
captive of the billionaire mafia

Title: Captive of the Billionaire Mafia Nikki Peter was a young, beautiful woman living a luxurious life in the bustling city of New York. She had everything she could ever want - designer clothes, expensive cars, and a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. But her perfect life was about to come crashing down. One fateful evening, as Nikki was leaving a charity gala, she was kidnapped by a notorious mafia boss named Alexander William. Nikki's father had owed Alex a substantial amount of money, and when he couldn't pay, Alex decided to take Nikki as payment instead.

nikkineongalaxy · Urban
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52 Chs

chapter 6

As Nikki emerged from the shower, the warm steam billowing around her, Alexander's gaze swept over her figure, his expression inscrutable. With a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips, he casually remarked, "You're looking quite nice, dear."

His words, while seemingly benign, carried an undertone that gave Nikki pause. There was a subtle arrogance in his tone, a sense of ownership that made her uneasy, even as she tried to brush off his comment with a polite smile.

"But remember," he continued, his voice taking on a more serious edge, "you're here for a purpose. Don't forget that."

Nikki's heart skipped a beat at his words, the playful banter of moments ago replaced by a chilling reminder of her precarious position in Alexander's world. It was a stark contrast to the warmth of the shower she had just left behind, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable in the dimly lit room.

As she dressed under his watchful gaze, Nikki couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her like a heavy cloak. She knew that Alexander held all the power in their arrangement, and that her compliance was not optional. It was a sobering realization, one that left her wondering just how deep she was entangled in the web he had woven around her.