
chapter one: Let's call it quit

Linda Roberge's point of view

"Good evening mom and dad , Charles good evening,Anna how was your day?" I said as I got inside the house shuting the door behind me . Anna had quickly helped with my bag and Charles mom came over to give me a hug ." Evening"  Charles and his dad had mouthed . I feel Kinda absurd and tired. I had a really stressful day and a tiny voice in my brain kept on telling me that the night was gonna be a long boring one. 

   "Argh!!,am so tired..... my husband didn't even ask any my day "I thought as I lie on my bed. I wish I could just pack up all my stuff and move outta this house but who am I to do that, it's a word of if wishes were horses beggers will ride.

    I sat up removing my shoes tossing them to one side of the room ,I was undoing my jacket bottoms when the door squeaked open and I saw a male figure approaching me . Bang!!,it's Charles,what does he want in my room at this time of the night or did he want to apologize for his unruly behaviour towards me?.....if so I will make ...."Hey Linda,let's talk "Charles said interrupting my thoughts, "yes Charles"I answered him quite quickly ushering him to sit beside me on the bed but he shrank and asked me to get him a chair from his study. "How can I think he came to apologize to me ,he must have come to bully me instead "I said to myself dragging myself from the bed to get him his god-damn chair.

  "Wow "I unconsciously said as I entered his room and slid open the door of his study. He's got great taste and from the view of his room and study, he's also classical. It looked pretty without being feminine. Light green walls created a cool beauty ,giant windows on two walls gave a glorious view of the outside beauty while allowing the moon and stars which flickered so beautifully to cast light and shadows to highlight the colours inside.

  Charles didn't seem the type of man to care about decor but the room reeked of elegant simplicity. I just can't help admiring it. It's just so elegant and well ...

  "Excuse me ?"Charles snapped at me jolting me back to life . I didn't even hear the door open ,he must have been standing there for some minutes .

   He motioned for me to sit and I sat on the chair I was supposed to bring to him . He took his sit opposite mine and from the look of things and the dark aura surrounding me ,he seems angry with me . But for what?,I did nothing wrong to him .

    He cleared his throat and started with "Linda,why did you agree to marry me ? ..... you are pretty,smart and very well-bred . As per the little I know about you,you are doing well with your job and your dad's company so why did you still marry me ? . We do not fucking love each other Linda,am not ready for marriage. As a guy ,I still wanna have lots of fun!. This is the peak of our youth babe ,you are 20years and am 24years, although I heard you are a decent lady am sure deep down there you also want to have fun. Why are you hurting us ?,why don't you call it quit and let us go our separate ways?,I am not ready to father any child yet. For now ,I just wanna be a man-about-town not a married man tied with the responsibility of taking care of a wife and kid. I hate responsibilities and you are here gagging me with one. Linda I would help you to pack all your stuffs ,drive you down to the airport and even help you settle in  if you stand up at this instant and tell our parents you are calling it quits ". I shooked my head and he look shocked.

   "I'm sorry I can't Charles,it's a sacrifice I made for my family,I promised my parents that I would not back out no matter what you say to me or how you behave towards me . And that promise,am sorry I can't break it now not ever . If that's all you have to say to me ,I would like to take my leave now. Good night "I said leaving him stupefied and disappointed. What does he take me for,a rat ?. I'm not the kind of person to rat out at any difficult phase of my life,I face it instead.

   I joined mom and dad at the dining room and in as much as I wanted to enjoy the dinner of oatmeal and toast,the conversation I had with Charles had made me lose appetite. My mother-in-law had asked if all was well with me and I tried  wearing a smiling facade to assure her that all was well. The thing all is not well even in the well !!.

   . Charles joined us some minutes later and we all went silent. I managed to eat few mouthfuls and left the dining earlier than everyone else. 

   When I got into my room,I locked the door and cried my eyes out . I hate being in helpless situations like this one .


Charles Williams point of view

      "Son behave well and stop being this harsh on your wife, she's better than any girl you find out there in the streets"my mom was telling me earlier today before Linda arrived from work. The fact is, Linda is everything I want in a woman but I can't acknowledge that fact because I wanted my parents to stop making decisions on my behalf .

   "Good evening mom and dad, Charles good evening, Anna how was your day? Linda said shuting the door behind her as Anna helped with her bag and mom gave her a big motherly hug, the kind she never gave me when she arrived home. "Evening"me and dad had chorused. I heard she's a marketer at a big company here in Kentucky. She looks Kinda tired, it's obvious she had a stressful day. Poor little wifey, I was tempted to pull her into my arms and kiss her till we are both out of breath but I quickly waved it off,why would I want to do that to someone I don't love? ,I must be losing my mind. I'm not supposed to be blamed though, Linda is just so sexy and manipulative.

    My dad noticed the way I was looking at Linda and had pulled my legs telling me not to forget that she's my wife and I could always go make love to her whenever I feel like. I had given him an angry look and he couldn't help laughing at me mockingly.

    I'm not myself for the past two days that Linda moved in as my wife. If I don't do anything to this now,I might end up fulfilling our parents wish .

   "It's better I have a peptalk with Linda now and convince her to move out of the house and call the relationship quit"I thought as I headed for her room. 

    I saw her unbottoning her jacket bottons and gulped feeling my dry throat, this girl is making me lose my mind. I suddenly feel like helping her undress and put off my nightdress pumping my prick into her cunt ,I wonder what that's gonna feel like .

   "Hey Linda, let's talk"I said trying to sound rude. "Yes, Charles"she said immediately ushering me to sit beside her on the bed but I shrank ,it seems that this little wife of mine is torturing me on purpose. I told her to get me a chair from my study not wanting to to fall a victim of whatever plan she has in mind that made her to tell me to sit beside her on the bed. She left to bring me a chair hesitantly, just staring at her retreating figure is making me feel randy.

   Gawd!!,I can hardly think straight again but then what was taking her so long. I decided to check up on her and I found her at the door of my study her mouth curved into the letter "O" looking astonished as though she was in Wonderland. She didn't seem to notice that I was already inside the room,holy moly, what should I do with my wife!!.

"Excuse me?" I snapped at her and she seems shocked, only God knows what she's been fantasizing about that made her not to notice my presence at all.

     I motioned for her to sit down and gave her an angry stare as I took my sit opposite her.

   I cleared my throat and hit her with the question of why she agreed to marry me. I analysed some facts about me not ready for marriage and how perfect she is. I even told her I would help her pack up all her stuff if she call the relationship quit thinking she would would be so elated and agree to it since we don't love each other at all but that wasn't the case, she disagreed totally. She shook her head and told me a no which shocked me to my bones. 

"I'm sorry I can't Charles, it's a sacrifice I made for my family, I promised my parents that I wouldn't back out no matter what you say to me or how you behaves towards me. And that promise, am sorry I can't break it, not now not ever. If that's all you have to say to me, I would like to take my leave now. Good night." She said and left my room leaving me looking like an idiot.

Just what did Linda think she is doing?. What the hell did she mean by"And that promise, am sorry I can't break it now, not ever"?. Is this girl in her right senses at all?.

   Is it because I was taking things so lightly with her that makes her think she can have  her way with me ?. It seems she doesn't know the person she's dealing with at all and I would make her see things for what they really are. 

   "Henceforth,I will make life really unbearable and miserable for Linda Roberge"I swore to myself before joining them at the dining room.

   Linda didn't eat much and left for her room. Afterwards,my parents asked me what I said to her that changed her countenance and I scoffed not saying anything.

   I ate my dinner as fast as I could and returned to my room to think about how to make Linda change her resolve and be the one nudging me to let us call the marriage quit.

     We have both drawn a battle line ,let's see who will win and who will give up.

I'm already having headache so I took a shower and returned to my bed.Its gonna be a long long night. I wonder what Linda would be doing, she might have fallen asleep already. I later turned out the light and began to drift into the darkness awaiting me.