
Can we meet again?

will you love me like you used to....

Ashtarte · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I, Xuan Si, am not a person who's being loved by others nor cared by them...I did everything they wanted me to do so that I can be cared by them, loved by them even for a little bit... thinking and craving for their love and care.....

Is my wish so difficult to be fulfilled?is it my only foolish wish?that they think of me as a puppet and a dog who only want to get some affection and attention and do what their master wants hoping they noticed me....but none of that happened.

I always sit all alone by myself and always asked for value of my own existence but didn't find the answer... really why it's so hard to found it... hah...Then one day my powers awoken and those who bullied me and used violence towards me ... I killed them all without any evidence I wiped out them... Hah....after killing them with my powers... the pool of their blood looking at their dead bodies asking for help and forgiveness like I used to be..I feel happy and thinking of my past self why until now I crave for their affections when they didn't even count me as one of them ... ( I looked at their faces and made it clear to hear their voices full of fears until their soul left and disappeared in thin air and made sure of them not getting a chance to be reincarnated) ... And now other than them those who used to ignore and bully me now started to praise me... bunch of liars and fools... always tried to gain profit and reputation through me.... when I was fighting with them by myself and asked for help, you all ignored me thinking I'm somekind of stupid and naive also unworthy girl and used to say that there's no need to care because she's not loved by her own parents so whatever happend to her there's not a single person who will cry for her so just ignore.... fufu... now when I think about my past it feels like a movie scene like in a threater me being a weak spotted girl.... and now I got power and became powerful they crave for me try to made business relationship with then .... so naive .... you guys forgotten about how you use to behave towards me like I was some kind of dirt which isn't worth noticing.... and now thinks that I forget all the things since it's been so many years..... eventhough the wounds heals but scars always left to remind it again and again and they think since wounds heal it's ok to show themselves to curry favors...

Years passed...

Your majesty , the sun and the moon of this empire ... today I'm here because I want to discuss about business with you.. since I heard that you deal with business of this empire... (tsk... just a girl with arrogant behaviour... if I butter up she will fell for me... and then I can do anything... haha)

hoho... so you wanna make a business deal with me.. hah... Wan [shout]

Yes, your highness

my dear Wan... this man want to make a business deal with me ... what should I do?

No need to worry your highness... your Wan will take care of it for you

[caressing his face] aww... my dear Wan... then deal with him [glare]


[shivering] well... I think I should just go home now.....

oh hoho... mister that's very bad you know ... going home without discussing about business..... tsk... saaying to talk about business but having dirty thoughts are very bad impudent you know

Your majesty... please forgive me .... please your majesty....

My dear Wan ... I'm having headache now because of these irritating voice... [touching head]

Majesty you don't have to hear this irritating voice now [slang: sound of sword] just close your eye


Noooo....Please have mercy your majes.....[swoosh].... ty

My condolence to you [sparking some magic to not leave any evidence and any existnce of him]... heh... you're lucky to just have a peaceful death than a painful death...

[taking her hand] your highness... please now open your eyes and take this medicine...

[opening her eyes] My Wan... it's good thing that you're always with me and make medicine for me

Your Highness don't say like that [smiling and looking at her] your Wan will never ever leave your side even death can't apart us.... whereever you go ... Wan will always follow you

[reliefing sigh] yes... I know Wan will always be with me but you should live eventhough I'm not with you anymore....

[massaging her head] Your highness why're you saying like that as if you are going to leave me alone ...

[smiling] my dear Wan promise me this... okay you will rule this empire even without me

[shocked] Your highness... this blood sect is build by you and only will ruled by you... so I can't make this promise with you.... If you're going to perish then Wan will also perish with you...

[putting her finger to his lips] shh... Wan shouldn't do that .... If I perish one day I know my dear Wan will search for me and help me .... will you not?

but... Your highness are you going to abandon your Wan , now [crying]

[coughing] No... my dear Wan [caressing his hair ] I'm not going to abandon you I'm just going on a holidays ..... and you have to live on so after 100 years come to search for me okay... I know you'll know me whatever form I take so Wan just promise me this

No... I can't

Think of it as my only wish and fulfil it ....[ coughing blood] give me your hand and promise me Wan [smiling]

[shocked] Your highness... why.... why are you still smiling... hah... why're you so stubborn,Si?

[face covered with blood] finally my dear Wan called me by my name [smiling] I know my W.A.N...we....l..l...

[body fading away little by little with a faint light]

No... Si, what's happening?....


S....I..... [CRYING LOUDLY] you're so cold hearted again left me alone in this world too.... I should have come to you when you just reincarnated... but I... just can sense and feel you but can't do anything to you.... and when I come to you you already bear all the pain yourself and also drink the poison they made for you to drink... why did you drink that when you already know about it .... and today also force me to keep promise and take care of these people who made you like this... I will never let go any of them who bad mouth about you never.... ever.... [crying]...

.....AFTER 99 YEARS.....

(swish... swish)

Si, Like you said to me..... your Wan managed it well and made it as your wish .... when I found you and take in you here you will be very happy to see this empire

[flashback] Si .... What is your dream?

well I don't think I have any dream Wan....

Si.... at least one .... you have right.... can you tell me ?

hmm... let me think...

[looking and waiting for answer eagerly].....

(pfft).... Wan you're making so serious face to know about my dream.... heheh...

[trying to be angry] Si, are you making fun of me right now .... humph...

Oh my... my... dear Wan don't be angry with me....(poking on his cheeks )ok... ok I will tell you now..... well my dream is If I became a queen of this empire I will make it a whole new different world where no weak people get bullied or ignored and be loved by their parents and gain all their affections and love ..... ... and also whether they are weak or strong they should help each other without any criticism..... and a new empire different from other where these citizen no need to go on war and abandoned their family.... [pointing at the sky] like the stars in the sky eventhough they are different but always together to shine..

[admiring] woah... Si your dream's amazing

[staring at him] since I tell you my dreams .... now it's your turn to tell me about your dream ... my dear Wan

[flustered] well.... My dream's.....I..... I'll...

Aww.... now Wan's so shy while telling me about his dreams... hmm

[shy and yelling] I'll always follow Si whenever she go (face became red because he's flustered)


Hah..... pfft.... Wan..... wan will follow me whenever I go..... you shouldn't say this word easily.... my dear innocent Wan [caressing his face] what if I chose wrong path and made bad decision....[looking away]

[staring at her] .... No... whatever path Si choose Wan will always follow her... this is my promise...

shh.... Wan... I know .... but what will you do if you fall in love with a girl .... that time you should follow your girl and help her

[pouting] no..... (mumble) I'll never fall in love with other girl.... [trying to take a glance at her]

[throwing water of the pond] aww... Wan's now day dreaming..

[splash]... ahh.... Si... I'm not gonna spare you know....

[running..... running]

hehe.... I wake Wan up from his daydream....

wait..... just wait ... Si... haha

[laughing and running sound]