

Jihan, a below ordinary person transmigrates into a below ordinary cannon fodder of a ‘romance’ novel and realises that the novel might not be as easy and happy going as it looks. But all he wants to do is be a sloth. He is done sacrificing himself for everyone he realises that he already did too much of that in his past. He thanks whoever was responsible for his transmigration and tries his best to achieve the kind of life he wanted. But mysteries unravel and traces itself back to him and he starts questioning his existence itself. Ane he soon realises that achieving the life of a sloth might not be as easy as it looks. Ah but why is it that a certain cannon fodder keeps hunting for him?? You and me both cannon fodder are you trying to make me join some kind of mysterious religion or something?? Cannon Fodder 2: “….” Dejected CF2 : “You are wrong.”

Cannonfodderauthor · Fantasy
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22 Chs


The darkness always gave a sort of comforting yet anxious relief to Seo Jihan's hyper active mind.

Yet right now he couldn't precisely remember the reason for the darkness in front of him, but the melting of his bones and muscles stopped him from continuing the reasoning. The sweet release from the once stiff muscles, the deafening silence comforted his soul to no end and for once his hyper active brain relaxed as if it had no thoughts. This made him feel that he could stay right here for an eternity.

But the bubbling blood in his for once calm brain told him otherwise. Jihan internally let out a sigh, and felt reluctant when he felt himself getting dragged into something, but then let the energies at force with powers to no end took control of him and he was dragged into some body.

It took him a moment to come in terms with what happened while he forced his body to move and open its eyes. When he opened his eyes his mind short circuited for a second.

The room was decorated with red gauze, on the walls, on the bed everywhere. There was a intense aroma through candles burning nearby and the bed has rose petals on it. Looking down on his body he also was wearing red gauze clothings which did little to nothing in hiding his essential parts but that was not even the important part. There was a weird tattoo that looked like a fruit tree right between his ribcage and stomach directly above his diaphragm.

A weird place for a weird tattoo.

Jihan felt a sense of relief when he realised he was in the modern world.

But before that he needed to change into some normal clothes. Jihan got up from the bed and felt dizzy for a moment. He felt around his mind for the click and switched it off and immediately felt relief. He realised that this body might not be strong enough to handle his brain power yet and sighed.

A scream from behind his made him turn back abruptly as he looked back at a women in a houseworker uniform who had dropped wine bottles and glasses on the floor. She looked like she was looking at something abnormal and then in that one bleeding second subconsciously Jihan's click was back on and suddenly the world slowed down for him.

Time was limited and he had to analyse everything. But some words flashed before his eyes rendering him speechless.

"President's white lotus little bunny"


Jihan didn't know why but he suddenly had the urge to jump out of the window. He accurately remembered the contents of this novel and how he encountered this book in the first place.

This novel unlike its title was in fact a action themed system based novel. It started of with a saintess cultivating high and aloof in the mountains suddenly encountering a heart demon and dying and then transmigrating as Jinha, the only daughter of the Seo family.

After that due to the influx of spirituality in the atmosphere of earth caused by the rift made by her transmigration the world change completely as people are now aware of the gaze of various entities on the universe around them, then they all gain powers and fight back against the constellation wanting to invade this resourceful land.

In the end the vast destruction caused by both sides to each other saddens Jinha and she reveals herself as the cultivator from different realm causing everyone to bow to her and then through her help earthlings escape to the different dimension while the constellations miss the chance and accept what is remaining of earth.

But this was not the main part of the novel. The main part of it was was the president of a famous conglomerate who chased after Seo Jinha ardently, helped her in achieving fame and also an ice block like creature melting only of Jinha, the cold aloof flower.

It could be said that an amazing novel with great potential was ruined because of the excessive romanticising of it. At least that's what Jihan thought.

But the current predicament could not be explained even through his knowledge of novel. There was no such situation in this novel, but then again this novel was a the type to be centred around the protagonist in fact it might be a good thing that he was far removed from the main charachters.

Not that he was keen on avoiding them, after all staying with the main character can turn out to be beneficial to him, He can provide them with information about an upcoming disaster and in turn they could treat him like a prophet and provide him with a comfortable environment to live in but somehow his intuition told him that he should focus on his survival instead.

So it was decided.

Jihan clicked the switch off and flinched at the screaming maid then watched her run away. After she left he calmly rummaged the cupboards filled with girls clothing and sighed in relief when he found that the size were nearly the same. He wore a brown silk shirt and white loose khaki pants below it. He also wore some black sport shoes and grabbed a black hat. His eyes fell on the right side of the cupboard amd he flinched.

He looked like a porcelain doll as usual. His face was the exact same from the world before. He hurriedly looked for a face mask and wore and also grabbed what looked like a purse.

He did not run but hid himself behind one of the curtains instead.

"Where is- SHIT looks like he ran away immediately look for him!"

Jihan peeked from behind the curtain after confirming all guards left he started shuffling outside but froze when he heard footsteps. His sense honed after so years of near death survival told him that this man right here would instantly kill him. He didn't dare move from his place. He watched from his place as long legs covered in dark blue suit pants entered the room and stopped then turned around gracefully and left. After confirming that he could no longer hear footsteps Jihan sneaked to the door and stood there.


He calmed himself and checked the hallways and let out a sigh.

Looks like he left.

After that he immediately sneaked out of his room and ran as stealthily as possible. The backdoor and the front exit were all covered by guards. He knew he had to leave before the chaos calmed down and everyone realised that he was just hiding. Jihan looked for a window towards the backyard since it was common in novel for the strong people to have Z+ security yet have a dog hole on their boundaries.

He knew this was a fluke but currently he would take anything. He stealthily climbed down the window, internally shocked to see a boy with such stupid physique that he had difficulty climbing down an obviously rugged wall. After climbing down he was momentarily shocked at the beauty of the villa in front of him. The interior was obviously modern but the outside was pure vintage style.


Again he felt a sense pf dread filling him making him flinch. He could not sense him but he keenly felt that the man was close.

He immediately hid in the bushes and looked for a hole in the wall.

As if it was made for him he discovered it immediately.


As expected of a novel with the title 'President's white lotus little bunny'. Such novels often had things that defied common sense.

Without thinking much Jihan escaped through the hole and sneakiy ran away. After determining he was far enough he stopped and put his hands on his knees and panted heavily.

He realised that his top priority was to make this body at the very least strong enough to run away from future disasters. He sighed then opened the wallet and took out the cards in it. All of them were cards in the name of Yoon Jonghyun. He tried to remember this character and realised he wasn't that much of a main character. In fact he couldn't survive even the first phase of the calamity.

He looked around and asked a stall owner for nearby ATM and bought 3 biggest school bags from the shop owner. He then took out cash from the cards within the cash limit and then filled the three bags with them. He was again reminded of the fact that he was in a novel when he saw the pin written on the back of the cards and the amount of money he could pull out to be 5 million.


Jihan calmly collected it all in the three bags while thanking the novel's logic once more then proceeded to the stall owner again and asked him for help to call the cab. In return he had to just hear the stall owner brag about his new smartphone that could be practically called invincible, after that he generously left a 100 bill to the owner from the wallet he stole who thanked him and wished him luck. He then calmly put the three bags he had into the seat and slipped inside the cab.

He then again slipped a 100 bill towards the cab owner and asked him to not go to the designated place instead to drop him off to another town and that he would pay accordingly. The driver readily agreed after he slipped another 500. With that he leaned back in his seat and watched himself leave the main city of Delhi, the center point of all disasters aka the main charachters.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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