
Welcome to Haven 2/2

Shane charged at Evelyn, she did the same as her claws slashed his hand, he gasped in pain and dropped his pistol. Before Evelyn could strike again Shane backed up and pulled out his blade, clashing with her claws, they were like steel which resulted in sparks. The sparks appeared within each swing.

Cody stabbed a walker, looking at Evelyn. "Looks like you are having fun!" He yelled, Evelyn continued to swing at him.

Evelyn scoffed. "How does it feel that a 16 year old has the same amount of strength as you?" She glanced at Shane, however he took that to heart.

Shane saw an opening and kicked Evelyn towards Cody. "Think before you speak demi." He growled.

Evelyn bumped into Cody, He put an arm around her so she doesn't fall. "You good?" He looked at her. "Yeah?" She nodded a few times.

Cody let her go and went back to focus on the walkers. Evelyn looked at him before looking at Shane, he was reaching for his gun. If he has that gun that decreases their chances of winning.

Cody kicked a walker. "There's too many." He whispered to himself before stabbing another, unfortunately the blade didn't go through all the way. Out of all scenarios this happens. Cody lost his grip on the blade and the walker tackled him to the muddy ground.

The walker's left eye was missing, there was an old dried up bite mark. It was barely visible due to the decomposition.

Evelyn turned into a dog, she ran at Shane. Digging her canine teeth into his arm. He screamed in pain, blood dribbling down.

Shane raised his other arm and began to punch Evelyn, causing her to bite harder. She winced, her eyes glancing at Cody.

She has to do this quickly or else he might die. She shifted back into a human, still biting into his arm. Blood stained her teeth.

Shane kicked her back. "You freak!" Evelyn chomped down harder, His mishap screwed him over as she took a chunk out of his arm. Shane clenched his arm, screaming in pain.

Evelyn spat out the flesh. "You taste disgusting." Evelyn wiped blood from her chin and her claws flung out and she ran towards Shane.

Shane looked around for the gun. "Where is it?!"

Evelyn smirked and jabbed her claws into his stomach. "Why did you think I turned human?" She used her thumb to motion behind her.

Shane's eyes widened, Cody finished off the walkers with Shane's gun.

Cody shoved the walker's body off of him and got back his dual blade. "That never happens." He sighed.

He went over to where Evelyn and Shane were. "Oh look, I have one more bullet left." He looked at Shane.

Evelyn backed off, her claws sunk back in. "Do your thing." She looked at the pile of bodies. "Damn you did well with them."

Cody pressed the gun on Shane's leg and pulled the trigger. Shane screamed loudly, the scream undoubtedly attracted walkers.

Cody threw the gun into the mud as it began to rain. "W-wait! Please don't leave me! I can give you information about Hayden!" He begged.

Cody turned his head. "Where is he?" He glared at Shane. "T-they're 5 miles ahead of here! I can take you there!"

Cody looked at Evelyn, walkers limped out of the forest and into the opening. "Let's go." He gave her a smile and she nodded.

"Y-you liars! You fucking liars!" Shane looked at the walkers. "Oh shit! Oh no!" Shane tried to crawl but the mud made it difficult. He was sore, his whole body was in pain.

Cody looked at Shane. "We aren't going to where he is located. We're going to let him come to us." He gave a smile and continued to walk with Evelyn.

A walker bent over and grabbed Shane's leg, biting into him. Shane screamed in pain.

Cody patted Evelyn. "You did great." He smiled, Evelyn smiled. "You did too."

Stalker and Andrew found Evelyn and Cody. "Guys, guys!" Stalker was out of breath, looking at them. "Hayden took Jug and Zach."

Cody's eyes widened. "The past two days seem to have an endless amount of surprises…" he sighed. "Do you guys have a lead?" Evelyn asked, she wanted to know the most important details that they have. "No, we lost track of them."

Evelyn sighed, even her tracking skills couldn't even find them if two grown trained militants couldn't.

Stalker looked at Evelyn. "No luck on Alice I assume, where is Shane?" He looked at her.

Cody quickly answered for her. "He was working for Hayden, Evelyn and I took care of him. He's gone now. And no luck in finding her, though we found dead bodies that were mauled to death by walkers." Cody looked back at the opening. "We didn't see her though, or Amelia."

Evelyn sighed and nodded. "Plus it's getting pretty dark and I don't want to spend the night in a forest with mosquitoes."

"Ew bug bites." Andrew mumbled. "Agreed." Evelyn looked at Andrew. "We should head back, we'll continue looking tomorrow." Stalker nodded.

Axel got out of the truck, helping Alice out. Daniel rushed out and carried Amelia. There stood a guy with a beard, the beard was greying due to old age. "Cliff get Tabi!" Daniel yelled at Cliff, he nodded and ran off. John got out and same with Yuki.

John looked at Yuki. "There's multiple sayings for sweetie." Yuki looked at him. "I'm sorry that I'm from Japan." She joked, John laughed a bit.

"Right, you transfered over here." John looked around. "Hey Axel, are you okay with sharing a room with Alice while we figure out some things and a household." John patted Axel.

"Yup! Will do!" He smiled and looked at Alice. "Come! Come! I will show you my room!" He smiled and ran off with her, Alice just followed. Looking up at him.

John sighed. "I don't think her friend will live." Yuki looked at him. "She will." She smiled and walked off.

A girl with long blonde hair came running back with several others. Cliff helped Amelia over to Tabi and her coworkers. "Eric, Beau." Tabi looked at them. "What do you need Tabi?" Eric looked at her. "Head back and prepare everything. We got someone to save." Tabi looked at Eric and Beau, they complied and ran off.