
Can i Fall in love

keepreading and writing

Favour_Ada_14 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What is this feeling:(2)

I just walked around hoping not to bump into any one like before i ran'in to some one befoere i could say any thing, i looked up oh no it was hin i apologize hoping he will not recongnise me, he looked at each other for some time, he looked into my eye oh my , you how about we go for a dance, oh but... No but's so he lead me to the stage, then as people saw us they gave way, i was wondering why , oh my he had alreadylead me on stage the music started, slowly he put his hand around my waistwaist and the other on he placed ob my hand, as we sqnced together int was like we were on another dimension suddenly i did not see any body him and i as the music slow than because it was getting to the end of the music they played and then we stoped .

But we didn't move we just stare at each other before we realize that we were dtill on the stage, the prience was more impresive than i imagined him to be. As we finished i showed him to my father and told him what had happened then we discused for sone while, before my cousin entered. Wait priencess i never asked for your name, ohh is Irene prience irene and yours Robin prience Rorbin and i left.

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