

The sexy British stranger begin to lead me to the mass of dancing bodies,slightly pushing my body with the hand on my waist.

Stares are directed our way,mostly likely following this hot stranger,who seems to have taken fancy to me .lucky me.

Not even sparing a glance to the curious strangers, he spins around setting his hands back on my hips,silently willing me to start dancing,all without prying is eye off mine.

Feeling a vibration in the front pocket of my shorts,I choose to ignore it instead locking my hands behind the strangers neck,standing slightly on my tip-toes to make the action more comfortable with him being so tall.

unlike the others,he and I continue to dance slowly,me with my head buried in his neck,him with his hand on my lower back hanging dangerously low but with the drink in my system, it only makes my body burn hotter with the thought of his hand dropping,searching,finding what what he's looking for.

I swiftly pull away from him only to spin around,pressing my back to his front and picking up the pace of our dancing. A soft groan leaves his lips as his hands find my waist,assisting me with our grinding hips...

His breath in my ear become s faster,as does mine,and I can only hope that my heart isn't the only one beating like a freight train .I suddenly feel myself pulled by my hips impossible closer,while lips place open mouthed kisses on my neck,gently teasing me.

A quiet moan leaves my mouth and soon after,I feel the sexy stranger still his movements, his body becoming tense,I'm spun around to face him with my heart in my throat.

"We need to leave,is that something that you're opposed to?"

Standing back on my tip-toes,I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into his ear only to whisper "lead the way"barely recognizing my own voice..

As we get to his car I stop quickly,rushing out " wait,I'll be right back,Don't leave .please "Not caring whether I sound desperate or not.

After seeing the stranger smirk,I run down to the bonfire once again,spotting Julian and letting her know that she can take the Porsche back,I'll see her in the morning .Receiving a quick hug and a wink I make my way back to the parking lot.

" This should be fun"I say out loud to no one.

After a short trip filled with heavy breathing,Wandering hands,eager stares,we finally pull up outside of a large stone house,large being an understatement.

Barely paying any attention to my surroundings, I didn't noticed that the car has come to a stop ,and I snapped out of my reverie when my door opens from the outside,the sexy stranger leaning in close,too close,unclipping my seat belt,and picking me up so that my leg wrapped around his waist,and his hand gripping the back of my thighs.

Kicking the shut,I found myself leaning against the car,still attached to this guy,no,man,Our mouth finally meet and all hell breaks loose .And we don't start off slow,our kiss is a haze,I don't know where he ends and I begin,and as his hand travels higher,his hands squeeze my bum lightly causing me to let out a gasp,which find as an opening to suck on my lip and dive is tongue into my mouth.

Languid strokes of his mouth against mine and I just know that this guy is the best out of all the the other guys that I've kissed and there's no going back .Not noticing that we haven't been against the car for quite some time and are actually inside the house,I feel him start to climb a set a stairs,never once taking his mouth from mine.

Pulling away to breath,the stranger slams my back against the wall next to the stairs,joining our mouth once again,feeling greedy,I begin to press my hips harder against his and start moving us together like we were doing back at the campfire. I weave my hand into his soft blond hair,tugging on it causing him to let out a low groan.

He picks up his pace,finally reaching the door of a bedroom which he proceeds to slam me against as well. Twisting the doorknob, we almost fall backwards through the door before we break slightly apart giggling like children.

The soft,deep sound of his laugh is like honey to my ears,and I'd want to keep hearing it if it weren't for the bulge pressing into me,tearing my thought away from anything else .

I break apart from his mouth once again only to softly say "bed".

" Where have you been all my life"he breathes..

Giggling,I lean up on my elbows and confidently says:

"Not in heaven, that's for sure".