
Can We Kiss Forever

"Master, I am just a comforting flower that has no fragrance!" "I don't care! I'll be a bee that lands there," "Sir, won't the bee also leave in the end? Jack was just sad, hearing Eveline's rejection. But Jack, he can't just let his love go.

Daoistc54zTk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"Give me one more glass of alcohol!"

"Sir, are you sure? Right now you have been drinking a lot of alcohol!"

"Just give it, whatever it is. I'll pay for it!"

"Sir is not about money, but you can die if you drink too much alcohol. Now you also look drunk!"

"No, you're wrong! Right now I'm still not drunk. I still haven't seen that woman!"

Then the bartender began to give one more glass of alcohol. However, one glass of alcohol was still not enough for Jack, at this time Jack continued to ask for alcohol again and again. Then arrived at the last alcohol glass, who knows how many tens of cups of alcohol have been. Apparently, at this time Jack began to get drunk and began to hallucinate. Shortly after Jack sipped his last alcohol glass, Jack's eyes began to become faint. Even now, Jack, could not see the situation around him. Right now Jack is drunk. In his drunkenness this time, Jack still didn't see her. At this time Jack finally realized, that he could not see her in this way.

Jack, who is now very drunk, began to get unconscious. Jack's vision began to get dark, but just before he fainted. Jack heard the voice of the woman and the voice of the woman he heard was the voice of the woman Jack was looking for.


Time never stops, will continue to pass, and only leaves a memory. Never a second time stopped, even no one could stop it. This morning, everything went as usual. There is nothing special, only time continues. Jack, just woke up from his sleep. Currently still feels headaches, maybe this is because of the influence of alcohol that Jack drinks last night.

When Jack will open his eyes, Jack. He only saw a very glare light, so he have to close his eyes back. Occasionally Jack tried to open his eyes again, but they still felt a little heavy.

Then came the sound of the door that opened and entered a woman, it turns out it was the woman who had been looking for. Jack's eyes immediately opened wide when he saw the woman, Jack began to stand up from his bed.


"Sir, why did you drink that much alcohol?" asked this woman.

"That's because I just want to have fun!"

"Sir, it turns out you are an unpredictable person!"

"These days you have never been seen, where have you been?" Jack asked the woman in front of him.

"My master is a busy woman, I am the backbone of my family. I don't have time, all the time I have is only to make money!"

"Are you tired?"

"What's tired because sir?"

"Being the backbone of the family is also tiring, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired, sir, anyway I have no reason to be tired. I was not allowed to complain!"

"Why is it like that?" Jack asked confused.

"Sir, for some people, there are those who do not have the opportunity to complain. Not because of an unfair life, but sometimes some people can only accept the situation. Because of circumstances that do not want to understand!"

"So for a few days, you worked somewhere else?"

"Yes, sir, that's right!"

"Where do you work?"

"I met a good master, then he hired me for several days. He asked me to serve him!"

Hearing what this woman said, at this time Jack was sad.

"How many people have you served?" Jack asked the woman in front of him.

"For women like me, there must be very many sirs!"


Then this woman began to leave Jack herself.

Jack, began to look at the clock on his watch. Now he must return to his house, his mother and father must be looking for him all night. They must be very worried, Jack. He didn't go home.

On the way when he was about to go back to his house, the car was riding in Jack. Currently starting to get stuck in traffic, this car cannot go anywhere being squeezed by other cars.

"Is it always jammed like this?" Jack asked Mr. Albert.

"Usually it's not this sir!"

"Sir, we can't go back to find a shortcut!" explained the driver.

"Then let's wait!"

"Young master looks like this will take a long time, is there no important meeting today?" asked Albert.

"What else can I do? Besides now we can't go anywhere!" said Jack.

"Young master, your car has been taken by the driver and now may be in your home. Overnight Mr. Tan and Mrs. Liona are worried about sir!"

"Do they know if I go to the discotheque and get drunk?"

"Sir, take it easy, I have taken care of everything. Right now Mr. Tan and Mrs. Liona don't know where the young master went last night!" said Albert.

"They might be very angry if they know!"

"Sir, are you already satisfied now? You met that woman!"

"Hm of course I'm happy, but as usual. The woman always goes and never says goodbye!" said Jack.

"She is a comfort woman, sir," said Albert.

"I know!"

Accidentally at this time, Jack's view began to be fixed on one point. Jack, saw the car belonging to his future in-laws. Mr. Ren, in the car Mr. Ren was not alone. There was a woman who accompanied him, how surprised Jack was when he found out that the woman was the woman who had just met him.

Jack, is currently only glancing at the woman. He wanted to feel sorry, but it had become the woman's job.

"Young master, Mr. Ren has often ordered the woman. They always spend the night at the hotel every night for the past few days!" explained Mr. Albert.

"That woman is currently working!" said Jack.

"Young master, you once asked me to find out the woman's background. It turned out that the woman's name was Eveline, she was a comfort woman. The woman had just entered the night world when her sister was seriously ill, she had to work hard to pay for the hospital ordinary So women are willing to sacrifice their virginity! "