
"It is the best day for everyone, Is it?"

Soon, the Day arrived when Lisa was coming back, Joy thought of preparing Lisa's favourite food and she even took the Night-shift off as after many days, Lisa finally messaged that she would be back by 8 PM and that Joy should be at home as she needs to talk to her.

Joy was happy that Now everything seems to be getting better😌😌, mama's recovery, and may that news would make Lisa happy too, also, The bank Joy tried to get the loan for Lisa's College fee is going to approve it after I submit the House paper as collateral, that would make Lisa so happy😁😁. To Joy, it feels, like her bad days were going to end. she was filled with so much energy, love and happiness.

Joy woke up early in the morning and had her breakfast, then she went to her Part-Time work and then to the hospital.

Joy first went to her Mama's room to see how she is doing, As Joy s went in the room, she saw Drake was examining her.

Drake greeted her with a smile, but Joy did not respond back, she just sat beside her mother and asked Drake, " How is she doing? is there any improvements in her?"

" Drake looked at Joy and said, " compared to last week, there is little less improvement, but still, she doing great".

Joy then said goodbye to Mama and began to leave, but Drake Stopped her and said, " Hey! Joy, Can we Talk? Please?"

Joy turned and looked at Drake and said, " Drake, I think I have talked to Embrey about this, I have forgiven you but don't expect me to treat you the same way, I used to before".

Drake looked down in guilt then he looked at Joy and asked, " But don't you need to Know, why I lied to you about this?"

" No, Drake, you can't defend your lies😤, a lie is always a lie, no matter what the reasons were, and do you know what? I am not angry because you lied to me, but because you never considered me as someone with whom you could be honest. If you had ever considered me your friend then you would have told me the truth first and would have been honest with me. I really thought that now I too, finally has someone, with whom I could share my sorrows, my worries and my happiness, but you made me realise that I was wrong", Said joy with little anger and disappointment 😞😞 in her voice.

"But Joy, Believe me, I could never even dream of hurting you, you are so Important to me Joy, I never meant to hurt you, I lied to you because.....

Before Drake could say anything Joy cut in and said, " Drake, just leave it, I have forgiven you, and I don't want to argue about anything today, I have got a lot of work to do, so Please, Maybe we could talk later."

Joy then left Mama's room and went to her work.

She finished her cleaning work and soon it was Past 4 PM.

Meanwhile, Drake was so upset and sad, he just went back to his office. Drake was angry at himself for messing up everything and thinking if he would have been honest with her then, She might have never allowed him to be by her side. he just kept thinking about it.

As Drake was lost🤔 in his thoughts alone, Embrey walked in his office and saw him worried and Lost in his thoughts.

he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Embrey, she came near him and waved her hand in front of his face.

" Hello! Drake? where are you so lost? asked Embrey.

Drake shook his head and looked at Embrey beside him and said, " Hey! Embrey, When did you come, I did not saw you coming?"

" When you were all lost in your thoughts, you seem worried? is something wrong?" asked Embrey.

" No, Its nothing Embrey, said Drake and got busy in his work.

"I don't think its nothing, Drake, Come on, tell me what is it?" asked Embrey again.

Drake thought for a moment and then said," Its Joy, She just not ready to listen to me, I tried to tell her why I lied to her but she won't even let me explain, I don't know what am I supposed to do".

Embrey looked at Drake with love 💕and said," maybe she needs some more time⏲".

But Drake could not stop worrying about this, he looked worried😟😟 and sad 😢deep down inside he looked at Embrey in dismay and asked," What if she hates 😟me forever for lying to her? What will I do then?"

Embrey looked at Drake with a pleasant smile on her face as if she has the best answer of Drake's all worries.

" Drake she can't hate you, even if she wants to, or if she tries to, she just can't hate you, believe me," said Embrey smiling.

" Why she won't hate Embrey? Why? I lied to her, I did the thing that she hates the most in the world" said Drake as he looked down in dismay😟.

Embrey paused for a moment then she went near him, and asked him to look at her and said, "

Because she likes💖 you, Drake, She likes you, she can't hate you".

Drake could not believe what he was hearing, he holds Embrey by both of his hand, " What are you saying? Does she like me? but she never accepted my feelings for her, why do you think she likes me, Embrey?"

" Its true Drake, She likes💖you, and I heard her saying that to you". said Embrey smiling.

" What ? she said that to me? but when? she never told me, she likes me asked Drake as his heart was pounding💕 loudly with the thought that Joy likes him.

" Embrey asked him to calm down and said, " Yes, she did say to you that she likes you, but then you were unconscious, remember, when you got into an accident and was in Coma.

When you did wake up, Even after 24 hours of surgery, she went to you, and said, that she likes you, but was scared to tell you because you said to her that you had moved on, she was crying so hard for you, she even kissed 💋you, Drake".

when Drake heard this, for a moment he felt like his heart stopped just by hearing that Joy likes him and she even kissed him.

" What? she did? wait, then, the dream I had before waking up, was not a dream, It was real, Joy was really crying for me, and she also told me that she likes me, It was all real and I thought that I just had a dream" said Drake with trembling voice as he could believe what he was hearing.

" Embrey? Embrey, I can't tell you how happy 😄😄I am, this is the best day of my life Embrey, I don't know what I should do now, should I go to her ? huh? Embrey what should I do now?" asked Drake as he was over the clouds.

" First, calm down, Drake or you are gonna, give yourself a heart attack😲, Don't go to her now, she might be busy in her work, she won't listen to you, hmmm... but you can talk to her after her day shift gets over, She goes to the rooftop after her Day-shift gets over? right? there she would be alone and you could tell her everything, right? said Embrey smiling👼😇.

Drake was filled with joy and happiness, he hugged Embrey tightly and thanked her. this was the day he has always waited for, it was the best day of his life, Finally, joy was going to accept his love for her.

Drake could wait this day to get over and meet Joy at the rooftop, where he would confess his feeling for her again and this time Joy won't reject him.

Joy gets off early from the work as she does not want to get late. Joy was so happy that Lisa is coming back. she would be so happy when I would tell her that I have arranged her college fee and she could now go to that big college and live her dreams.

Joy kept wondering about, how great this day is going to be fo her.

Meanwhile, When the day Shift got over, Drake went to the rooftop, he sat on the bench waiting for Joy💖, but Joy did not come. He thought she might have caught up in some work. He decided to wait a little longer.

Soon, It starts raining⛈⛈⛈, he tried to call Joy but there was no answer.

He went down to look for Joy, he looked around but Joy was not there. Half an hour passed but he could not find Joy.

As Drake was passing by a corridor on the first floor, looking for Joy, He saw Peter at the reception, he went running there and asked, " Hey! Peter, Have you seen Joy around? I looked everywhere, Do you know where she is?"

" Yeah! She is not here Doctor Drake, SHe left early to home, she said she had some work there," said Peter.

Drake then went to his office and sat down on his chair.

" Uhh🙄🙄!!! Why she had to go early today🙄? I can't wait for tomorrow🤔🤔, I need to talk to her right now, Should I go to her house🤔? But What if she gets angry? Uhhhh... Maybe I should wait till tomorrow😒,

But I can't😣, I just can't😣😣 ", wondered Drake and he stood up to go to Joy's home to talk to her.

As he came out of his office and pressed the elevator button to go down, he heard Embrey calling him.

She came running 🏃‍♀️to him, calling his name with a worried😟 voice.

" Drake? Drake? Stop, please come with me", said Embrey breathing heavily.

" what is it? Embrey, If it is not urgent, then let me go, Joy went home early, and I can't wait till tomorrow for telling her this, so I am going to her house😄💖", said Drake Excitedly.

"As Drake Begins to leave, Embrey Stopped him and said, " It Mrs Carol, Drake, Joy's Mama, she breathing heavily, and her vitals are changing, her heart rate and Brain activity are increasing? you need to check her, may she is gonna come out of the coma🤔."

As Drake heard this, he went running🏃‍♂️ to her room, he examined her as he was examining Mrs Carol, He saw she was slightly opening her eyes, but she was breathing heavily.

" Mrs Carol? Mrs Carol? can you hear me? Mrs Carol? asked Drake checking her Pupil.

Carol slightly opened her eyes, Drake could not believe this was happening, Mrs carol was awakening, He asked Embrey to call Joy, but there was no answer.

The First word Carol spoke was Joy's name, she asked Drake Where Joy was, Drake asked her breath slowly and said that Joy is coming.

But Carol's heart rate was increasing and her breathing was heavy. She looked at Drake and said,

" Doctor, I don't think I can make it, Please tell My Joy, that I tried hard to recover but I could not tell her that I had always loved her," said Carol as she breath heavily and her monitor kept beeping.

" No, Mrs Carol, You have to live, You have to live for you daughter, You can't leave her😠, this is the only thing she had wanted from you, you need to live and tell her yourself that how proud you are of her, so just stay with me, Mrs Carol, you would be fine," said Drake with fear in his eyes of losing Joy's mother.

" You know my Joy Doctor, Please, I want you to tell her that I am sorry, tell her that her Mama had always wanted her to be happy😇, tell her that I had always been so proud of her😇, tell her that I know how hard it was for her always carry her responsibilities towards her family but she always chose us above her happiness, but tell her that her mama had asked her to live for herself now😢😢, please tell her that Doctor," said Carol breathing heavily and with tears in her eyes.

Mrs.Carol, Just stay there, You are going to be okay, Mrs. carol" said Drake and asked Embrey to call Joy and ask her to come to the hospital. But Joy was not answering.

" Doctor, she is going into Cardiac Arrest😲😲", said A nurse, Drake Immediately ran to perform CPR on her.

Meanwhile, after Joy walked to her home, she saw Lisa was sitting at the Front Porch with her luggage, she did not go in.

Joy went to Lisa and hugged her tightly💖💖😇 and asked her with a smile on her face, " Hey! You came back, It feels so great to see you princess😇😇, This home without you💖 does not even felt like home, I missed you so much😘😘, Princess, let's go in and then we would talk."

Lisa did not say a word and Separated herself from Joy's arm and said, " Sister, I want you to meet someone" said Lisa called out someone from the backyard.

As Joy turned to look whom Lisa wants her to meet, Joy was shocked😲😲 as she saw the Man coming from the backyard, she trembles, she could not believe her eyes, she asked in fear, " What are you doing here? Why you are here with Lisa? tell Me? Why you are back?😡😡"

"Lisa what this man is doing here?" asked Joy😠.

Drake was fighting to save Carol's Life, and Joy was shocked to see the man who came with Lisa, Who was that Strange Man? that made Joy shiver in fear?

Was this day really great for Drake and Joy? would everything would be fine as Joy thought t would be?

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