
captive of the billionaire mafia

Title: Captive of the Billionaire Mafia Nikki Peter was a young, beautiful woman living a luxurious life in the bustling city of New York. She had everything she could ever want - designer clothes, expensive cars, and a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. But her perfect life was about to come crashing down. One fateful evening, as Nikki was leaving a charity gala, she was kidnapped by a notorious mafia boss named Alexander William. Nikki's father had owed Alex a substantial amount of money, and when he couldn't pay, Alex decided to take Nikki as payment instead.

nikkineongalaxy · Urban
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52 Chs

chapter 34

Chapter 34

As Alexander observed from afar, a seething rage simmered beneath the surface as he watched Leon and Nikki interact with an intimacy that cut him to the core. Every exchanged glance, every fleeting touch, served as a reminder of the connection they shared, a connection that Alexander could never hope to replicate.

His jaw clenched with frustration, Alexander struggled to contain the storm of emotions that raged within him. Jealousy burned like a white-hot flame in the pit of his stomach, fueling his anger and igniting a desire for vengeance that consumed him from within.

"Who does he think he is?" Alexander muttered under his breath, his voice barely above a whisper as he clenched his fists at his sides.

But as he continued to watch, a cold realization settled over him like a heavy shroud. It wasn't just jealousy that fueled his anger, it was something deeper, something far more insidious: fear.

Fear of losing control, of being replaced, of becoming nothing more than a distant memory in Nikki's heart. It was a fear that gnawed at him from within, driving him to desperate lengths to maintain his grip on the one thing he believed he couldn't live without.

Meanwhile, Nikki felt Alexander's eyes boring into her like a pair of daggers, sending a shiver of unease down her spine. She could sense the tension in the air, the palpable hostility that radiated from him like a dark cloud hanging over the party.

But even as she felt his gaze upon her, Nikki refused to cower in fear