
Can I really keep my Goddess Wife away from the Crazy OP MCs?

I married the goddess of calamity, the daughter of the mightiest god in existence. You don't like me? Well too bad, come talk to my mighty father in law! Who dares mess with me now? Wait. Who are these lowly ants? Why do I feel threatened just by their existence? What's with the cold sweat on my back? Are they the MCs? Volume 1: Including Prologue - Chapter 34 available on Amazon/Kindle Unlimited. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N789XFP/ Volume 2: Including Chapter 35 - 59 + Exclusive Chapter available on Amazon/Kindle Unlimited https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P3ZYJPC/ Volume 3: Including Chapter 60 - 86 + 1 Exclusive Side Chapter available on Amazon/Kindle Unlimited https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SH4DQXK/

KiraMinoru · General
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43 Chs

Chapter 31.

(POV Chu Yue)

That little Han is really getting cocky lately! Are you trying to enrage your big sister to death?

Sure, before I met master my thoughts towards you were no more than that of a dog, but meeting my beloved master changed my views.

That night he left me there alone, I spent repenting over my actions and I realized he was right. Why was I so obsessed over that gaylord? Is he some kind of rare animal that can't be found anywhere else? No he's just a stupid pig head who couldn't be bothered to look my way.

My beloved master who was the first man to look at me properly showed me the light. I was too narrow minded back then and only wanted what I couldn't have like a child throwing a tantrum. Thinking about it all now just makes me want to bury my head in a hole somewhere.

I decided I would repent by taking good care of my junior brother little Han, but it looks like he hates me now for some reason. Could it be possible that he somehow knows about my real thoughts towards him before I met my beloved master?


I was left truly wide eyed as I witnessed something I found shocking. The loyal dog I raised was barking up someone else's tree.

It was a scene I would never have expected of the little Han of the past.

Who is that unbelievably beautiful woman little Han is chatting with? I don't remember ever seeing her before. I am sure if I saw such a beauty in the sect I would at least know her name.

Wait that man beside the woman little Han is speaking to… he seems somewhat familiar for some reason.

I couldn't stop my curiosity so I asked uncle Hitu, "uncle Hitu that person little Han is talking to... I feel like I have seen him before or know him from somewhere, but cannot remember from where. He has a somewhat familiar feeling to him and I can't quite put my finger on it. Do you remember him? Also, that woman with them as well."

Uncle Hitu turned to take a look and he quickly frowned in displeasure when he laid his eyes on the man beside that beautiful woman.

"It's that stinky loose lipped fellow who spouted a bunch of nonsense during the final test when we were accepting disciples."

I couldn't stop my eyes from opening wide upon realization. It's that jerk that messed up my plans that day. Well, whatever. It's not that big a deal anymore since I met my beloved master after all, but I will definitely imprint that face into my memory. He has one strike to his name. I may have become more forgiving after meeting my mysterious master.

I felt slightly proud of myself for my improvement in my temperament over such a short time period of five days. I wish I could see master again to be praised and have him pat my head again.

However, that many still still has one strike. Three strikes and you're still out mister loose lipped unknown nobody over there. Wait. If I remember correctly, wasn't that man beside that beauty back then as well? Could it be they are an item or married already? How can a toad at the bottom of a well like him lust after the meat of a swan like her?

Could that be the source of little Han's change in attitude? That smile on his face says it all! He is clearly in love with a married woman!

Kyaa! My little Han is such a sinner! I thought I was bad for falling for an older married man but you are definitely just as bad as your big sister.

For some reason I felt a sense of comradery I'd never felt before with little Han. Isn't this perfect? I no longer have to break his little heart and tell him I already have someone I love.

Little Han, your big sister Chu will support you one hundred percent in full. I will make sure you can win the heart of that beauty and snatch her away from that toad. It's such a waste leaving such a beauty with a toad like that anyways.

Once I came to understand the whole picture I quickly skipped over to where the three of them were conversing. It looks like this big sister will need to take one for the team. Don't worry little Han, this big sister will be the perfect wingman for you. This husband will definitely fall to his knees when a beauty like I throws him a glance. His wife is definitely more beautiful, but I can tell, he definitely has the air of a virgin. My virgin senses as a woman are tingling, it must be the case.

Once I reached their side I bent over to little Han and whispered to him, "don't worry, this big sister will take care of you."

After saying so, I walked towards the husband and intentionally said as quietly as a mosquito in a voice only he could hear, "mister I've fallen in love at first sight with you. Will you spare this young girl's heart a moment of time?"

I naturally looked towards him with upturned eyes as bashful as I possibly could while holding onto the front of my sect garments shyly. I was the perfect display of an innocent girl experiencing her first love. There was no way any man could reject me like this.

"I'm sorry I…"

"Husband, this young lady looks like she really has something important to discuss with you. You should take the time to hear her out."

For a second I thought I was shockingly about to be rejected but his wife surprisingly came in for the save.

This woman… it must be true! An adulterous relationship with a child no less! She's worse than me! Can I call you master, miss goddess wife?

While the misunderstandings between everyone only grew, the husband showed a really confused look in his eyes. Maybe he was so flustered by my approach he forgot how to think? I know I'm pretty mister, but I have my beloved master I'm already chasing after. I don't have time to entertain toads. If it wasn't for me playing the role of a loving big sister I would never bat an eye at you.

I wrapped my arm around his and I pulled him away from little Han and his wife. I felt like I needed to arouse his manly desires further so I rested my head on the side of his upper arm. I made sure to let him get a good whiff of my perfume so he would completely forget about his wife for now.

I wanted to buy as much time as possible for little Han to flirt with the woman he loved. I owe him that much for how I treated him in the past. I, of course, was completely ignorant of the reason for the confusion within the husband and little Han's eyes.

I didn't even notice the amusement in his wife's eyes either. I was also completely unaware of the wife's decision to mess with her husband's plans for her own entertainment.

(POV Sanji)

What in the name of mother Marsha just happened? One moment everything was proceeding according to plan. The next moment fate decided to spit on all my effort. Where was the, "who's this slut little Han?" That was what was supposed to happen right?

Why did it suddenly turn into a love confession to me in front of my wife? Did you really think my wife couldn't hear you? She's a lower realm god for fudge sakes. Is this supposed to be some new form of teasing?

Wife, you have too many ways to tease me! I can't take it! Why couldn't you sit back and watch the play your husband orchestrated? Was it that boring you felt you needed to spice it up a bit?

This girl as well, what is she even thinking? Is it possible she recognized me? No, that's impossible, right? I was very discreet that day and made sure to leave no traces. I haven't even told little Han my full name. Only this little girl knows it. There should be no way to connect the dots.

"Little girl, where are you taking me?"

She answered back with lovely heart shaped eyes, "somewhere far away where we can be alone together."

"Won't the trial by fire be starting soon?"

"Don't worry we'll be entering together all alone. We'll have plenty of time to ourselves there to get to know each other better."

"There? Where is there exactly?"

"Oh, right! You're an outsider so you don't know of the secret yet. Only those in the know are aware of this. The patriarch in the past five days has only informed little Han, Sai Hitu and I about it in advance after all."

"At first the heritage was just an abnormal tablet with ancient writings on it. Unfortunately no one was ever able to understand the writing on that tablet for an uncountable number of years. The trial by fire was initially going to be us fighting our way towards the top of the mountain peak and taking that tablet for ourselves."

"But you'll be shocked when you hear about what happened last night. Apparently, yesterday, the heritage patriarch had carried around for so many years suddenly gave off a bright light. When he opened his eyes he found that the tablet was actually a pocket realm with an ancient trial by fire arranged for future generations. Once he discovered that, he quickly changed the trial by fire and decided to have us partake in finding the secrets hidden within that pocket realm."

"Only those below the age of eighteen are able to enter. What kind of legacy or heritage is within that pocket realm can only be imagined."

Uh oh. I may look young but I'm actually twenty seven. Doesn't that mean I cannot enter? Well with my wife I'm sure it'll work out.

"My love I've been yammering off on my own so much that I completely forgot about my earlier confession, I only now realized I don't even know your name."

"You can call me San. Just San will do my little angel."

Such is the fate of being such a suave man. How can I be so sinful as to flirt with my secret disciple behind my wife's back.

"Please don't call me little angel. Just call me Chu Yue."

Why so distant my little in love disciple?

"How does Yue'er, no wait Chu'er sound my little darling?"

My little secret disciple wasn't facing me directly so I couldn't see her twitching lip and spasming eye. All I saw was half of her face that showed a blush with one slightly watery eye filled with boundless love.

This whole situation still feels extremely strange and bizarre, but I'll forget about it since my secret disciple is so cute.