it's about a young boy who goes on a journey to find himself there is war, death, loyalty, betrayal also love and mystery its a sci-fi action adventure
"By the way, she said Toda, which means thank you in Hebrew." Said John.
*sigh* "you just couldn't hold it in, you just had to ruin this wonderful moment huh? Did you think, she would say something like 'have a nice day' or 'bless you' or even '**** ' " Grisko was annoyed at John.
John ignored Grisko's remarks and said
"Oh that reminds me, what did that child say to you?"
"Hm? Hey you just ignored me here. Oi, John stop pretending!"
"*sigh* Grisko just tell me for God's sake, don't mind the small things, they don't matter." Said John.
"They pretty much much matter to me though! Smartass!" Grisko scoffed.
"So?" Asked John. He let Grisko sit and recoup from his injuries, he bandaged small and bigger cuts with tattered clothes, that he cleaned beforehand.
Never underestimate a policemens ability to improvise in emergency situations.
Grisko let John treat his injuries as he was sitting on a Boulder, better said what was left of it.
"Hm, well nothing really, except he thanked me, that he knew where my little friends went, that im a good person and received a blessing. " Grisko said nonchalantly.
"Oh is that so?" John nodded and treated Griskos injuries with such efficiency, that it was nearly habitual.
"Say John, why was a dead childs soul here... in this isolated place, how long do you think-" before he could speak further, John cut him off.
"Dont, dont think about why, don't ask yourself these questions, they don't lead to good answers, at the end of that all, is just more suffering and more questions unanswered, because the person who could give us an answer, isn't with us..not anymore. I know, because I speak from experience. We should just be glad, that the knight is relieved from his suffering.
To not realize, that both are long dead, one waiting, one fulfilling her oath... who knows, if it weren't for us, maybe they would still be in an perpetual cycle of suffering and Grisko, don't overthink too much, just be happy with what we already did and we did truly good" John patted Griskos shoulder, he looked him deep in the eyes.
Grisko held Johns hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you john.." Grisko whispered. John smiled.
"Me treating you, like good old days, I remember beating the crap out of you everytime you came near my sister, to be fair you weren't the only one, but the only one that came back again and again. Hahahaha oh these were indeed good times, im glad it was you in the end"
Griskos mouth was twitching.
"And again, you just had to destroy the moment *sigh*. Come on john lets go."
They slowly made their way to a Mausoleum
"John look, I think we've found them, their tracks ends here, more like they should be in here." Said Grisko as he looked at the small Footprints.
"Yeah, you probably right, but how did they get in there?" John was thinking and inspecting the place, until something caught his eye.
John murmured, catching Griskos attention.
"John, any ideas?"
"Hmm, look Grisko" john pointing at the plaque.
"Can you read it?" Asked Grisko with a high brow.
"Grisko, who do think i am? Do you know that I still got her thousands and thousands of books laying around. If Marry knew nearly everything there is to know about the ancient time, then I know a lot, but still less then her." John was pretty confident.
"So you read books now huh" Grisko was surprised.
"Are you kidding me, this is what you get out from it? When we adventured all over, it wasn't really necessary for me to step in, If i weren't, well now, was a policemen, I would probably work something along the line of an appraiser? Or an archeologist, yeah something like that."
"Oh, I'm really impressed Mr. Smartass, now please your lordship betterknowingall, if you would care to explain what it says there" Grisko mocked John with a knicks.
*sigh* " speechless" John was indeed speechless.
"These are runes, very old, but very good in form, its fortunate, that they didn't wither with time.
Let me see, the first part says,
Týr er einhendr áss...
Which means something like Tyr is a one-handed god, then it says,
ok ulfs leifar...
It translates to, leavings of the wolf, basically his caretaker. This line must be the last one.
ok hofa hilmir...
This one, it means prince of temples."
After John said the last line, a new line appeared
"John! Look a new line just appeared after what you said, keep going!"
"ef þú vilt sigr hafa, ok nefna tysvar Tý
It basically means if you want to win, call twice the name tyr"
The script changed again, there was a T, slightly curved.
"Oh, so it changed again, damn how did they even know to read these runes, even more hard to believe how they got in." John was stumped.
Grisko pointed at his eye.
"He got my lost artifact, my lost item, the eye of truth, if he has it implanted, what I not hope, he could easily decipher that..."
Grisko sounded worried.
"True, I forgot your moronic ass got robbed.*sigh* " John looked mockingly disappointed at Grisko.
"Lets forget about that first, any idea, who lies here?"
"Hmm, the script on the plaque, its a poem, a poem about Tyr, a god of war, but not only a god of war, he was a judge too, he was a son of odin, the caretaker of fenrir and he was responsible for agriculture, this god had three divine power. You see this rune T?"
"Yeah what about it." Said Grisko.
"You see what does it look like to you?"
"Well, if you ask me it looks like a Sword without a handle.." said Grisko while rubbing his chin.
"Right, thanks to him, we have the lettter t and Tuesday"
"So how does this help?" Asked Grisko.
"Look Grisko here" he pointed on the floor, it was a print like mold, it looked like a scale.
"A scale..." Grisko was astonished.
"It symbolizes equality and therefore justice, while the sword is on the plaque, there is something missing-"
Grisko interrupted him.
"A shield..." Grisko murmured.
"Bingo, a shield, its counterpart!" John looked at Grisko like a proud father would look at his childs first steps.
"So, what are you waiting for, look around!" Grisko grew more impatient, as hew knew the children were in the Mausoleum.
They looked around and found a small buckle shield, they held it in front of the plaque. It lit up. It vanished, from Grisko's hands. Grisko looked perplexed as to why the door didn't open. The plaque still glowed up.
"Did we forget something?" Asked Grisko.
"Hmm, remember that, if we want to win, we should call upon tyr twice, twice, a shield and a Sword, a scale for balance, the second day of the week, which means..."
"Tyr , tyr!" Grisko called out.
The door opened and what they saw, surprised them!
"Look Raven! What is this place! " Elisa looked around stunned. There was a giant coffin in the middle, surrounded by flowers. They were Vikings Poms, small yellow daisies. They look like tiny sunflowers, warm and bright!
"This place doesn't look like a grave at all, nothing at all!" Said Raven in Awe.
"To think, they never wilted even once, how is that even possible?" Asked Elisa.
"Don't you think in this place everything is possible" Raven remarked.
Elisa tilted her head, lifted one of her brow up high, her point finger was on her chin, while her right arm was supported by her left arm.
"Hmmmn, I guess thats true!"
Raven slowly walked around, exploring the place.
Elisa went to a flower and bent down and smelled it. She took a deep breath out and breathed in. Her face lit up.
"Wow they smell gorgeous!"
Raven turned his neck to see her light up, he smiled.
'Even in an unknown place, after all what happened, she never loses her smile, i will do everything to keep it this way '
"If you like them that much, why don't you take a few with you?"
"I can't!" Said Elisa resolute.
"Why?" Asked Raven curious.
"Because whoever lies there, will be lonely without these accompanying him, the flowers would be sad too"
"Hmm, flowers? What do you mean?" Asked Raven.
"Well, don't laugh...but I understand them, they can't talk, but I understand what uhm, their intentions are uh.. more like feelings?" Elisa tried really hard explaining what she experienced.
"Hahahaha!" Raven began to laugh, so much tears were comimg out!
"Hey I told you not to laugh!" Elisa pouted, she pinched him!
"Ouch! Hahaha, I'm sorry Liz, I'm not laughing about you, it just typical you!" Raven calmed himself down, he patted Elisas head.
"I believe you, because I know it suits you, thats why I was laughing" Raven explained.
Elisa turned abruptly around.
"Then i believe you too...this time!"
Raven scoffed lightly.
"Yes, yes ma'am thank you for your magnanimity " Raven bowed gracefully.
"It is of no great effort" Elisa did a knicks.
They both looked up to each other and laughed.
The flowers seemingly feeling their happiness, swayed and rustled!
Suddenly Elisa noticed something.
"Hm, do we get out?" Asked Elisa.
"Through the door we came in."
Elisa pointed towards something behind Raven.
"You mean that door thats closed"
Raven turned around
"Yeah that door that- " Raven realized something while blinking and rubbing his eyes, not believing its real. Until it hit him.
He walked towards the coffin slowly and laid on top of it, the giant marmor stone slab was smooth and had enough space. Then he proceeded to slab multiple times with the palm on top of the stone slap, as gesturing to Elisa to come and lay next him.
Elisa threw the scale at Raven.
It hit Raven and made him fall down.
He was laying on the floor and groaned.
The scale landed perfectly at the center of the stone slab. The scale glowed and glowed and then just vanished.
The coffin started slowly to open. The stone slab on top was sliding to the side slowly.
"R-r-ra-raven!" Elisa was pointing at the coffin shuddering.
Fingers came on the coffin prepping up a person, still sittingly in the coffin, he turned slowly to the left where raven got slowly up with the help of the coffin.
He came directly eye to eye contact with the person in the coffin.
The person in the coffin said to raven.
"heill ok sæll" he smiled and waved his hand.
"KYAAaaa!!!!" Elisa screamed!
Raven instantly fainted.
The person looked confused then at his hand that was waving.