
i will never see him

"What?! why? as far as I know that she loves you so much, why did she leave you?! don't tell me that you hurt her again?!" Anna asked in shock, and is really angry, thinking that Harry is the cause of her leaving him.

"I don't know, she is not answering my calls at all and didn't even tell me the reason for the divorce. I wanna go and ask her the reason and tell her to come and stay with me and that I will never do anything that will hurt her, but she is not picking up the call for me to tell those things. I can't even move my legs now, if I can, I could have already been to her home and begged her to come back" Harry said with a sigh, thinking about all the possible ways he has to get back his Ava.

Anna felt bad seeing that, she took a long sigh and said with a smile "don't worry, everything will end up good, and can you give me Ava's number, I can talk to her". Harry shook his head and said with a sigh "I should be the one to talk to her, so I even stopped my grandma from contacting her. I know she will never leave me even though she wanted a divorce now".

Anna got up from her seat and walks to Harry and gives him a warm hug saying "I will always be with you as a friend, so don't worry about anything". He nodded his head with a smile, as he really wanted a hug right now. but both of them don't know that Ava is looking at this, outside of the room. She came here to see Harry like before but seeing him with Anna again hurt her so much as she thought "I... I know that he loves Anna so much, and what the hell am I even thinking when Harry called me?! I shouldn't get my hope high, he will never fall in love with me, the only thing I can give him right now is divorce so he can have the life he wanted. I just wanted to give this as his last present". Ava's eyes tear up as she walks away from there, trying to not look hurt or sad.

She was so focused on her emotion, that she didn't focus on the person that is walking in front of her, who is none other than Jack and they both bump into each other. Ava raised her face and saw Jack, her eyes widens as she tried to hide her face and walks away from there, but it was too late, Jack already saw her so he grabbed Ava's hand and asked in confusion and shock "Ava, is that you?". She stood there for a few seconds without answering anything, but then she tried to take her hand back but she can't do anything as Jack is stronger than her. He didn't let go of her hands and asked in shock "Ava? is that you?". She shook her head, not looking back at him, and says "No, you got the wrong person, I have to go back, so please let my hand go!".

"Do you really think that I can't recognize you, even though you have been with Harry the whole childhood, I have always been with you so I know it is you, so turn back and look at me?" Jack asked with a sigh, as he knows for sure that it was Ava. She took a long sigh and turned to look at Jack saying "fine, it's me! do you have anything to say?! if not then I have to go". Then she tried to take her hand again but Jack is not letting it go, as he told: "what happened? why are you behaving like this?! you should talk like this with Harry and stand up for yourself and not to me".

"Whatever! I don't care! after hearing your words, I decided to get divorced from Harry, so let me go, I don't want anyone to see me here" Ava said with a sigh, and is still trying to take back her hand but can't. Jack was taken aback by this because he always advises her about this but Ava never heard him once before, but after knowing he is one of the reasons for his friend's state, he wanted to tell her the truth that Harry go back to his memory, but then he suddenly remembers all the toxic things that he has done to her and he doesn't want to change Ava's mind, as he wants her to look after herself and her life, then to always being with Harry even if he is toxic for her. He took a long sigh and let go of her hand and said with a smile "if you wanted to leave him, I don't have any say on this, but remember to be happy, and call me whenever you need something".

Ava nodded her head and walks away from there, promising herself that she will never come back and will never meet Harry again in her life because she know very well that she will get back all the memories that she had with Harry, even though some are painful, she is happy to be with him for all these years. It really hurt her to leave something that she always loved.

On the other side:

"I am not going to help you with anything, Allina, I know that it is not easy for you to let go of my brother after loving him for all these years, but I can never do anything that will hurt my family and when it comes to my brother and sister-in-law, they just started their life happily after going through all those things, I don't want to do anything or even be a part of them being sad or hurt, so never think that I will help you just because you can guilt trip me, I am not my brother! remember that, you can guilt trip him but not me! so stop all this and go back to your work, your parents must be worried about you!" Emma said with a sigh, staring right into Allina, who is asking for Emma's help to separate Allen and Anna. She knows it is hard to guilt trip Emma as she did with Allen, but hearing her words just broke her heart. She never imagined that her best friend can tell her all these things.

Emma took a long sigh and said "I am so sorry, I can do you anything as long as it's not about my brother's and sister-in-law's life, I can never do anything to hurt them!". Then she walks away without even hearing what Allina wanted to tell because she has been hearing that for the past 30 minutes and she doesn't want to do that anymore.

Allina clinched her hand in anger, hurt, and pain, she doesn't want to go through this anymore, she wants to go back to the past and change the present, where she will never allow Allen to even meet Anna and she will marry him as it was planned. but then she can't do that. She took a long sigh but then she remembers something and took her phone and saw the screen, where Allen is putting the ring on her finger, her lips curled into a smile as she whispers "This is how it suppose to be! but that Anna destroyed everything! I will take back what is mine, as Allen is mine and I will never let anyone take him".

Then she got up and called someone and said: "I will send you a picture, make that big news when I tell you too". Then she ends the call with a smile, saying "You will be mine, no matter what!".

After 2 days:

Anna returns back to country B but doesn't tell anything to anyone as she just wanted to give Allen a surprise visit. She wanted to see him the whole time. Anna walks inside the home and saw her mother-in-law, who was talking with one of a servant and calls her "mother-in-law!". She turned to look at Anna with a smile and confusion, asking "Anna? I thought you will be back the day after tomorrow?!", she said with a big smile and hugged Anna.

"I just wanted to give a little surprise to Allen, so I am here early, so don't tell him about me, mother-in-law," Anna said with a smile. She nodded her head and replied, "don't worry about that, I won't but what is that surprise?".

"you will know that soon, but right now, I am a little tired so I am going to my room for the rest," She said with a smile. Her mother-in-law nodded her head with a smile and said "yes, you must be tried, take a rest!". and Anna walks to her room.

She takes a rest for an hour and walks down thinking about something in her head and her lip is covered with a smile.