
Can We Still Play Pretend?

Elyseah Vhenice Andrade, the university's transferee girl together with her bestie. They've got the looks, brain, wealth and the dream of every single boy. Seah has this personality which is being an anti-social and not a talkative person to someone who she barely know so she only have her bestfriend Kira. While Celestial Akira Chavez has this jolly personality and a total social person. What are their secrets that should be untold?? Why do they have to transfer to Steinluxx University? Trixtan Khairro Cardova, the university's Mr. Cold Heartthrob. He got the looks, brain, wealth and his circle of oh so hot friends. He got this cold aura among his fans but this would change towards this one girl named Seah for he needed her to pretend as his girlfriend or else he wouldn't dare inherit the wealth of his grandparents. A girl with a sad past in her previous school went to his brother's school afterwards without being known as the sister of their principal. Suddenly, she will be pretending as Mr. Cold Heartthrob's girlfriend. But.... What will happen if their pretending suddenly become real?? Are they ready to risk everything on the name of love?? Or it will be the end of their pretend relationship??

Unixca_Aria · Teen
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5 Chs

Can We Still Play Pretend?


This is a work of fiction. Names, Businesses, Places, Events and Incidents are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

No parts of this book should be plagiarized. An act of being transmitted by book or by any means that is not known by the author or without the prior permission of the author is a crime.



Please do not plagiarized this. God knows when you own something that is not yours. You can just ask for my permission to make a fan fiction about this but making a copyright of this is purely prohibited. Please respect my rights as an author.

This story is taglish and still unedited, so it might contain typographical errors, grammatical errors, and wrong spellings.

If you want to be updated when will I update my stories or read my other stories you are free to follow my account.

All pictures provided are NOT mine. Proper credits to the real owners.

Please bare with me for I am STILL starting and STILL learning. If you are looking for a perfect story, I suggest that you should not read this for it might not reach your own expectations.

PS. I am accepting critics that will help me to learn more in the aspect of writing.

¡Gracias mi amor!

¡Te amo a todos!

Read at your own risk.


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Started in: November 24,2020

Ended in: Unknown (On-going)