

Jihan, a below ordinary person transmigrates into a below ordinary cannon fodder of a ‘romance’ novel and realises that the novel might not be as easy and happy going as it looks. But all he wants to do is be a sloth. He is done sacrificing himself for everyone he realises that he already did too much of that in his past. He thanks whoever was responsible for his transmigration and tries his best to achieve the kind of life he wanted. But mysteries unravel and traces itself back to him and he starts questioning his existence itself. Ane he soon realises that achieving the life of a sloth might not be as easy as it looks. Ah but why is it that a certain cannon fodder keeps hunting for him?? You and me both cannon fodder are you trying to make me join some kind of mysterious religion or something?? Cannon Fodder 2: “….” Dejected CF2 : “You are wrong.”

Cannonfodderauthor · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"Ehem, but Jihan-ssi how will you know where the Green house is? Let alone get there?"

"...let's just say I have a good map, Hyesung-ssi"

"You do? That's great! I hope it's better than mine."

"Trust me it's the best, I spent a fortune for it"

Test subject no. 49 or as everyone else liked calling him, 'makkhi' felt really curious of the two humans he was tasked to find.

He was supposed to tie up these humans in front of him and bring them back to his master, but he didn't want to . In his entire memory this was the first time he was let out of his room. it was scary for some reason but little exciting as well.

And now standing in front of the two beings who were the objective of the mission, he felt slightly curious. There was also other reason.

'That teenaged human feels extremely familiar for some reason.'

It wasn't because of how he looked or talked.

'It's kind of like...how it feels.'

The seemingly young housefly didn't know how to explain his emotions for some reason.

'How annoying'

He scoffed internally as he turned away from the two mysterious beings in front of him but then suddenly stopped in his tracks and wondered.

'Aren't I free now?'

He tried remembering what the women in white- who gave him bitter but good thing to eat that made the 'boo-boo' as she defined what he was feeling, after the numerous experiments that were done on his body, would go away. Sometimes it even numbed the feeling of emptiness that came along with what she defined as the process of getting strong.

'What did she say about what free things could do?'

He remembered the list that he had memorised.

'Walk wherever they want, Eat whatever they want, talk to whoever they want.'

The youngling felt slightly out of sorts now that he had gained his newfound freedom. Unknowingly after being told what do his entire life, he had found some sort of twisted comfort in it and now suddenly being thrust out in the cold he felt weird.

Turning back towards the two humans who were still arguing on which way to go, an idea struck his mind as he sneaked his way towards them.


Jihan sighed inwardly as he looked at the map.

'This place is like a damn fortress'

Of course he was bullshiting about the map being overpowered. Yes the map could tell them the routes, areas and exits but it would not guide them to the apple in Jihan's case like a baby.

'That's why! here comes the protagonist!'

Jihan immediately searched for a private greenhouse in the map.

"...Oh mai gahd"

Jihan croaked when he saw the location. It was right next to the room name 'main command'.

'..Wasn't it logical for such an important thing to be kept in a dismissive so that no one could figure it out?'

Jihan looked up at the silly protagonist who continued to look at him dumbly.

'FUCK! of course! he is not the protagonist, he would have it the hard way!!'

Jihan felt such absolute envy and deep malice for the title named protagonist that made Hyesung shiver inwardly.

'I guess Jihan-ssi is unhappy with me?'

Hyesung wondered for a moment then sighed.

'Of course he would, after all I am of no help right now in this situation and might even be just dragging him down.'

Hyesung thought glumly.

And Jihan would have probably agreed if asked readily.

Of course, Hyesung was a good help for anyone who his good to him, he is the main lead after all, but someone like Jihan who just wanted to stay out of the mess it was more problematic that helpful.

In the first place, Jihan had planned to take a simple constellation who would allow him being lazy, without working on the main scenarios, but because of a stupidly difficult quest he was getting mixed up in a big problem.


Jihan sighed.

'Well, there is no helping it.'

Jihan thought as he bought two exceedingly expensive stealth coats and handed on to Hyesung and wore one himself.

'Let's leave the rest to the buddha.'

Jihan did a silent prayer wondering if he would get to meet them in the near future.

'hehe, hope not. period.'

Just as he was about to climb the window something hit his leg.



Looking down at the thing in a shape of a black cloud with tentacles wrapped around his leg,


It spoke as well,

Jihan screamed silently.


With a thumping heart Jihan watched Hyesung questioning the lump of cloud calling himself 'makkhi'. Jihan always had a fear of sticky and wet things. Rather than a fear it was more like a extreme disgust from his very core.

Jihan had now calmed himself down after several minutes and walked towards Hyesung and Makkhi.

"Jihan-ssi, I have found the- child's location."

Jihan nodded at Hyesung in acknowledgement and then looked towards the lump of black apologetically.

"Makkhi, I am sorry."

The lump seemed to tremble for a moment then shake up and down.

"..It's alright."

Jihan sighed and then squatted in front of it gently.

"Do you have any idea on a special apple growing within here?"

The lump seemed to shake left and right.

"...I can only lead you to the child, do not know about an apple."

Jihan sighed.

Standing up, He bowed to the lump, both as an apology and thanked him for his help.

"Then, we will leave right away. Hyesung-ssi, you will go with Makkhi and rescue the child, meanwhile I will look for the greenhouse through my map. Let's meet here near this window exactly after four days, please mark it on your map and also set a reminder on your mobile. Remember, we don't have much time"

Hyesung hesitated, but nodded firmly. He then took out a long and heavy sword and strapped it behind his back. Once ready we entered the palace



Jihan watched the lump lead Hyesung obediently, before turning around and following the location of the greenhouse. Looking around he was impressed by the interior of the palace. It was a weird feeling to watch the landscape he had only read about unfolding right in front of his eyes.

The walls were covered with murals and were indistinguishable for their original colour since they were dyed blue just like the surroundings, swimming through such a place would have been divine and therapeutic if not for the soldiers standing around with guns and swords.

'What even was going on here?'

Jihan had soon without much hard work reached the place marked greenhouse and was confused.

That's because the greenhouse wasn't a 'greenhouse' but a laboratory. People were running around, here and there searching for something. In the middle of it all a women was pressed to ground.

She seemed to be close to being unconscious.

As a person who had believed that he only needed to rely on the original novel, Jihan was flabbergasted at the turn of events.


Jinha huffed as she looked away from the reporters front of her. The people were given a 10 days cooldown period before the hell which would start with the main scenario. People who did not immediately had to enter the main scenario were still in a dream, hoping the world leaders would solve it all for them.

'Bunch of buffoons.'

Despite such thoughts, Jinha smiled sweetly at the camera.




"Seo Jinhan-nim, please tell us about the Immortal guild you are forming, we have heard you are inviting people from the foreign nations too."

Amidst the shouts she lightly waved her hands and posed for pictures, while answering questions politely.

Jinha had not imagined herself doing this even after regression, she had thought that with her past memories she would be invincible. But after a while she felt all her memories leaving her. Weird people approached her, calling her the main character or despising her for something she did not remember doing.

'I need to build support.'

It came easy to her, whose mother is Senator and a father who was a president of a rich company.

'Atleast before the start of main scenario, all this could come handy.'

She wondered.

She thought back of Jonghyun.

That man, her supposed fiance, was for some reason exceedingly hostile towards her but for some reason he was running around here and there.

'Why the fuck is he looking for that shit.'

Jinha's brother, Jihan, he was the child her father had bought one day. Everyone treated him as he didn't exist except for leaving him money to survive. He was neither exceptionally good nor exceptionally bad just like a slight layer of dirt.

'....does he know something I don't?'

Jinha wondered.

Meanwhile in the middle of running away Jihan shuddered inwardly as if a bad omen had attached itself on his back.

"....? who is creating trouble"

He wondered out loud.



Sorry for posting so late, I was busy with my college final exams and thesis, will be regular here on out~