
Can we just date

Angelina Williams, a 26-year-old marketing specialist from the small village of Cedarville, has always believed that love is a myth for her village, with a long history of failed relationships and heartbreaks. The villagers have come to accept that love is not in their fate. Lina has resigned herself to the same belief, focusing on her work and building a life without romance, but her best friend, Bella, has other plans for her. Bella sets Lina up on a blind date with Daniel, a 30-year-old CEO from Everwood City, known for his cold and ruthless business tactics. Their first date is a disaster, with Bella eager to ensure her friend's safety tagged along. Daniel, determined to prove himself, doesn't give up on Lina despite the disastrous first date. As they continue dating, Lina finds herself falling for Daniel's vulnerable side, hidden beneath his tough exterior. But her beliefs about her village's curse and Daniel's reputation as a heartless CEO threaten to tear them apart. Can Lina and Daniel overcome their differences and break the curse of Cedarville's loveless history? Or will their relationship become another casualty of small-town superstition and big-city cynicism?

Twinkle_star_Annex · Teen
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

The CEO was spotted in the lobby

"Okay" he said

Lina burst out laughing as if she had just heard the funniest joke in the world. "You've got to be kidding... you can't just say okay like you own her. Do you even know Lady Linda?" She asked.

Daniel gave her a long stare but didn't answer her question.

She looked at his face for some response, but he just stared at her blankly. "Don't just stare at me," she said.

"Okay, I won't," he said expressionlessly and stood up, ready to leave. Lina felt like she had said something to anger him, so she quickly called out to him and apologize, "Hey, wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to belittle you like that. I guess you don't know the LL I'm talking about . Don't be angry."

Daniel raised his eyebrows and asked, "You think I don't know Lady Linda?"

Lina lowered her gaze. "You might know her, but I'm sure you don't know her well," she said, staring at the floor.

He stared at her little body, his face relaxed. He grabbed Lina's hand and walked out the door.

Lina asked curiously, "Where are we going?" He stopped walking, turned around, and faced her. "It's a surprise," he said and smirked.

Lina curiously followed him to the car. Daniel opened the door of a black sports car for her. Lina bent down and sat in the passenger's seat. While Daniel sat in the driver's seat, he started the engine and drove out of the garage.

They arrived in front of a tall building thirteen minutes later. Daniel pulled into the garage, got out of the driver's seat, and helped Lina out.

She stood staring at the building, dumbfounded. Even without anyone telling her, she knew it was blackwood enterprises. She had passed by here a few times. It's not like she ever stopped; she just admired the building from afar.

Now, she was in and not out; she turned her head to Daniel. "Isn't this the blackwood enterprises?" she exclaimed.

His lips curled slightly as he answered, "Yeah. Now, do you believe I can get you a job here?" he asked casually. Lina couldn't answer him; she just kept staring at the floor. She felt embarrassed; she had spoken too fast.

Daniel grabbed her hand and pulled her stiff body towards the building. Even with all the pulling, Lina hadn't come back to her senses. She never thought there would be a day she would be able to enter the blackwood building.

"M-Mr. P-President," a lady in a suit rushed over anxiously to greet Daniel as soon as he stepped into the lobby.

Daniel nodded slightly. "Is Linda in the office?"

"Yes, sir," said the lady with a smile on her face.

"Good," he responded and left with Lina towards the elevator. The lady stood dumbfounded in the same place as she watched the two get into the elevator. "Wait! Was that a lady with their CEO?"

Lady Linda had just been informed about Daniel's arrival. She jerked up from her seat. "You say what?" she asked excitedly.

"The CEO was spotted in the lobby," the assistant repeated. Linda widened her eyes in surprise and said, "Really?" She couldn't believe the CEO was here.

"And guess what?" her assistant said mischievously.

Linda was already getting angry. She hated guesses. She impatiently scolded her assistant, "Stop being foolish and tell me already." The assistant's face twisted into a strange expression. How could her boss be so cruel! She quickly regained her composure and said proudly, "He asked about you immediately when he stepped foot in the building."

Linda's eyes immediately lit up, and the anger she had towards her assistant dissipated completely. "Come again, he did what?" Even though she heard it clearly the first time, she still wanted her to repeat it.

Her assistant leaned in closer to her ear and said, "the best part is that he is on his way to your office." And that was all Linda needed to hear before she went crazy with excitement.

She had just finished giving herself a little makeover when she heard the clicking sound of Daniel's footsteps.

Daniel pushed open the door and walked in elegantly. Linda's face was full of smiles; she tried to hide it but couldn't.

Two seconds after Daniel entered, Lina quietly followed behind him, trembling nervously.

Linda's smile became stiff, her face turning red and pale. Daniel walked to the sofa and sat down. He patted the seat next to him, gesturing for Lina to sit.

Lina raised her head and slowly glanced at the woman behind the big desk before sitting down next to Daniel.

Linda quickly regained her composure and smiled sweetly to mask her disappointment. "Good afternoon, Mr. President," she greeted him in a polite tone. She turned to Lina and nodded her head, sending her a staged smile.

She was an actress after all, staging a smile wouldn't be a problem for her.