
Can our love be a mistake

Divine_Edwin_6278 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The beginning

Irene pov

Morning Mother, how do I look in my new uniform I said and spin around in Joy. I'm going to the almighty alpha Luc, I'm so happy mother.well no one will know that I'm a scholarship student neither will they know that I'm poor.you look so nice and adorable my mum said.

I hurried and eat my breakfast and boarded a cab to school .

wow this school is so beautiful I hurried and paid the cabby man and thanked him.And went inside gosh they are all rich Folks, am so lost in starring before I get hold of myself and a girl tapped me.


I came down from my car, and I saw a girl standing and staring around at once I knew she was a newbie well I need a new friend and a very good one at that. when I said that I need a good friend you know what I mean a very rich super rich friend,I walked up to her and tapped her she turned on stare, woah she's so beautiful more than cheerleader.

hi I'm faciana I will take you to the registration room. No she replied I have registered I just have to use the map they gave me to find my class and I am Irene, what a nice name I said oh the map they gave her is the same location to my class. when we got there I checked her half-cut uniform, she is in my class. I took her in and a teacher was in the class at that time.

Irene pov

I thanked her and the teacher who introduced herself as miss Carter she is even making funny sounds with her bubble gum, Introduce yourself she said to me. she looks like a slut, am Irene she wanted to say something when three cuties came inside the class and were giggling, whispering and playfully hitting each other.

The class was murmuring, whispering and cheering everywhere, one of them was the most cutest guy I have ever seen, they sat down.

mrs Carter asked me my surname, well my surname is Michael but I hate being referred to as Micheal so perhaps you just call me Irene.

the class started talking again don't they get tired.

(a girl from the class) oh that's chance surname

(another girl)

what she said she don't like it I already hate her she said.They were talking rubbish and I went to my desk and sat down till the end of the lesson.I jotted down some important words. The next period is music class meaning that we have to go to the music 🎵 stadium.

I also found out that the names of those cuties were Shawn, chance and Lucia and I'm crushing on one of them but they are rude and arrogant and I don't like rude people and I'm sure there are also playboys. well many people in my class are playboys and I also found out that Lucian is the school president.

mr Brand is our musical manager and he called Lucian to sing for us.

Lucian POV

Right now I just need some ass to fuck and a sweet pussy and this damn manager is asking me to sing in front of some silly lunatics. ok sir.

🎶 You leave breathless

🎶 You're everything got in my life.

🎶 You leave me breathless

🎶 I still can't believe you're mine

🎶You just walked outta my dream.

🎶 so beautiful you live in me

🎶 Breathless breathless.

ok ok enough our manager said but everyone was still clapping, shouted and they were not ready to give up before he finally gave up.Here as they were cheering and praising me,I actually noticed a newbie girl from our class today, she was writing I guess it was the sweet melodious song I just sang that she's writing. Hey there, come over here, and she pointed herself and I nodded, she came forward nervously some people were more worried and some were murmuring.I don't know what's wrong with me but she shouldn't be writing instead of cheering me.

Irene pov

I took the headphone and mouth mic from him after setting.

After remembering the everything I have been through I decided on this song.

🎶 Cause this life

🎶 Doesn't always

🎶 Go the way it should

🎶 Sometimes why

🎶 Things happens

🎶 To people that are good

🎶 Is not fairrrr fairrrrrrr airrrrr airrr.

Woah, you have such a nice voice our manager commented. The students were cheering and shouting but, a girl angrily walked out and two others followed suit.


WOW! escape my mouth before I could stop myself. Well her voice is very good and look somehow familiar.

Novel POV

I angrily walked out, how can she sing very well. she can even see more better than me and Lucian have a very surprising emotion, he even said wow! god I'm freaking angry I will surely make our life of living hell. Calm down Mabel, said oh please shut up I don't need you to f****** talk to me this time, if not you will regret. But it was Lucian who told her to sing because she was not cheering him okay. Then why wasn't she cheering him. Just shut up, I think you should warn your talkative friend or I will bound both of you from the cheerleading. Oh come on Novel shut up and look,I wasn't the reason she was cheered more than you, she said and walk away. She even have the gods to walk out on me or is this because of that good for nothing Irene. Gosh, how did I even know her name.

Irene pov

After we left the music room two more lesson were thought before break lunchtime. I went to the cafeteria to eat there was a well-designed table, and three chairs at the front, another three at the other side and I sat on one of the chairs, student around murmuring.I'm so f****** tired of all this dramas for crying out loud can they stop all the noise, not quite long they all started again but this time around the noise was louder. When I look at the entrance the three boys and the cheerleaders were coming, hmmm no wonder they were behaving like idiots. They were Sophia, Novel and Mabel the talker.
