

A young man who grew up to hate girls from childhood, a later as a man decided not to love any, assuming they are all after money, later fall in love with a beautiful damsel. But with his attitude, the question now is can they be together

John_Samuel_jsm · LGBT+
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1 Chs


Cast :

Dad ( C.E.O )


Martins Wilfred

Martins Charlotte






Girl 1

Girl 2

Food attendant

Richard ( Manager )


        Scene 1

Camera opens on Charlotte  calling out Wilfred's name as she keeps running towards his room to wake him up.

Charlotte :  Wilfred, Wilfred, Wilfred,Wilfred wake up its morning already you will be late today again what's wrong with you

( Wilfred sluggishly get up from the bed and walked away as Charlotte murmured to herself in anger )

Wilfred : mummy's girl.

Charlotte : Daddy's boy who can't  even wake up by himself spoilt brat daddy let's him go away with everything he does without scolding him.

         Scene 2

At the dining table ( Dad and Mom)

Wilfred's mum scolding Wilfred for waking up at that time of the day asking him what says the time. ( Dad walks in and defend him )

Wilfred : good morning Mom

Mom : what says the time now, how many times do I have to tell you that you are no longer a baby who needs some one to wake him up from sleep.

Dad : no no no no no no I think you are being to harsh on him, you can't just keep talking to him like he is is a grown up boy when he is not.

Mom : correcting him is same as being to him is that what you are saying.

Dad : no but you should accept his greetings first, he is still a kid, one step at a time uh.

Mom : yeah Charlotte is a big girl right ?, your aunt right !?. She gets up from bed on her own every single day, she does her things herself, she even do your own things and you don't even get to appreciate anything she does for you, even for once.

  But that's it Daddy's boy, but remember daddy won't be there for you always .

Son don't mind her, you know daddy always gat your back and as long as I gat your back, you gat nothing to fear or worry about, everything is gonna be so..... easy remember that. Ohh yeah now go and get yourself and your things ready you . The gaurds will drop you at school.

Wilfred : Yes dad you are my super hero dad

Dad : and I will continue to be

  ( Wilfred ran to prepare for school as Dad turns to mum )

Dad : You see that's how to treat a child not being harsh all the time.

( Mom stood in silence glancing on dad confused not knowing what to say . After a while ).

Dad : you can keep starring at me, I only told you the facts and.

Mom : oh my gosh I don't even know what to say right now just leave me alone

Dad : ( dropping the empty tea cup ) yeah I'm leaving you as you can see I'm going off to work have a nice day. ( So he left)

Mom : ( bows her head to the table) fuck ! What kind of a man is this he keeps spoiling the child.


              Scene 3

   At the school, during break hour , Wilfred is seen exchanging greetings and hand shake which proceeded by dialogues with his class mates.

Peter : wassup my nigga how're you doing

Francis : yo that's my bro

William : no, no he's the Daddy's boy

Goffery : yahhhh that's correct and his dad gat him covered all over

Tyson : and I think I can perceive little scents of the dudes dad coming out of him.

Goffery :  ( all laughing ) hmmmm that sucks I think we should leave him alone before starts crying like a Daddy's boy

Peter : which he is ! ( Wilfred still standing and watching them why their laughter increases.

       That's enough guys let's us calm down I think the dude is about to piss on his pants.

Tyson : ohh shit that was tough, really, really tough men

William : I think that's enough guys, enough of the gest ( still laughing sirously laughing )

Wilfred : I think you should let them keep blabbing, Nemesis isn't far from them

William : yeah same thing I'm saying you guys should keep it low, before some baby sitter show up here and pick us all and lock us in the cell.

Wilfred : and who is the baby sitter

Goffery : your dad off course

Wilfred : how dear you speak ill of my dad you cloctopole do you know who my dad is

Goffery : yeah I do, your dad is a baby sitter and you are the baby boy yo.... Ho..... hahahaha

( Wilfred got angry and advancies to throw a pounch on his face but was withheld by the other boys ).

Peter : why so angry

Wilfred : you guys should have allowed me to knock some sense into his brain. Some nuts have been unscrewed, I can fix them well and make him come back to his senses

Goffery : do baby boys no how to throw punch

( Goffery still angry walked out of the group angrily insulting the girls )

Goffery : hey you skinny pigs stay out of the way before I crush you.

Girl : hey you spoilt brat, mind the way you talk.

Wilfred : ( turns back at her) and said you think you are beautiful right I think you are a peacock.

     Scene 4

Dad came back and saw his son Wilfred putting on a very sad face, decided so he know to what the problem was.


Dad : Hi son how are you doing, how was your day,

Wilfred : fine dad

Dad : but you don't look fine is everything ok

Wilfred : not really dad

Dad : tell me what's the matter, you know dad is always there for you and can do anything just to see you happy

Wilfred : Yes dad I know it's just that some boys in my class got me angry.

Dad : what did they do

Wilfred : they were making jest of me Dad, and the girls stood around watching and mocking me, you can't believe this they even called you a baby sitter

Dad : that shouldn't bother you, you are a son of a billionaire and they're jealous about it that's all. They wanna be like you but they're far from being so, so don't worry my little boy.

Wilfred : ohh dad but that's not quite alright,  I mean they act like scums and that sucks really bad and that goes more for the girls, I mean can't you just take a look at Charlotte she's a good example but she is a little less than Mom ( displaying his words and mimicking Charlotte's voice ) you get to see her with all the do and Don't, quoting home etiquettes, a leader lead by example, always telling you to treat others well, asking you never to look down on anybody.

       Ohh gees I'm tired of all that.

( Wilfred shocked upon turning to see his mom standing behind the stairs gazing at them ).

Wilfred : I don't understand you've been standing there all this while listening to our conversation ( shooks his head and exclaimed ) mom..... ! You've been standing there since listening to us, oh shit

Mom : Leave us alone

( Wilfred shamefully left the scene )

Mom : you and I know fully well that you are letting Wilfred thread on the wrong path, because he's the only boy child does not give him the privilege to insult or look down on anybody as a matter of fact he is still a child even though he is now seeing himself as an adult or a full grown youth. Is these the way you are going to train a boy kid into a man that will inherite your multiple billion, that will do nothing but to squander up