
Cannon Fodder’s Revenge (BL)

Cannonfodderauthor · Realistic
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8 Chs


Jihan's eyes opened when he was sitting on what felt like a really comfortable office chair. In front of him was a huge glass window that showed the skyline of a city. There was also a huge oak table desk and chair in front of it. He looked around the room, and there was a sofa near the wall with a glass coffee table, a wall clock and a huge door leading outside. The design was very minimalistic yet classy.

But why is he here right now?


Suddenly he heard the voice of door opening, Jihan turned around and was faced with a woman with a long ponytail, petite figure and arguably beautiful face looking at him in disgust as she walked arrogantly towards him.

"Mr. Seo, the files you asked for."

Jihan blankly held to the files and watched as the women turned her nose at him and sat in the chair next to him. Looking at him with vigilance and disgust as she turned her face away from him.


Faced with such blatant disgust Jihan was suddenly speechless.

Then he calmly opened the file and at the bottom where signature was needed, Jihan found out his personal information.

'Mr. Seo Jihan, CEO.'


He again was speechless.

He was the CEO yet was treated with disgust, was it because of his face?

Jihan internally decided to blame his face and turned away from the women. He then calmly walked towards the chair behind the table and sat down.

He seriously pretended to review the file at hand, waiting for the women to leave.

But the women kept sitting in front of him, she had her arms crossed in front her as she faced away from him in disgust.


'Ah, too much negativity.'

Jihan gathered his courage and finally decided to voice out his thoughts.

"…you may leave."

The women got up, as if on fire, didn't even looked at him, turned, stomped towards the door and left with a bang.


'Human nature?'

Jihan sighed and put down the file in his hand and flinched at the meaty hands in front of him. He immediately stood up and walked towards the powder room. Standing in front of the mirror he flinched again and watched as the his muscles moved along with his reaction and jiggled.


'How can someone be this fat?!'

Jihan immediately felt like going into a closed door gym cultivation to get rid of the meat in body right now. Jihan examined his face with rashes and pimples and calmly walked out of the powder room and sat on the chair feeling a bit low. He had died.

He didn't know how but he died and knew nothing currently. He didn't remember how he died but he just instinctively knew he was dead. He had vague memories though they were not specific and were just instinctive.

He looked at the company name in the files and decided to gather some information from Google about his background. He relaxed when he saw his company was actually just an online taxi company. When he searched for the CEO and was met with a man's face in his early 40's. He was exceedingly handsome.

Seo Kang Joon


'Original's father! So handsome!'


Why not his child then?

He scrolled for more and saw pictures of 3 more boys.

First was Kang Jihyun,

He was the CEO of a leading electricity company Kang's Vision. The company was also a leading raw material distributor based around the world. He was also listed to be the youngest self made billionaires at the age of 24. He was also named in the most handsome CEO's 2022 list. Looking more he found that his mother was a retired heart surgeon and his father was Seo Kang Joon.

"….half brother."

Jihan moved to the next.

Park Seo Joon

He started as a rookie actor and later made his name and became the film emperor at 22, then he quit the world of acting opened a company named JoonHa Ent. as in Joon his last name and took the syllable 'ha' from his mother's name. He was ranked first in the world's most handsome actors and was later added to the world's most handsome CEO's 2022 list. Looking more he was also Seo Kang Joon's son, His mother was a musician, her main instrument being an Indian Veena.

"…half brother 2."

Lastly was Lee Joon Young

He was a professor at Harvard university of Kansas teaching rocket science. He was awarded with various awards for his research in field and had published numerous papers on the subject. He was also ranked in the hottest professors America 2022 list. His father was Seo Kang Joon and his mother was the Duchess of Luxembourg's little sister who lost her royal status after marrying outside of the country.

"….half brother 3."

Finally at his own information Jihan felt sad when he saw there was no picture and just that he was Seo Kang Joon's only son registered in family tree and the only heir to the Seo company, an online cab provider.


Maybe it was because of his over achieving half brothers but he felt the explanation was really not much.

Jihan sighed and stood up from his desk, straightened his coat and walked out. Feeling the fat in his body jiggle was not a good feeling.

Walking out he decided he should ask for a car from the reception, he should at least have that shouldn't -


Jihan flinched at the loud voice and was dumbstruck. In front of him were two rows of muscular buffed men on either side bowing 90 degrees towards him.


What kind of cab company had this much security? or did he underestimate his worth.

Calming down Jihan crossed his hands behind his back and felt sad when he could barely touch his fingers together. But it felt like it would really hurt his ego if he straightened up thus he maintained that posture and walked in the middle of them.

"No need to shout that every time you see me."

All of them looked at each other.

Jihan had already mustered a lot of courage to say that, he barely was able to open his mouth again.




"Speak normally."



Jihan gave up.

He marched towards the lift and one person had already pushed the button for him, the rest stayed up while with him a man that clearly looked like a leader stayed in the lift. Was it this body's instincts? he recognised him as little butler Shi, original's personal butler.


It would probably be weird to ask where the rest will come from. There was an awkward silence in the lift and Jihan felt his figure reflecting in the mirror to be poking his eyes.

Once he reached the ground floor he was surprised to see them already there and standing next to the gate. Everyone was working normally like it was an every day scene, but they clearly looked a bit anxious.

Jihan entered the car in front of him and watched as little butler Shi again sat next to him while the rest sat in the cars front and behind him.


Jihan was again surprised at the Z+ security for a CEO of an online taxi distributor company, but said nothing for the fear of seeming to be unnatural. Jihan looked at the scenery through the window and the car kept passing huge estates finally reached one with huge black gates in front of it. He watched as a Guard with a rifle came out and determined his identity and bowed deeply. Soon enough the gates opened and Jihan flinched at the magnificence of the mansion.

It had huge side walks with rose planted either side of it, a huge fountain with lights and the mansion itself looked like a medieval period castle from England.

Jihan stepped out of the car and walked and watched a man with grey hairs, clearly he was the papa butler Shi, along with the maids standing in two rows in front of him.

"Welcome heir apparent."

Jihan's eyes twitched at the title.

'Yes yes you guys it's an heir to an app for taxi stop making it big.'

Jihan walked inside and watched the men leave after bowing to him. Soon after his legs walked him to his room. Jihan sighed took a bath and felt like crying when he saw the water hitting his flappy stomach missing his 6 pack abs already. He then washed himself properly feeling disgusted by his own reflection in the mirror. Then he wore his what looked like his sleepwear, dried his hair and sat down.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"…Come in."

The person who came in was not some maid as he expected but Seo Kang Joon himself.

The Seo Kang Joon he had seen in google was a serious faced man who was naturally handsome and somewhat buffed but right now the dignified Kang Joon that had come inside his room room with a strict face had morphed into a wide silly smile as soon as his eyes fell on him.

"Ou mai shweet little cutie pie, how wash your day at office? hmm? did you have fun? Was it funn?"


"..ah yes it was fun."

Jihan barely was able to speak making his father in front of him pout.

"Aw, is mai baby still sad about me not giving him a gun? hehe don't worry sweets daddy ordered one for you already!!"



Did he hear a gun? was his ears ringing? did he said gum? right he could really use a chewing gum, will help in reducing his fat face or maybe gum for art and craft? yes it's good to have a hobby-

"Last night I felt reaaallllyyyy guilty, I mean, it's just a gunnn righhhtttt?? I can give it to you! don't worrryyy I will bring the bestt for my little sweetheartt, now now come down for dinner once it's done okay?? Daddy is making your favouriteee white sauce alfredo pasta that you lovee, I am doing thiss since you went to office today! Thank you sho much for giving daddy a day restt I love you."

"…ah yes I l-love you too…..Daddy."

"Oh maiiii."

With that Kang Joon leaped towards him and landed a heavy kiss on his face and then eagerly left the room with a wink.

Jihan felt like his brain crashed finally from overload.


"Ah, I am fucked."