
Can i Fall in love

keepreading and writing

Favour_Ada_14 · Fantasy
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birthday for royals

Sitting waiting for me, good day father how are my priences i called you to remind you of your cornation after your birthday thanks father. I left ever since mom died he didn't even care for me.

Finaly is my birthday dressed and orienated with the the best jewlery and the oneand best royal dress in the kingdom i have to say they surprised me with this make up and the way they did my hair but the jewlery is something big.

As iwalked thorogh the hall way oh my good ness it fells like am falling am fellung dizzy oh no i am fallung, but to my greatest suprise someone held me by the waist, but who would dear to hold me not to thing of holding me so tight as i opened my eyes slowly my eyes jamed withis hazel green eyes then his with mine. Hello priencess becareful with the way you walk you may not have any body to catch you next time. As i looked up to him. I guess i was a little happy that i was cautht.

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