
Chapter 26: Mr Fei

After their capital spree, Alfin and Azumi go to the royal research lab.

The royal research lab was an institution as old as the Raflesia kingdom itself, which is around 900 years old. Most of the scholar and researcher gather in the research lab, they research various thing from artifact to magic. Name a subject and there are an expert waiting for you at the research lab. Top researcher at this institution include the head of the department Mr Fei, Mrs Usagina and Alfin herself. To get theirselves into the royal research lab, they have to have an outstanding achievement in their fields of expertise. Alfin having created the first artificial dungeon get an instant pass to access the research lab.

"No matter how many time I enter here, I still feel out of place" [Azumi]

"come on now, you are pretty smart yourself" [Alfin]

"I am without a doubt the dumbest person in this building" [Azumi]

Having said that, Alfin then proceed to her own personal lab. On their way there, they met a fairy with a masculine appearance, a black hair and a body height of a 11 year old boy. Fairy are said to be born from the world fairy tree, though no one know where is it since they are asexual and they simply appear one day out of thin air. 90% of them take on the appearance of girl/lady. Most of them are small and live in a community in a dense forest. The size of the fairy will determine how powerful they are, as bigger fairy tend to have more mana and an excellent control over their magic. Their queen the Titania is as large as adult human

"Good evening Mr Fei" [Alfin]

"Evening Princess Alfin, and to you too Mr Azumi" [Mr Fei]

"You don't need to add Mr infront of my name every time you know that right, though I do know that is how you address everyone of us" [Azumi]

"By the look of it, poor Mr Azumi must have been dragged for another shopping spree isn't it?" [Mr Fei]

"I am" [Azumi]

"Haha, so what are you currently doing Mr Fei?" [Alfin]

"Just taking a break, I am having a thought block currently" [Mr Fei]

""that's rare"" [Alfin, Azumi]

"It happen more frequently than what you think" [Mr Fei]

"Still it's a good sign, I love your saying, a thought block is what happen when you use your brain frequently, I keep on telling those student at my school" [Alfin]

"I am honoured that Princess Alfin use my quote as a inspirational word for those student, alas, those student from your school also eager to study medicine under us, and they have a very good character on top of that" [Mr Fei]

"By the way Mr Fei, care to say what are your current thought block?" [Alfin]

"please wait a minute" [Azumi]

Azumi proceed to open his item box and take out a writing book, he actually love to hear about medicine especially those which he can applied to his battle. One of his most fearsome technique, lighting acceleration is what happen when he stimulate his brain and spinal cord with Lightning magic and achieve a frightening reflex, though it come with a drawback in prolonged use, this technique is develop after he listen to Mr Fei explanation about his research on brain to Alfin and he secretly practice it, and when he show to Mr Fei and Alfin, both of them are blown away by it. He also love his poison magic develop from earth and fauna magic which once again thank to Mr Fei.

"It is an honour that the hero himself love to hear about my research" [Mr Fei]

"well, medicine is really interesting, and one of my childhood dream is becoming a doctor" [Azumi]

"I am pleased to hear that, well you see my current research is about fever" [Mr Fei]

""interesting"" [Alfin, Azumi]

"well fever have many cause and can come from anywhere in the body, and each fever have different kind of symptoms and each respond differently with different treatment, so me and my fellow researcher together with those from medical school are currently classifying them for future treatment, this will have a powerful impact as we can not only decrease the number of death due to fever but also it's complications" [Mr Fei]

"I see and I take it that you have a problem on classifying them currently" [Azumi]

"exactly, and i will be sure to tell you guys once this is over" [Mr Fei]

""please do so"" [Alfin, Azumi]

"I will take my leave, and Princess Alfin, may your research about Ishmelga bear a useful result, not only for you but also for those who have been fallen" [Mr Fei]

"Yes, definitely" [Alfin]

With a gentle smile, Mr Fei take a leave back to his lab. After putting back his notebook back into the item box, Azumi and Alfin go to their destination