
Can I Have Simple Daily Life? Maybe Next Time (fanfic konosuba)

Gin is a simple man. but extraordinary salesman workers. live without family and try to live in peace. after living life as usual and life is almost stable. suddenly died from rescuing a small child who fell from the 5th floor and then turned on by the goddess to live with Satou Kazuma as his younger brother "Maybe my own life first but now I have a family. Fine !! I'll take care of my older brother" Gin is excited. A few days later. "Gin, please ..." Kazuma with a burnt face and crying because forgetting to eat anything in his room. "Yosh. Now my life just wants to relax. But why is my big brother having trouble with something constantly? Troublesome" gin with a tired face but still trying to help because he saw his brother's troubles how does the MC's life suddenly have to be Kazuma younger brother and what fate will be accepted after this? --------------------------------------------- This novel is just a fanfic and not character origin. if you want to know the original story please watch Konosuba. thank you cover image not my but if the creator does not accept I used it. I will get Reid that too. English not my language but I will learn for best writer novel for now. I Will update 7 chapter/1 week thanks for you read my novel -------------------------------------------------------------- if you want support me and you can get access advance next chapter here : https://www.patreon.com/Daunloco if u want to join me my chat grup: https://discord.gg/CT2rxwK

Daunloco · Anime & Comics
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232 Chs

Just walk with yourself [Edited by Starlight of Life]

While Gin continued his physical training as per his routine, the girls were gossiping and showing off their new accessories.

"Oh, it's very rare for you, Yunyun to actually bother and put on some accessories but look at you. You are really pretty waring them Yunyun, where did you buy them?" Luna asked amazed by how pretty they are hoping to get some herself.

"Gin made it especially for me," Yunyun said embarrassed but still smiling shyly.

Luna at the same time saw Chris busy ironing a beautiful scarf carefully.

"How about that scarf, did he make it for you too, Chris?" Luna asked still amazed by how beautiful they are.

"Um, he was bored, so he made this for me," Chris said casually but did not hide the happy smile on her face.

"It's amazing you got all of that, nee Gin, where are the gifts for your good sister?" Luna asked acting spoiled towards Gin.

{I have de ja'vu, for some reason} Gin thought tiredly.

Gin once again activated his [Creator] ability and as he only needs to make a simple item, unlike like he done for Chris and Yunyun, the ability didn't put too much stress on his mind and could create it instantly.

"Here, this is for you." Gin put forward a hairpin made out of silver with crystals made to look like flowers all along it.

"Beautiful, Is it really for me?" Luna said amazed, but also started to feel bad for making him give her something so expensive.

"Just use it, it has an ability to restore your energy so your body stays healthy." Gin said casually before continuing his training.

"Wait! This magic item has the effect of a rare artifact… Are all your items like that?" Luna said clearly confused and shocked.

"Un, that's right," Yunyun said as she prepared breakfast to get used to getting up early. (Because she made a promise with Gin)

"Haa… It wouldn't surprise me if you fight with a Demon King or a God tomorrow, you can't tell about this ability to others Gin, it would be dangerous if others found out about it.

"Relax, I will show only a part of my abilities as to net gets in trouble. Ah, before I forget again, this item has a security measure, just put a drop of your blood on it and only you will be able to use it." Said Gin casually.

"Ha, turn out it's a rare artifact after all." Luna did not know whether to laugh or cry for getting an item like this.

"Hum, it's similar, but if you die then the item becomes trash unusable by anyone." Gin didn't want people to go after his loved ones for their artifacts so he made the to be only used for one person and make them break into junk after their owners died.

"Wow, my body feels much lighter, thanks to Gin." Luna smiled happily.

"um." Gin finished his training early as he had a feeling something will go wrong today.

Seeing Gin completing his training early, Yunyun got worried and felt like something is wrong and asked Gin about what he is going to do;

"What do you want to do now Gin?"

"Hmm, checking on my brother, I'm afraid he's doing something stupid again." Gin said seriously after thinking for a bit.

"I'm coming with you Gin," Chris said and ran after him, feeling that Gin is acting strange.

"Why are we rushing like that?" Luna asked feeling strange.

"Just follow me, okay. I have a bad feeling about this." Gin continued to run followed by Chris, Yunyun, and Luna respectively. Stopping in front of Kazuma's mansion Gin quickly knocked on the doors.

Tok... Tok... Tok...

"I'm coming in, Brother." Gin shouted getting even more anxious hoping for his feelings to be wrong.

"Gin, my little bro… You see it, today that pig took all of our possessions with for 'compensation', he literary stole it from us…" Kazuma said looking like his spirit dissipated.

"Um, it must have been that pig, let me see his face and ill explode it! … My precious Wooden Magic Staff." Megumin said on the verge of crying.

"My wine… My wine…" Aqua muttered continuously with dim eyes.

"Where's Darkness?" Gin asked nervously, after looking around he only saw Aqua, Megumin, and Kazuma, he was getting a continuously worse feeling as time passed.

"She suddenly went back to the Dustiness house-" Kazuma didn't get a chance to finish when Gin suddenly activated his magic.

[Teleport Link]

"Hey Gin! Wait! Where are you going?" Luna shouted anxiously, having never seeing Gin in such a hurry…

- - -

"This is bad Sensei, what happened to make Gin so pale!?" Yunyun asked worriedly.

"He must have known something and became extremely worried because of it… Quickly! Let's go after him!" Chris said and left just as quickly in the direction of the Dustiness family residence.

"Wait up!" Shouted Yunyun running after Chris.

"What just happened?" Aqua asked confused.

"Don't know, just follow them!" Kazuma shook his head and he also began to run.

Kazuma ran for only a short time and was already exhausted.

"They are so quick!"

"Okay slow down, I did not eat breakfast today, so I don't have the energy we need to walk for a bit."

"Aqua, carry me!" Megumin and Kazuma joked simultaneously.

"Walk by yourself! This Goddess will not carry you!!" Aqua shouted annoyed

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a daily chapter today

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