
Cold Advice (1)

Ming didn't know to deal with her own mother and so the tense air became very suffocating. Her grandfather saw how Ming was looking and he silently gulped to not give it away to his daughter. Family dynamics is a issue here. He thought. He knew that his daughter and granddaughter couldn't see eye to eye, but he couldn't understand why. They have the same personality. They are both cold towards each other, it's unreal! Ming's grandfather didn't know what to say as he didn't want to ruin them watching each other because it was the longest time they had stared at each other. This woman. Ming thought.

This girl. Her mother thought. She didn't know what to do with her daughter. She wanted her to inherit the business, but she knew that her daughter would act very aggressive towards her for even suggesting the option. "This refusal to marry has ruined our family name. I'm sure you know that, Ming." She spoke to Ming as if she was a employee and not her daughter.

"I understand, Mother." Ming was cold right back to her mother as she was cold to her first. She know that the refusal had damaged the family name greatly, but she had figured that the man would run away because he didn't want to be tied down by marriage to a stranger.

"Did you do something to make him refuse to marry you?" Her mother accused and Ming saw red for a quick moment. How dare she even suggest that I would ruin the name of my family! She thought with clinched fists and with restrained growls.

"Why the hell would I commit treason on my own family? Do you know what you've just accused me of doing?" Ming asked in a breathy tone. Her tone was filled with anger and it was obvious why she was angry. She was being accused of committing treason towards her own family, which can easily get her disowned. The ultimate sin was committing treason towards your own family and Ming was just accused of doing just that.

Her mother didn't falter. "I suggest that you get a well job that can get you popular that can mask this shame." Her cold nature was being shown to Ming and Ming now knew that she and her own mother was no different from each other in personality.

Ming didn't respond to her Mother's demand. Masking the shame? It wasn't even my fault that he refused to marry me! Ming thought, her breathing becoming ragged. She was becoming enraged and her grandfather knew that wasn't a good thing. He walked up closer to Ming and he placed his hand on her shoulder. His touch made her breath hitched and she turned to glare at him, but her glare softened when she realized that it was her grandfather and she calmed down slightly. Her grandfather was her calming force until she meets something that she can tolerate. "Fei, how could say those hurtful words?" The man demanded of his foolhardy daughter, but the woman just huffed at him. She didn't care about her father's opinion of how she should raise her daughter.

"I am trying my best to get our family name back up top, but this blow will do more just damage my reputation!" The woman shouted at her father, shocking the elderly man.

"Your reputation?" He sputtered out in shock and anger. "Do you even care about Ming's reputation?" He asked. Fei gazed at her daughter and she turned away from the young woman.

"Her reputation is her own to fix. I have raised her on how to fix her own reputation." Fei answered her father, not shocking Ming about how much she doesn't care about her own daughter's reputation. Her grandfather wasn't shocked either, but he was very enraged at his daughter, but he didn't say anything about her personality because he knew that Ming had the same personality that his daughter has. Both of them are stubborn, but Fei is cruel to her own child! He thought, horrified at his daughter's actions. He had known about Fei's hardness towards Ming, but to see it in action so very strongly is a huge punch to his gut because Ming just take it all in stride, even though she reacts later when she's alone.

Ooh, tough family dynamics, huh? I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Lilniaproductionscreators' thoughts