
Chapter 26

Jessica left a long time ago, leaving me alone, however the wolf did not return to see me. Undecided, I sit in bed turning my situation around. However, no matter how much I fret, I am unable to find a solution to my problems for the moment, because my stomach growls. I'm so hungry I can't think clearly.

Resolving to take myself in hand, I stagger to my feet, my migraine still puncturing the back of my head. The blanket falls back on the bed as I watch my feet so I don't trip. With a distracted eye, I notice that I'm still wearing his clothes. At least I'm not naked, I guess I have nothing to complain about.

My stomach starting to shake again, I resume my way to the door determined to face the werewolf who haunts this apartment. The situation is what it is... I can't run away now that I'm bound to him. So I'm going to have to find a way to live with it... And first, I have to eat.