
captive of the billionaire mafia

Title: Captive of the Billionaire Mafia Nikki Peter was a young, beautiful woman living a luxurious life in the bustling city of New York. She had everything she could ever want - designer clothes, expensive cars, and a penthouse apartment overlooking Central Park. But her perfect life was about to come crashing down. One fateful evening, as Nikki was leaving a charity gala, she was kidnapped by a notorious mafia boss named Alexander William. Nikki's father had owed Alex a substantial amount of money, and when he couldn't pay, Alex decided to take Nikki as payment instead.

nikkineongalaxy · Urban
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52 Chs

chapter 29

As the days stretched on and Nikki remained elusive, Alexander found himself consumed by a restless agitation that refused to be quelled. Night after night, he tossed and turned in his bed, his mind plagued by visions of Nikki slipping through his fingers, her laughter echoing tauntingly in the recesses of his mind.

With each passing hour, his frustration grew, gnawing at him like a relentless beast hungry for vengeance. He canceled meetings, turned away visitors, and barricaded himself within the confines of his mansion, unwilling to face the world until Nikki was found.

But even as he poured over maps and surveillance footage, dispatching his men to scour every inch of the city in search of her, Alexander couldn't shake the feeling of dread that clung to him like a suffocating shroud. It was a sensation he couldn't quite put into words, an ominous premonition that whispered of impending doom.

Meanwhile, Nikki found herself grappling with her own demons as she navigated the uncertain terrain of life on the run. With each passing day, the walls of Leon's home felt less like a sanctuary and more like a prison, the weight of Alexander's relentless pursuit bearing down on her with crushing force.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope flickered in the darkness. Despite the odds stacked against her, Nikki refused to succumb to despair. With each breath, each step forward, she drew strength from the knowledge that she was not alone, that there were allies willing to stand by her side in the face of adversity.

And as the days turned into weeks, she vowed to herself that she would not rest until she had reclaimed her freedom, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead. For Nikki knew that she was a survivor, and she would fight tooth and nail to ensure that her tormentor never held power over her again.