
Wretched Earth 4/5

A blade struck a walker in the head, there was Cody. Killing a walker from behind. They were on the search for certain medicine. Evelyn glanced at Cody. "Ash will save her. Don't worry." She spoke, walking next to him.

Cody wiped sweat from his forehead. "I hope so." He wiped the walker blood off of his dual blade with his pants and looked at Zach. "Are you doing alright?"

Zach looked at Cody and just shrugged. "I can't help it but to blame myself. Lesson learned, don't take the bad guys' side." He spoke, lighting a cigarette.

Cody despised the smell of cigarettes but he didn't want to come off as rude so he didn't say anything. Evelyn sniffed the air. "Can you stop smoking?" She looked at Zach.

Jug had lost his favourite weapon during the fight. Now he had a blade, which was more efficient when it came to fighting. The spikes would get stuck in a walker's skull, and now time can't be wasted.

He looked at the others and then at the machete. "I miss my old weapon." He whimpered and Evelyn looked at him. "Focus, we gotta find the medicine Ash listed." She pulled out a piece of crumpled paper. "We have to find out what type of poison she has, it's likely something related to iron, mercury or gold. It's hard to create new types of poison." She looked at Zach.

"Seems like your ex boss lied to you about it being new poison." She climbed on top of Cody and sat on his shoulders. "Oi!" Cody tried to swat her away but she turned into a dog, she looked at him. So Cody stopped.

"We either need deferoxamine. Which is used for iron poisoning. An acetaminophen overdose is less likely. She would have experienced the first set of symptoms already. So we're checking that off."

Evelyn began to think about other options. "Maybe lead poisoning..?" She looked around. "If it's severe we will have to find succimer."

Cody nodded and stabbed another walker. "Last but not least we have mercury." She looked at Cody. "She doesn't have mercury poisoning though. It's either lead or iron poisoning. Mercury has a very tense smell for me."

Cody looked at Ash. "Do you know how to cure poison?" Evelyn went over and sniffed Dani.

She ran over and whispered in Ash's ears. Ash nodded and whispered back. "Bring her inside."

He looked at Evelyn. "Okay so all we need is deferoxamine and succimer." He patted Evelyn. "Good job." He smiled.

Joseph watched Stalker and Andrew bury the ones we have lost. He was kind of glad there was no burial for Noah. He stood up. "Let me help." He limped over. "You can help by carving names on the crosses." Andrew handed him a set of crosses.

Joseph started to carve Groger's name, then Luna's, then Emmy's and then Annabelle's. He handed them over to Stalker and he stuck them in one by one.

Stalker saluted them and walked off, Andrew did the same. Joseph went over to Groger's grave. "Sorry about Noah man…" Joseph turned around and followed Andrew and Stalker.

Ash poured water into Dani's mouth and looked at Stalker. "She's holding up, she has about 12 hours before she possibly dies." He sighed. "Water will help her in the meantime while the group we sent out will gather the medicine." He looked back at Dani, she was still passed out.

Stalker sat down. "Annabelle will help them." He smiled. "She will lead the way."

Andrew looked at Ted, he saw the upset expression on his face. He went over to Ted and sat next to him. "Hey buddy." He patted Ted. "Ted is upset, why did mommy have to die."

Andrew tried his best to play it off as kid friendly as possible but now that the apocalypse has happened the understanding of death has plagued the minds of kids with death. Andrew hugged Ted. "She wanted to help Annabelle. There is no one to blame for this." Andrew knew deep inside that it was Noah's fault.

Ted nodded and hugged Andrew back. "Ted will protect family." Ted smiled, Andrew smiled and patted him. "You will protect the group, I believe in you bud."

Alice was getting babysat by Amelia. She handed Alice an apple, Alice took it and started to eat it. "Are you okay Alice?"

"It feels empty without them." Alice sighed and looked around the ruins of the city, they were in a skyscraper.

Amelia patted Alice. "We should head back." She smiled and handed Alice a small little sword, it was perfect for kids when they need to protect themselves from walkers… or people.

Alice nodded and took the small sword and followed Amelia. She got on Amelia's back and she began to walk back to the base.

Stalker had told her to avoid the streets so they went into the forest. Birds were chirping, it was like the end of the world never happened. But that realization quickly returned as she heard a branch snap.

Amelia lowered Alice down. "Hide, hide." She motioned for Alice to hide and she did so.

A group of people walked out. "We saw that demi. Where is she?!" One of them carried a crowbar. "Like hell I'll tell you." Amelia pulled out her gun and fired. "ALICE RUN NOW!"

Alice stood up and began to make a run for it. Gunshots were heard and then it was silent as soon as she heard Amelia scream out in pain.

Tears streamed down Alice's cheeks, she was now lost in the forest. A river was right in front of her. She turned around and the group caught up to her.

Alice pulled out the small sword. "Aww what is that going to do!" One of them took a step. Alice stayed silent, her arms were shaking due to the fear.

"Aww she's scared! Get her Dan!" Dan nodded and ran at her. Alice's eyes were now like a cats. She leaped up into the air, she failed to land on her feet but that gave her time. The group turned around.

Dan smirked and pointed at Alice. "What are you going to do now?" Alice turned around and saw a group of walkers.

She stood up, and all of a sudden someone was in front of her. Alice looked up and she examined the person… no… a demi.

"Take the walkers, I'll take them." He spoke, he sounded young. He had a fox tail and ears.

He corrected himself. "We will take them." He whistled and two more came over. They weren't demis, one was a middle aged man and the other was a teen. "You messed up your line Axel." The teen spoke, he had brown hair. Which was different from his fox tail and ears, they were orange. He had red eyes.

Axel looked at the two. "David." He turned to the old man. "Dad." He then turned at the group. "Let's get them."

"I'll go get the walkers with the little one." The middle aged man spoke and went over to her. "What's your name?" He spoke, looking at Alice.

Alice wiped tears from her eyes. "A-Alice."

He patted her. "Well Alice. The name is John. We're going to protect you." John pulled out his knife. "Bring it on." John looked at the walkers.