
Can I go back again?

I watched Re zero recently. Subaru "Stop It" made me feel sorry for him. That's why I decided to make a fanfic about him and give him a golden finger. More than the Re zero fanfic itself, it's about Subaru himself. I don't think I will continue to write it for long tho.

Lazydude · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Pesche taught Subaru all the things that he needed to know about Las Noches and the society here. Subaru had most of his doubts cleared. It was surprising to know that these guys were being led by Shinigami since Shinigami and hollows should be like mortal enemies. According to Pesche, it was because of the one called Aizen-sama; the nerdy guy. All the arrancars seem to join under him because of his ability to allow them to go arrancarification.

'To make all of these strong hollows follow him, he also must be crazy strong.'

".....All that said, Subaru you must stay alert. Most of the Arrancars are very ruthless and bloodthirsty. Not everyone is like Nel-sama. They don't consider anyone their allies. In the end, arrancars are also hollows. Our base is made of negative emotions. It's in our instinct. That's why be careful, stay close with us or Nel-sama. We will protect you."

Subaru was happy at their concerns. "Thank you." It was all he could say for now. Since there was nothing for him to do right now, he asked Pesche, "Can you teach me some special abilities of hollows and sword fighting?"

"I will teach you." 

"Huh?", Subaru looked behind if he heard it correctly.

"I will teach you." Nel repeated. "But don't you have your own special abilities and know how to sword fight?"

Subaru explained her questions, "It might have seemed like that but actually they were just a trick of my ability that lets me use a sword properly. I don't know how to wield a sword properly except swing it like a madman. And about hollow power, I don't know how to use it. The ones I used against you and Nnoitra was not my hollow power." 

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You fought against Nnoitra and Nel-sama? How are you still alive? Sure, Nel-sama might not have fought against you seriously but that Nnoitra is too bullheaded."

Pesche and Dondochakka were fully aware of how strong Nnoitra was. That guy wasn't Espada no.8 for show. On top of that, he was incredibly insane and bloodthirsty. And their brother was saying he went against that Nnoitra and survived. Unbelievable. Maybe Nel-sama saved him but their thoughts were shattered by Nel's next sentence.

"He actually nearly killed Nnoitra. It surprised me too. If not for me, Nnoitra would have actually died." Nel stated as a matter of fact and also with a little bit of pride at the last sentence.

""O-Oh! So Nnoitra was the one that got saved..."" Looks like their brother wasn't that weak as they thought.

"It was his own fault for underestimating me and lowering his guard. And paid the price for it." Nel agreed to Subaru's statement.

"So, when are we going to start?"

"Follow me."

"Eh? Right now? I guess now is fine too."

Subaru followed Nel outside the palace. He was excited. Once upon a time, he knew the basics of kendo, not anymore. He did practice with Wilhelm but he didn't learn anything there. 

'No using any of the haki. I have to rely on my instinct.', Subaru mentally reminded himself. 

"Everyone has their own mastery and skill of using a sword but the basics are still the same. Slash, pierce, block, parry, footworks and your posture. Slash and pierce being offensive. Block and parry being defensive. Footworks and your posture being the bridge that connects your offense and defense." 

Nel then suddenly lunged at Subaru almost piercing his chest if not for Subaru's body instinctively drawing the sword and blocking her attack. 

By the time his mind registered what happened, his spine felt cold.

"What the fuck? I nearly died."

"Nice draw. I don't have to teach you about offense and defense. You know it already. For posture and footworks, only experience can teach you that. That's why from now on try surviving me Natsuki Subaru." Saying that she launched a barrage of thrusts that Subaru was barely able to block.

Without haki, each of her attacks made his hairs stand and her smile only brought chills to his heart. 

'All of her attacks are thrust. It's hard to counter with my weapon. That maniacal smile is kinda sexy though.'

<Pervert. Why are you even doing this? You don't have to do this. That bitch will kill you.>

'Damnit! Don't shout in my head. What's gotten into you?'

"Hora! Hora! Hora! Horaaa! Where's your focus Subaru? Concentrate….or else you might die." She vanished from her spot. Subaru felt his hair stand on end. It felt cold. He saw his death. A sword piercing his heart from the back. He hurriedly sidestepped to his right just in seconds to avoid that future. It stabbed his left lung from the back narrowly missing his heart.

"Tch! I missed." Nel withdrew her sword that had stabbed Subaru's left back. 

Grunting with pain Subaru complained, "Crazy woman! Is this supposed to be a training or murder attempt?"

"What are you saying? Of course it's training. How can I even think of killing my dear junior. Pesche, Dondochakka bandage him up, we will start again after he is healed."

"Yes, Nel-sama."

"You okay brother? Let's get you patched up." Dondochakka asked, worrying about his new little brother's condition.

"It's fine, just hurts a little. Thanks."

Dondochakka supported Subaru and took him to the room to get patched up. 

Like this, days passed by. Subaru continued to train with Nelliel. Rather than training, it was more like her trying to murder him. He didn't take it to heart though. He gained some progress with his haki with those near death experience. As long as he survives her killing strikes, she would heal him up with her Nel Shower as she calls it. Although it was disgusting, he beared with it.

<Beared with it? More like you enjoyed it, you vomit fetish disgusting pervert.>

'Hey! It's not vomit, its saliva. please be saliva…. I was forced alright. There's nothing I can do. She keeps on going until I am at my last breath. I cannot even resist her.'

<Shut up! I don't want to hear anything. We could have just gotten stronger by killing hollows. Just stay away from them.>

'For the last time Ariel, don't dare say that to me. They are my bros. You are getting more and more annoying. It's already been more than a month….I think. Anyway, they are such good guys. And I want to master the haki you gave me. That's the one thing keeping me going. How do you think I will master the haki if I am only to kill some weak opponents? I have to fight strong opponents. To do that there are some basic things I must learn.'

<*Sigh Fine, do what you want? It's just training anyway.>

*Knock *knock "Subaru are you in your room?"

"Come inside, Nel. It's open. Need anything?"

"No. I just wanted to ask you, do you want to go to hueco mundo with me?"

<No, I don't want to.>

"N-Nnnyas I mean yes, Sure. Sure."

"Then great." Nelliel was happy and immediately ran out of the room.

'What was that for?' Subaru was perplexed with the sword antics.


Really perplexed.