

Amidst the anticipation of receiving a kidney transplant, a talented young guitarist forms an unlikely bond with a wealthy young billionaire who intentionally chooses to embrace a modest lifestyle and regularly visits his comatose mother. This encounter ultimately ignites the guitarist's determination to pursue her musical aspirations.

Akintondeabdrahmon · Teen
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24 Chs


It was a beautiful day outside. The crisp breeze floated through the air, and the birds were chirping happily in the sky. Elizabeth decided to take a walk to clear her head from all the stress going on in her life. She strolled down the familiar path, taking in the scenery around her. But all of a sudden, she started feeling faint.

Elizabeth tried to stay upright, but her legs wouldn't cooperate, causing her to collapse. Her heart racing and her eyes glazing, she saw a blur of her dad running towards her before everything turned black.

The next moment, Elizabeth found herself in the hospital room, hooked to a bunch of machines and surrounded by doctors. Her heart sank the moment she saw her dad's face, full of worry. "What's wrong with me, dad?" Elizabeth asked.

The doctor broke the news to her: "Your kidney has failed. We need to operate immediately."

The world around her started spinning, and Elizabeth couldn't think straight. She felt her heart sinking in her chest and tears streaming down her face.

Later that day, Elizabeth found herself alone in her room when Alex walked in. He looked scared and concerned for her. "I heard what happened," he said softly. "I just wanted to check on you."




Elizabeth was so terrified that she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face. Alex recoiled in shock, and Elizabeth regretted her actions. But she couldn't help it. The stress and fear of the situation had made her snaps in a way she never had before.

She got lost in her worries, picked up her guitar and started playing it, with sad melodies pouring out from her fingers. But the notes only made her anger grow. Elizabeth threw the guitar across the room, shattering it into pieces. She had worked so hard on her music and was supposed to participate in a competition next week.

"Why is life always so unfair?" she screamed in frustration.

Her dad came in and offered her comfort, stroking her hair softly and letting Elizabeth cry on his shoulder. "You're going to make it through this," she said softly. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."

Elizabeth knew deep down that her dad was right. She could overcome this, and she would. She took a deep breath, wiped away her tears, and decided to fight. She was not going to let life beat her down.

With a newfound strength, Elizabeth continued to practice her guitar, determined to get back on track and pursue her dreams. She would come back stronger than ever, and nothing could stop her.