
Can you keep a secret

(school bell rings)

Molly: Sydney, hey Sydney

Sydney: oh hey Molly, how are you doing

Molly: am good

Molly: so I wanted to tell you about the guy that joined class 1A

Sydney: oh really, who is he

Molly: He is really tall but he barely talks

Sydney: Quiet kid huh!, Well I will just have to see for myself

Molly: oh yeah and he is really weird, he doesn't really talks but he says weird stuffs

Sydney: like what...

( Bell rings)

Molly: Ah!, That's the bell, well I gotta go

Sydney: ok , well see you around

Molly: yeah bye!,

(Sydney was walking back home but she didn't know she had an uninvited guest coming over)

Sydney:(listening to music), oh men!, This song is so lit

(Someone walking at her back)

Sydney: hello, hey mom , yeah I told Charley to keep the chicken in the fridge

Sydney: yeah mom am almost home

( Sydney walks inside the house and sees people are arguing)

Sydney: Mom, what's going on!,

Jennifer : Oh Sydney, you will never understand what I and your dad is arguing about

Sydney: but mom...

Jake: Sydney, go to your room now!,

Sydney: ok dad...

(Sydney walks into her room and lays down on her bed crying)

Sydney: I don't know why all this is just happening to me, why can't I just be happy life other kids, why can't my life be just simple

(Someone taps on her window and Sydney turns to see the person

Sydney: ummm... hello

( The person uses a sign for Sydney to open the window to let him in so she did)

Sydney: ( opens window), hey I have seen you somewhere before

Chris: yeah am from your school, am in class 1A

Sydney: oh your the new quiet kid

Chris: yeah, but can you let me in

Sydney: sure come on in...

Chris: what a nice room you have

Sydney: thanks...but what are you doing here by this time of the night...at my house

Chris:well I...ummm...

(Mom: Sydney!!!!)

Sydney: you have to go

(Chris jumps through the window)

Jennifer: Sydney, who were you talking to...

Sydney: oh mom it was just one of my classmates that called me through the phone

Jennifer: you sure.. because am sure someone was here

Sydney: mom.. maybe you just heard wrong

Jennifer:hmmm...ok but if I heard that someone was in here your grounded

Sydney: ok mom...

( The mom leaves and Sydney closes the door)

Sydney: phew!, That was a close one but what will that guy be doing at my house and I even forgot to ask him his name

(Sydney and her best friend Molly hears the most shocking secret in their life)

Molly: what do you mean he entered your room

Sydney: am telling you....he is really suspicious and I must find out the truth... follow me

Molly: oh...ok...

Sydney: seems like he is alone....now time to ask him

Chris: oh hey Sydney....

Sydney: keep the greeting...I just want to know why you came to my house

Chris:well you see I....

Molly: come on ... just spill it

Chris:ok fine....can you keep a secret...

Sydney: yeah sure...

Chris: am a demon

Molly: you can't be serious right

Chris: I am...

Sydney: this was just a wasyof time...am out of here

Molly: meet too...

Chris: come on guys ..

( Molly and Sydney leaves Chris class)

Unknown voice: I tried warning you...but you didn't listen

Chris: I know...my bad

( Sydney and Molly are sitting outside during recess)

Sydney:hey Molly...

Molly: yeah...

Sydney: I have been thinking and I think what he said was right

Molly: how can you believe such a lie

Sydney: he sounded like he wasn't lieing...but I think am having a crush on him

Molly: you can't be serious... please tell me your joking

Sydney: am not...

Molly: how can you love an emo...

Sydney: I don't think he is emo but I feel like he is passing through a lot...I need to speak to him

Molly: your making a mistake loving an emo...

( Sydney walks towards his class and tries to talk to him)

Sydney: hey...boy ..come over here

Chris: your lucky we weren't having class

Sydney: I have been thinking....and I think what you said is true

Chris: really....

Sydney: yeah but that doesn't mean I believe you fully

Chris:ok ..noted

Unknown voice: Chris... there is something of about this girl...try giving her a hug

Chris:( but it will hurt)

Unknown voice: just do it

Chris: hey ummm... Sydney...may I hug you

Sydney: sure

( Sydney hugs him but he he felt a lot of pain and began to cough)

Sydney: are you alright...do you need water

(Chris didn't want Sydney to see his fangs so he ran away)

Sydney: did I do anything wrong... maybe it's my bad luck

( Chris goes behind the school so that no one can see him)

Chris: oh my God...what if she saw my fangs then what will I do.. huh...

Unknown voice: there is something about this girl and we must kill her ..I think she is a demon

Chris: bo it can't be

Unknown voice: well we will never know until we kill her

Chris: or maybe let's just observe her for some days....then maybe if she is a demon then we will kill her

( Sydney went back to the class and was thinking about what just happened)

Sydney: oh my God...what just happened...why did he react that way

( Attention students...am here to tell you that our graduation this year will be on the 18 of July...so everyone should be there...thank you)

Molly: did you hear Sydney...we are going to graduate... aren't you excited

Sydney: I am but....Chris is also going to graduate and I will never see him again

Molly: aww Sydney... you don't have to worry everything will be ok

Sydney: you sure

Molly: am sure bestie

Chris: hey Sydney can I talk to you for a sec

Sydney: sure

Sydney: so what happened

Chris: did you hear about the graduation... you know it's next week

Sydney: I know but....

Jenna: hey Chris...why are you talking to this looser

Chris: Jenna please let go of my hand

Sydney:( so his name is Chris...how cute)

Jenna: come on baby let's go

Chris:( I can see the jealousy in her eyes....does she love me)

( Finally school was over and Chris wanted to talk to Sydney but something bad happened)

Cassie: OMG.... you can't be serious

Kali: I am girl...hey look at this one she sent me

Sydney: hey Molly... what's going on her

Molly: just wait and see... it's about to go wild

Jack: ok guys we all have to wait for him and there he is guys our little demon

Chris: huh...what are you guys...

Jack: hey Chris why don't you tell us how you became a demon

Chris: I ummm...

Kali:oh Chris don't pretend like you don't know what we are talking about

Cassie: yeah... Sydney told us everything

Chris: what Sydney... you told them

Sydney: u didn't tell anybody anything

Chris: I knew I couldn't keep the secret

Molly: awkward..!

(Chris leaves the hall angrily)

Sydney: molly what did you do

Molly: since he was so confident that he was a demon...I just wanted everyone to know too..

Sydney: you are a sick psycho....

Sydney: Chris wait

( Sydney was chasing after Chris but he didn't want to listen)

Sydney: Chris please wait..

Chris: you told the secret.... you couldn't keep it

Sydney: I swear it wasn't me...am saying the truth

Chris: well I can't trust you...

Sydney: Chris please wait...

(Chris walks away with anger)

Sydney: please Chris..I love you

( Loud music playing and people dancing to the music)

Cassie: this graduation is awesome

Kali: tell me about it

Molly: Sydney why are you sitting all alone

Sydney: why shouldn't I... besides you have already ruined my relationship with him

Molly: you and Chris were never in a relationship

Sydney: well we were about to buy you ruined it .... please leave I don't want to see your face

( Ok parents and students...it time to invite the graduating students...so give them a round of applause)

Sydney: there is Chris ...am going to talk to him

Molly: Sydney wait ..

Sydney: chrisssss.....chrisssss....I need to talk to you

Chris: what the fuck Sydney....I told u to leave me alone

Sydney: I know but you see Chris I really love you alot

Chris: well you aren't the first to tell me and why should I trust you

Sydney: because I wasn't the one that told your secret...it was molly

Chris: oh my God d... Sydney am so sorry for all this se things I said...am so sorry Sydney

Sydney: it's ok.. well I really love you

Chris: I wish I could love you too... but I have no emotions to love

Sydney: oh....

Chris: am sorry Sydney

Sydney: it's ok...but can I kiss you

( When they kissed a little Pain came upon Chris but he didn't care and he kissed her back)

Chris: I promise to always love you Sydney

Sydney: and I promise to never leave you Chris

Chris: I love you Sydney

Sydney: I love you too Chris

( And with that a new generation started... demons and humans but will it end here or will a new story begin)

Hello this is my first time writing in this format and I really love writing stories and I really love creating new stories. I hope you enjoyed the story Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zara_Israelcreators' thoughts