

Amidst the anticipation of receiving a kidney transplant, a talented young guitarist forms an unlikely bond with a wealthy young billionaire who intentionally chooses to embrace a modest lifestyle and regularly visits his comatose mother. This encounter ultimately ignites the guitarist's determination to pursue her musical aspirations.

Akintondeabdrahmon · Teen
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24 Chs


As soon as Elizabeth heard Alex's charming voice on the other end of the phone, her face lit up. She was so excited to hear from him after so many days without any communication. They had been chatting over the phone for days, discussing their favourite things, their mutual friends and their long term goals.

Elizabeth was delighted to listen to Alex's sweet words, and she spoke with him for hours on end. They laughed and talked and shared silly jokes. They exchanged romantic tales and snippets of their favourite books. Elizabeth felt a strong connection with Alex that she had never felt before with anyone else.

But one day, just as they were chatting and laughing, Elizabeth began to feel unwell. She felt a sudden pain in her chest which made her drop the phone. Alex was concerned when Elizabeth didn't answer, so he called her back. When she answered, her voice was weak and trembling.

"Elizabeth, what's wrong?" asked Alex frantically.

"I don't know," replied Elizabeth weakly, "I feel weak and dizzy."

"There was a drop of phone on the call while her dad come in to check on her" Alex could understand what's was wrong"

Alex was worried but have to get whole of himself first Some few hours later Alex take her to the hospital. Elizabeth was taken in for treatment, and Alex called her every day to check-in. Despite all this, they never stopped charting over the phone for days.

One day, Elizabeth was called to come to the hospital, and as she arrived, she could see everyone gathered around. Her heart began to beat fast as she wondered what could be going on. As she got closer, she saw a stool placed in the center of the room, on the floor was a beautiful guitar. Alex had arranged for her to perform her guitar since she hadn't played on a stage before.

She was thrilled with excitement as she sat down and began to strum her guitar. Alex was behind the door, watching her with his father. His dad held on to Elizabeth's father's hands as they both reminisced over Alex's coma wife. In that moment, Elizabeth knew that she had found something real and magical with Alex, and she was ready to take their relationship to the next level.

Elizabeth played her heart out, and before she knew it, everyone was on their feet, clapping and cheering. Alex pulled her into a tight embrace, and they shared a passionate kiss. Elizabeth knew that this was the moment she had been waiting for, and she felt elated.

Finally, Elizabeth had found a man who loved her, who would go to great lengths to make her happy, and who would always be there for her no matter what. And as she gazed into Alex's eyes, she knew that they had an unbreakable bond that nothing could ever tear apart.