

She walks down to the ground floor and sees her mother-in-law who was talking with someone on the phone, so she stopped and continues to talk with Allen.

"But... but baby?" Allen asked, trying to find a reason to make Anna stop, but he didn't get anything. Anna took a long sigh and said "you don't have to worry about anything, I just going to see my injured friend, that is all, and I will be back soon, I really hope that you trust me". Allen can't tell anything after this so he took a long sigh and nodded his head, saying "fine, you can go to see but remember to call me often, I will miss you so much". Anna smiled and nodded her head, saying "fine, you are the best, I love you". Allen smiled hearing that, as he worked so much harder to hear these 3 magical words from her mouth for him.

Then she ended the call and looks at her mother-in-law, who just ended her phone call too. Anna walks towards her mother-in-law with a worried look on her face and says "mother-in-law, Harry got into an accident and is hospitalized so I have to go there to meet him, so I will be leaving today".

"What happened to him? is he ok? is the accident serious?" She asked worried about Harry. "I don't know anything about that, I heard about him getting into an accident and they are taking care of him. so I think it is serious, I will visit him and then let you know about this", Anna said with a sigh, thinking about the conversation she had with Aria. "Fine," she said with a sigh and smile. Anna nodded her head and goes back to her room, so she can prepare to leave.

On the other side:

Allina heard everything that Allen was talking about with Anna, even though she doesn't know what is going on, she can tell one thing, Anna is not at home, and she is going to leave for a few days. She took a long sigh, trying to think of a way to make use of this opportunity.

Then she took a long sigh and started to look through everything on the computer, thinking about getting anything that is related to Anna, which she can use for her benefit but no matter how hard she tries to see things, everything is related to the work. She took a long sigh but then she finds out that even Anna has access to all the CCTV in the company. Her lips curled into a smile as she whispers "I never thought even the PA of the President gets access to all of the things like this, thanks for this Anna, I will make good use of this".

Then she turned to look at Allen, who is working on something. She got up from her place and walks towards Allen with a beautiful smile on her pretty face and asked in her sweet voice "Allen, are you free tonight? can we have dinner?".

"No, I am busy" Allen replied without even raising his head to look at her, which made Allina sad, she took a long sigh, trying to control her feelings, and asked "why do you hate me so much, Allen?", Allen stopped for a second and then continues as he replies "I don't hate you".

"Then why the hell are you ignoring me like this? can't you at least have dinner with me? you hate me so much to the point of spending any time with me! are you scared that you might fall for me if you spend any more alone time with me?" She asked, getting closer to Allen, she is trying to push Allen to his edge as she know everything about Allen and his weak points for her.

Allen took a long sigh and raised his head to look at her and says "Listen, Allina, I don't want to hurt you and I hope you will understand that I am already married and you should not get your hopes up! If you think that I will fall for you if I spend more time with you, then I could have loved you before, but I didn't and now, it is impossible as I have someone that I love, so please stop doing whatever you are trying to do".

"I just wanted to have dinner with you, I miss those times, that's it! why are you so rude to me?! did you start to hate me after marrying that Anna?! why are you being so mean, I didn't do anything! all I asked is to have dinner with you tonight! if you are so confident that you will never fall for me then why the hell are you not having dinner with me?!" Allina shouted at Allen, but this time her eyes were teary and her body is shaking. Allen took a long sigh and said "why are you crying for that, Allina? don't cry". He was worried and at the time, he don't want to get her hopes up because he know why she is doing all these things.

"I am not asking you for anything, I just want you to have dinner with me, is that so hard for you?! why are you hurting me like this?" Allina cried again, trying her best to make Allen feel guilty and make him accept that, and as expected, Allen nodded his head with a sigh and said "fine, if you ask me to have dinner with you like a friend, then I am ready, I will contact everyone to come, It's been so long that we ate together", Then he gave her a smile, and sat down on his place, leaving Allina to dumbfound and then he messages in their group

"Guys, it's been so long, let's have dinner together, come to our regular place and we will have the dinner".

Then he goes back to work, saying to Allina "go back to your place and work Allina, just because you are my friend doesn't mean you can be free, you should do all the work perfectly before getting off work". Allina nodded her head in irritation, she wanted to have dinner with Allen alone but now, he did something like this and this made her so upset and angry, but then she messaged each of them separately not to come tonight so she can be alone with Allen, as she whispers "No matter what you plan to do, we will have dinner alone!".

On the other side:

Ava reaches country C and the first thing, she did is visit the hospital where Harry is admitted too. She walks inside after hearing the information and saw Harry, who was sitting on the bed and having dinner, while Aria is sitting next to him. Ava's eyes turned teary after seeing Harry, she can tell that the accident was huge and he was hurt a lot. She wanted to walk inside and ask him about his well being but, she is scared about everything that happened before. She doesn't know what kind of reaction he will make after seeing her there.

She is scared that Harry might hate her more, or get angry at her and she is so sure no matter what reaction he makes, it's going to be bad for her and she will be the one to get hurt, so she took a long sigh and whispers "I am really so sorry. brother Harry, you had this accident just like that day and you are hurt just like that day, I don't want to bother you anymore like I did back then and get all the hate. I just hope that you will have a happy life as you said".

Then she walks away from there because she doesn't want anyone to notice her there. Ava goes back to her home and saw her family, who has been waiting for her. Ava forced a smile and asked like nothing happened "why are you guys sitting here? did you guys finish your work?". "we wanted to ask you something, where did you go after coming from your vacation?" Ava's mom asked with a sigh, as she is worried about her daughter.

"I... I am so sorry mom, I heard that Harry got into an accident and I was worried about him, so I went to visit him" She said with a sigh, looking down after remembering what she has promised her mom after leaving Harry.