
Can a dragon love a fox?

It's been five years after the war between all tribe's and peace has been restored. During the war, the crown princess of the dragon tribe made a promise to the current King of the fox tribe and it is now time for her to adhere to it She leaves the safe south On the way north, to rebuild her life there Kaida Why did i make that promise? was it because of the war? now i'm on my way to marry the crown prince of the fox tribe. They say he is a cold blooded prince and very strong. Huli Why did my father make this promise? and with a woman of the dragon tribe! she wasn't even strong engouh to keep the dragons. i dont want to marry a weak woman! i do not own the rights to coverpic. i saw it on google.

MevrouwKersJ · Fantasy
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123 Chs

The rumoured crown prinncess of the dragon tribe

Kaida stepped forward so that she was clearly visible to everyone and spoke loudly

"I am Kaida of the dragon tribe, because of my marriage to your crown prince of the foxes tribe I am now your queen. I wish to talk to your leader so that we can discuss this without bloodshed. Your leader gets to the count of five to show up. If he does not do this, I will take down one of you until he shows or only he is left."

Eiko looked at her from a distance. Was this the crown princess of the dragon tribe? She did not come across as how the rumours describes her. The only luxury she has was her armor and that only showed that she has had big victories on the battlefield. In addition to that she had came out without reinforcement and wishes to negotiate. But if he is not willing to do that, would she kill everyone?

He was in conflict and did not know what to do. He was taken out of his mind when he heard she was at the count of five. tensted he looked at her and was awaiting what she was going to do. He held his breath when he saw that she was standing in a fighting position.

Kaida sighed when she had counted to five, hoping that Eiko would show up immediately. Because of how the men were placed, she knew the position the warriors had taken. She intended to bring down only the warriors among the bandits. On the contrary to the villagers they were trained in martial arts, so they could take a beating.

She put her right leg forward and her left leg behind. With her left arm, she grasped the spear tightly and moved it backwards beside her ear. With a quick movement, she launched the spear.

The spear flew at a high speed towards a bandit hiding on a roof opposite the inn. Because the spear came at him with great speed, he had no time to dodge it. The spear hit him in the shoulder and the bandit fell off the roof. He uttered a cry of pain as he landed on the floor with a loud bang.

Eiko looked with surprise at what happened. How did she know where to aim the spear? And had it been a coincidence that she had hit a warrior? His suspicion was confirmed by her precision and her combat attitude. She was certainly not a weakling and was skilled in martial arts.

He saw that she took the bow off her back and removed the arrow from her belt. She put the arrow between the bow and tightened the bow. He looked at the direction in which she was pointing the arrow. It was again aimed at a bandit hiding under the porch of a store. How did she know where everyone was hiding? Was it a coincidence that it was a warrior again? He looked from her to the porch and then to the bandit who laid on the floor in pain.

" Eiko three of your comrades have been captured by me. I assume that the person I released has told you what happened. In addition to that, a comrade of yours has been punctured with a spear and his wound needs to be treated. Do you want to take the risk of injuring all your men? The choice is yours. 1..2..3..4..fiv .. "

Kaida just wanted to pronounce the five when Eiko came out and walked over to her. When he stood opposite her, he started talking.

"Stop! I am willing to talk, I will now withdraw my men "

he made a gesture with his hand and all men left their hiding place.

The men stood behind eiko and looked at Kaida. She was very different from how the rumours had described her. Instead of a good quality dress or valuable jewelry, she was dressed in a combat uniform and only wore a ruby necklace. In addition to that , she radiated authority and strength and no weakness or arrogance.

She lowered the arrow and bow and looked at the men in front of her. She gestured to Rei to come. When Rei came to stand next to her, she whispered something in her ear.

Rei walked past the men towards the injured man. Eiko looked at her tensed and wanted to know what they were up to. The men around him became restless when Rei passed them by, because they did not know what to expect.

"I have surrendered to you, your queen it is not necessary to .. "

Kaida walked towards them with a warm smile and interrupted Eiko

"no worries she will only take care of his wound. Such a wound will heal within a short time. I have not hit any vital points. If you would be so kind to follow me inside? Then we will talk "

she turned arround and walked back into the inn.

The men looked at Kaida in surprise, the mighty radiance that she first radiated had changed to a warm radiance, which gave them a warmth in their hearts. She no longer looked as frightening as when she had launched the spear and held the bow and arrow. Eiko looked at his men and nodded. As he entered the inn, they followed him inside.

When they walked into the inn, the smell of freshly baked bread met them. They saw that the tables were set with different types of food and drinks.

The three men who were captured were sitting at a table with Kyro and did not look injured. Kyro and the warrior were busy talking and it was clear that they wanted to convince each other who was right.

When the warrior saw Eiko, he stood up happily and walked over to him.

"Boss you're here! Take a seat You don't have to worry about us. The big boy there first gave us the fright of our lives during the interrogation. But he didn't harm us. In addition to that, they have given us a place to sleep and they have provided food for everyone! "

Eiko looked at the warrior. It was clear to see that he was in good condition. He was also in a cheerful mood, the same was seen with the other two men. It didn't look like they were prisoners. Had it just been a bluff of hers?

"It is good to see that you are in good condition and that nothing is wrong"

He nodded to Kyro and walked to the table where Kaida was sitting. When he sat down he saw that the wounded warrior, supported by Rei, came in. She helped him in a chair and gave him a plate of food.