
Chapter 45: The third group activity part 4

Lydia, Blanc, Kirthiga and Clair all waiting for Alfin anxiously. They have been explained by Alfin regarding this spell beforehand

Lydia and Alfin were supposed to steer the conversation toward Zlatan customer so that they can from there access all the other memory and getting the list of buyer from Zlatan memory

"So he refused to answer Princess questions regarding the buyer?" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"Yes" [Lydia]

"Not that I expect it, even with our soldiers interrogation techniques, this person still won't cooperate" [Clair]

"Then what happen?" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"As princess Alfin keep on asking why he hate non human so much, the person suddenly have a pain" [Lydia]

"and I guess that is when Princess Alfin open the door" [Clair]

"That's right" [Lydia]

"Why would he have a pain from such simple question" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"Who know, maybe his brain truly is rotten" [Lydia]

"That's savage" [Blanc]

Alfin then suddenly open her eyes and took a deep breath. Seeing how calm Alfin is, everybody sigh a relief. Usually after the spell, the user would use significant amount of mana and coup it with the mana lost from poor control and you have mana deficiency, but Alfin doesn't show sign of that

"How was it Princess Alfin" [Clair]

"I got the info that we need but for now I think it's better to tell this To Uncle Hiaccio himself rather than asking Mr Wright to relay it to him" [Alfin]

"Understood, I will prepare the carriage" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"Please do so and thank you" [Alfin]

With that, Alfin took a small break when Lydia approach her

"Sorry princess, I got a little bit carried away just now" [Lydia]

"That's is true, you might be a little bit carried away just now but I got an unexpected results from it" [Alfin]

"Really" [Lydia]

"Yes, but don't do it next time got it?" [Alfin]

"Yes!" [Lydia]

"See I told you not to get depressed, atleast you did something, just look at me standing around not doing anything, now i am the one that feel useless" [Blanc]

"That's because you are" [Lydia]

"Alright, now you have done it you tomboy!" [Blanc]

"Say what!" [Lydia]

With that, the two friends bicker and break the silence atmosphere. But due to how loud they are, Clair scolded both of them

((((Scary!)))) [Alfin, Mrs Kirthiga, Blanc, Lydia]

Even Princess Alfin and Mrs Kirthiga can't look Clair in the eyes as she keep on scolding the two students. The two keep on replying yes to all Clair questions while their face looking down to the ground.

Once the soldier enter and said the carriage have been prepare, Clair stop giving her lecture

((Thank god the carriage arrive!)) [Blanc, Lydia]

"You guys must be thinking about 'thank god the carriage arrive' isn't it" [Clair]

""No, of course not"" [Blanc, Lydia]

((Is she using a memory dive spell?)) [Blanc, Lydia]

"No, I don't use any spell, it's obvious from your face" [Clair]

""!!"" [Blanc, Lydia]

The two become more flustered and quickly enter the carriage sitting with Princess Alfin in the middle in hope that Clair won't get angry if they sit next to her and the strategy work

Once they arrive at the castle, Mr Wright have been informed on what happen and Lady Air have also come back, so they all gather around in the duke office. The last to enter are the people from the first squad

"I see, so having sense something wrong, you decide to use the memory dive spell at that moment" [Duke Hiaccio]

"Yes, and with that, as mentioned by the magician, there were barrier placed inside of Zlatan mind, a psychic barrier" [Alfin]

Alfin then proceed to explain her finding

"I'll mention this first, Zlatan hatred toward non human seem be stem from him seeing non human as a money maker but that raises the question, isn't his hatred toward them way too extreme" [Alfin]

"""""!?"""'" [Other]

"If he see them as a source of money, then his hatred level toward them is way out of proportion, and if he started with that level of hatred, I doubt he would even consider selling them as he would straight up kill every non human he see and that is all because of one mistake in the barrier" [Alfin]

"Mistake?" [Duke Hiaccio]

"Yes, the area of the brain where the barrier was located is the area responsible for controlling emotion, by controlling those emotion, the caster originally intended to control Zlatan greed of money so that he will "supply" them with a non human but some area of the barrier was poorly made and this causes the greed to slowly change Zlatan view of non human into extreme, couple with the order of supplying the non human then we get Zlatan" [Alfin]

"Then he only sell them to one person?" [Clair]

"No, he do sell to other noble as well, but here's a catch" [Alfin]

"!?" [Clair]

"Remember that i said those area were poorly made, if a poorly made mind spell is use, Zlatan should be free from it long back, here's the catch, there are two organizations that simultaneously use Zlatan" [Alfin]

"What!" [Other]

"Yes, I don't know whether both organization knew about it or not but there were originally two barrier, barrier of force and barrier of silence from two different organizations, but it merge and they themselves seem not to notice it, from there I manage to trace the culprit" [Alfin]

"and the culprit are?" [Mrs Kirthiga]

"The Dark Guild and The Church" [Alfin]