
Chapter 63: Operation: Mesembryanthemum cleansing

With Alfin's word, they got back to their seat. Alfin proceed to give her the third group report but,

"Well, if it is possible I would like to have Azumi and Aurora to listen to it as well but since both of them wasn't here, it couldn't be help" [Alfin]

Alfin and the other really want both of them to be here, since they can help formulate a plan, and with them being here, if they have to be Split up just like the last time, Alfin can assign them to a group which suit them the best

"Mr Wright, are they still searching for the Ice Queen?" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"According to our magician, they are still searching it" [Mr Wright]

Mrs Kirthiga question is quickly answered by Mr Wright. Hearing this, Alfin knew it will only be a waste of time if they have to wait for them

(Well, the Hima Valley really is far compare to the second group forest, it is only logical if the third group finish first followed by the second group, I should just start the report) [Alfin]

"Alright, i'll begin the report, first, I would explain to you regarding an anomaly that I found in Zlatan" [Alfin]

She proceed to explain how a faulty barrier cause Zlatan hatred toward the non human becoming so high and when she said regarding the dark guild and the church being involved, the other (beside those who were present with her during the interrogation) were shocked.

"Sis, are you really sure that The Dark Guild and The Church really involved in this?" [Kucin]

"Positive" [Alfin]

Kucin ask the same question in everyone's mind just to confirm what they heard was correct. With Alfin one word answer "positive", they just have to accept the hard to swallow fact

They have the suspicion that someone even higher in position of Zlatan is the mastermind behind this, of course Zlatan own ability to gather many people for him is one thing, but to gather that many people and constantly "supply" human and non human to those who demand it, someone higher up must be helping him, just a group of rogue can't operate if they have no proper brain to instruct them. They believe the mastermind to be a noble at first but it looks like Azumi initial guess was partially right, not only do The Dark Guild was involved, so is The Church

"Princess Alfin, how can you be sure that those involve are from the church and the dark guild?" [Rais]

This time, it's Rais that asked the question

"Good Question, the church one is simple, eventhough they disguise themselves, their equipment and the contents of their talk in Zlatan Memory is an instant giveaway for me, as for the dark guild, it's quite hard at first but after some further dig in the memory, I have managed to find a conversation between Zlatan and his underling that the one that they are dealing with is the Dark Guild" [Alfin]

"But you said there is a barrier that can silence him?" [Rais]

"That's exactly how I know it, when it almost slip from Zlatan tongue, the barrier activated and cause Zlatan to be silent at that moment, and by using the memory dive spell even further, I managed to find out the word that was blocked was the dark guild" [Alfin]

Rais second question is again quickly answer by Princess Alfin, then it's Filaurel the one that ask Alfin a question

"Princess Alfin, have you found out about their objectives?" [Filaurel]

"Sadly no, what's more with how the news of those slave merchant being caught have been spread around, other information regarding the next meeting and their frequent meeting location have become useless, but there are still some silver ray of hope!" [Alfin]

Alfin lift up the spirit of the people presence in the hall.

"We have other report from Duke Hiaccio regarding the Church activity, from what I have been told, the church have been frequently visiting some noble in this area, isn't it" [Alfin]

"Yes, those are the noble that my lovely wife pay visit the other day" [Duke Hiaccio]

"And those noble, or rather those noble subject was shown in Zlatan Memory! What's more, the list that Lady Air bought for us match with the noble in Zlatan memory" [Alfin]

"Then how about the dark guild?" [Guz]

Guz can't help but ask this question eagerly, who wouldn't as this information meant that they can still capture those who have been committing this heinous crime

"As for the Dark Guild, The First Knight Squad really did a wonderful job to sniff out their potential location, one of it is the location that Kucin and Albert managed to get from the people that they meet after the Fire T-Rex subjugation" [Alfin]

Both Kucin and Albert can't help but smile a little, because of their little talk with the group of people on their way back home, they manage to get a crucial information

"Well then, with this, we will formulate a new plan to tackle all of them at once, the noble, the church and the dark guild, thus Operation: Mesembryanthemum cleansing will begin!" [Alfin]