
Can You hear me

meeting you was very nice Haikal, how are you now? we can still meet again right? I really miss you! \\ esme you're fine right, you're really in love it hurts. I should have trusted you! we have to meet again! invite your friends too, are you still with Eun Soo? I'm fine here, don't worry about me. but just worry about yourself! see you soon Esme :)

Vena_Widianti · Urban
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5 Chs

Semester Exams

Why is Monday so hated by people in general? Because from the heart Sunday to Monday is only one day apart but if Monday to Sunday, it takes seven days.

Today is my semester exam, there will be a few more exams because soon I will graduate from this school.

Busy with studying, no time to joke about this.

My mother told me to continue studying if I wanted to be like my older brother who studied at a well-known university.

How many times have I told my mother that I want to be myself and don't want to be like my older brother.

Delivered by father in his new super luxury car and became the center of people's attention.

"My dad already told me, don't stop right here I'm embarrassed"

"Why should I be ashamed? You're my only father's daughter dear"

"Let me go first, good morning"

"Good morning, smart study and esmee waiting for dad" and dad get out of his car.

"What is it?" I said.

"Say hello to Haikal father"

"Dad...." I sulk.

"Sutss is already there"



"I'm so tired Esme" Eunsoo complained to me.

"Why are you tired?" I answered.

"Last night I studied until midnight"

"Eunsoo you have to be enthusiastic, remember we have to study in a good place"

"Hmm yes esme"

Haikal came, as usual we never greeted each other at school. Even greeting each other is just a formality.

I noticed his face was bruised and it was better not to be too swollen.

Soon our teacher came in and immediately gave us the exam papers.

After finishing the very dizzying exam, it seems that I really want to disappear from the earth and really want to have a very miraculous power that is to finish the exam in a short time but the contents are all true.

"How was your exam?" Ask someone.

Being in the library, he meant not to be disturbed by anyone, including those who were asking questions.

"How was your exam?" He asked again.

In the end I answered.

"Are you blind or what? We're in the same class you might know how it feels" I replied a little emotional.

If you think about it, it's really annoying, it's not like the first time you met someone who was as cold as a refrigerator.

"I'm just making small talk, nothing more," he replied.

"Yeah, it's up to you" I said immediately focusing back on the book.

"What book are you reading?" He asked again which made me a little sick.

"Hehe kidding, you're always serious" he said mockingly.

"Are your wounds getting better?" I asked suddenly.

"Yeah a little, thank you" he said suddenly too.


"For everything, if not for you I might not be able to treat it"

"That's because you are stupid Haikal"

"Yaa esme how dare you say I'm stupid? You know I'm the first rank in this school!"

"But still you are stupid Haikal, you are stupid" I said immediately running and Haikal chased.

We chase each other.

And suddenly I bumped into one of the people who was carrying a tray filled with food.


What I have done!!!

His clothes got dirty, and his pants got wet.

This is all because of Haikal!!

"Sorry.. sorry are you okay?" I asked him feeling guilty.

Trying to wipe the stains on his clothes.

He might be annoyed with what I did earlier.

"No problem, I'm fine" he said.

"What is it?" Said Haikal who was tired from chasing me.

"Here, I accidentally bumped into him" I replied.

"Are you okay?" Ask Haikal.

"I'm fine, but what about this person?"

"I told you, no problem" replied the person I accidentally bumped into



"Let me wash your coat, give it to me"

"Esme she said it's okay, why are you bothering so much?" Fuck you.

"Shut up"

"May I know your name?" I asked this stranger.

"My name is Han Jae Hyuk"

"My name is Esme"


"Haikal.. Haikal..." I called but he didn't look back.

Just keep walking without answering my calls.

I took off my shoes and threw them away.

"Aww.." he said.

Gosh I thought I wouldn't hit his back!

What should I do?

But he stopped walking and looked behind me.

"Sorry I did not mean it"

He walked over to me and crouched down to put my shoes back on.

He got up and intended to leave again.

"Are you mad at me?" I said.

He stopped again!

"No, why me?"

"No, I'm afraid you misunderstood earlier."

"That's your right esme, whatever you do is your right"

He's back walking, I know he's mad!

Have to find a way how Haikal is not angry anymore!


Two days later, today at school I did not find Haikal's whereabouts. Is he not going to school or is there another problem with him?

I asked Eun Soo about it.

"Eun Soo did you see the haikal today?"

"No, esme, I see you're starting to get along with him lately"

"What do you mean Eun Soo I don't understand" trying to change the direction of this conversation.

"There, Haikal has come," said Eun Soo.

"Haikal you just arrived?" I asked him.

Not ignored or answered.

Is there a problem with him?

I hope he's fine.

Break time had arrived but he still didn't go to the canteen.

I didn't ask and went straight to the cafeteria with Eun Soo.

Eun Soo asked me.

"What's the matter with you today esme?"

"Ah no, I'm fine Eun Soo"

"You think Haikal?".

"Hmmm?" I don't know what to say to Eun Soo.

"Be honest with me Esme, I'm your best friend"

"You know Haikal's attitude was different, I wonder what happened to him. I'm afraid it will happen again"

"Try asking him who knows he will be honest with you"

"Is it possible?"

"You have to be sure!"


After school, as usual I waited for my father to pick me up.

I saw Haikal was walking home, I called him and he stopped and looked at me.


"Yes, why?"

"You are okay?"

"Yes as you can see Esme"

"There's something I want to ask you Haikal"

"Just ask"


Then suddenly a car horn sounded loudly.



Aishh why dad came at the wrong time.


"Yeah, just a minute dad."

"I'll go first Haikal, see you later"

I got in the car, then dad rolled down the windshield.

"Haikal you want to come home with us?"

"Ah no thanks uncle, I will take the bus"

"Okay, be careful on the road. We'll say goodbye first."

"You guys take care too, see you later"