now that Xu Ran is sober, they are naturally worried again.

"Don't worry. Xu Ranmian is very good." Shui Bing'er said, dispelling their worries.

"However, Yue'er, you won't cause any trouble. What are you doing so nervously? It's not like you." Shui Bing'er looked at Shui Yue'er suspiciously, and asked with some worry.

She was a little worried. The girl Yue'er had always been fat, and she might have been in a coma while Xu Ranmian had done something. If that were the case, it would be troublesome. Xu Ranmian had a good temper, but how could it be troublesome to cultivate to that level?

The other women also looked straight at Shui Yue'er, this girl is very abnormal these days. But they also don't know what happened.

Only Xue Wu, a strange light flashed in her eyes. Last time she saw Shui Yue'er walk out of the room under Xu Ranmian in a panic with her own eyes. At that time, Shui Yue'er had a flush of flush on her face, and her black pleated skirt looked a little messy.

"No, nothing happened. Don't think about it." Shui Yue'er quickly denied. But the unconcealed panic on the little face was still caught by them.

"Yue'er. I don't care what you think in your heart. But you must not provoke Xu Ranmian at will. Xu Ranmian is not worthy of people of our level." Shui Bing'er said on delicate cheeks There is a touch of complicated emotions.

The dragon does not live with the snake.

After all, their identities are too much worse than Xu Ranmian.

Xu Ranmian is a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the mainland. And what do they count?

They didn't know for a lifetime whether they could break through Title Douluo. Even some team members may not even be able to break through Contra.

Hearing Shui Bing'er's words, the faces of all the girls were a little disappointed.

After they saw Xu Ran's terrifying strength and handsome and easy-going appearance, how could they not have a slight throb in their hearts?

All the teachers and students of Tianshui College are women, and they rarely see men in the college. Suddenly seeing Xu Ran standing on the pinnacle of the world will naturally give rise to some special feelings.

"Sister, I know all about it. I'm not a kid anymore, and I know the truth." Shui Yue'er replied indifferently, and it could be seen that she didn't listen to Shui Bing'er's words at all.



The door opened and Xu Ran and Shui Miao walked out of the room.

"Xu Ran Mian."

"The Dean."

Seeing Xu Ran coming out, the seven daughters hurriedly greeted Xu Ran and Shui Miao respectfully.

Seven girls wore dresses of various styles, all of which looked very good. They bowed in front of Xu Ran and bowed, which made Xu Ran feel a little tickled.

Tianshui College is indeed a treasure place. Thousands of students are beautiful girls, and it is conceivable that Tianshui College's reputation in the mainland is also extremely strong.

Many years ago, there was a force that was greedy for thousands of beautiful girls in Tianshui Academy who wanted to take Tianshui Academy and turn these girls into his imprisonment, but in the end that force was slaughtered.

Tianshui College is all female students, and if they marry out, the hidden power will not be weak.

But for Xu Ran, he is not so greedy. Although he is bothered, he is not what passers-by will want.

He is the king of the harem, but not the king of stallions. Thousands of students are all beautiful girls, even if he wants it, he can't hold it back.

To reduce swelling and relieve itching, ten or eight is enough. Why do you need so much?

"Get up, don't have to be polite." Xu Ran said, helping Xue Wu, who is closest to him, to stand up.

At this time, Xue Wu was wearing a white shirt. The fullness of the shirt on her chest made the shirt very abrupt. She looked inward along the gap between the two buttons, and she could even see some...

Xue Wu's lower body is a black hip skirt, which highlights the round and straight buttocks curve. When saluting, the black dress became even tighter~www.mtlnovel.com~ It's a long and straight black Xuewu, it's really good-looking.

"Xu Ranmian, your body..." Xue Wu was lifted up by Xu Ran, her heart trembled slightly, and she had to find a topic.

"I ran into some troubles when I was cultivating, and I haven't fully recovered until now," Xu Ran said.

"In that case, Master Xu Ran, would you like to stay in the academy for a few more days to cultivate?" Shui Yueer said abruptly. She was a little worried that Xu Ran would leave directly after waking up.

If this is the case, she is not reconciled.

She is like that, for better or worse, she wants a result.

"Well. I have this intention. By the way, I can also take advantage of this time to guide you in your cultivation." Xu Ran said.

Now he is the gold medal teacher of Tianshui College, and it is logical to guide Shui Bing'er and the others in their cultivation.

In this way, it can be a good way to enhance the relationship.

The seven girls of Team Tianshui are all rare beautiful girls.

"Xu Ranmian wants to guide us to practice?" Shui Binger and other women were so excited when they heard Xu Ran's words, their cheeks flushed with emotion.

A supremely strong person teaches them to practice, which will give them countless benefits. The kind of strong people can benefit them a lot by taking out something casually.

At this moment, Shui Miao couldn't help getting excited. The seven members of the Tianshui team are the proud daughters of Tianshui Academy, and they are the best talents in Tianshui Academy. If they had Xu Ran's unparalleled teachings, their achievements in the future might exceed her imagination.

"Xu Ranmian, then Bing'er and the others will follow you in practice. From now on you will be their trainer, how about?"

"Yes. But the time I can teach them will not be too long. I will leave when my body recovers." Xu Ran said. If they stay in Tianshui Academy for too long, Zhuqing and the others will be worried.