
Can't Speak

A girl named Violet with a past of abuse from her father for having a stutter goes mute she later enters high school and has to face many challenges. But runs away when anyone who isn't her aunt Shelly approaches her. She struggles making friends because of her being mute. She gets away from her father but is that the end? Does she really get away from him? read on to find out what happens through her journey through living her tough life with many challenges.

BeautifulMess_2001 · Teen
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4 Chs

First Day

It was the first day of high school I was so excited I was entering the front doors and heard all the students walking around and chatting with their friends. I found my locker and was putting my books and bag away when someone approached the locker next to mine. Too scared that they will talk to me I quickly finished putting my things away and closed my locker. "Hi" I heard someone yell to me I froze slowly turning towards the owner of the voice trembling. "My name is Caleb" the male exclaimed as he walked towards me "what's your name?" he smiled. I stared at him with wide eyes shaking he kept staring at me as I stood frozen in my tracks "hey you okay?" he reached for me as I flinched way. I ran to my first class as fast as my legs could go you see the reason I ran away is because I don't know how to speak I tried before but got scared and hid. I was put in speech classes but was too shy to cooperate with the teacher and stayed silent with my head down. Back to what I was doing I reached the door to my classroom and looked behind me and saw the boy walking in the same direction. I quickly went into the classroom but he also entered the room I looked at all the students sitting in their seats I put my head down walking to the back and sitting in a empty desk. I always sit in the back I don't like being around others I'll get to that later. I opened my text book that was laying on the desk when I noticed from the corner of my eye someone sit next to me. My heart started to race I didn't look at them I kept my head down putting my hood up. "Excuse me you in the back you can't wear hoods in class" I looked up at the teacher giving a panicked face I nodded and put the hood down. "Speak with me after class" my eyes widened SPEAK?! no no no I need to get out my breathing quickens as I nod again. I felt the tears start to form I couldn't ask to leave since I couldn't speak I don't know what to do. I snuck my phone out and texted my mom 'help I'm having an anxiety attack and I can't get out of class'. fifteen minutes later the intercom came on in the class "can I have Violet to the office please" I sighed in relief I quickly got up running out of the classroom. I entered the office and my mom was waiting for me "come on" I nodded and followed her to the car. "What happened?" I took my white board that I keep in the car and wrote down what happened. "Oh sweety I'm sorry you had a rough first day hopefully it will get better" I shrugged and looked out the window watching as we passed all the trees and houses. We arrived home and I got out 'I hope dad doesn't come home tonight' me and my mom went inside as my heart raced hoping he was gone. You see my dad is abusive since I was a kid he yelled at me constantly cause I had a stutter. At the age of four I stopped talking completely. He would yell at my mom when she would try to get me to talk he called me abnormal cause I stuttered. When I started school I didn't wear anything but long sleeve shirts and jeans to cover up the bruises. When I entered Junior High School I didn't make any friends I kept to myself too scared they'd call me weird. I would get stares cause I never spoke to anyone not even the teachers I wouldn't expect them to understand. They have a name for someone like me we are called 'mute' we can do everything anyone else can but don't speak. I communicate with my family through a white board. Back to what is going on at home currently. I looked at my mom with worried eyes tears forming in the corners of my eyes. She put her hands on my cheeks eyes showing pity for me even though I don't want anyone's pity. "He's not here love he went out to hell knows where I don't know if he'll be back tonight" she smiled at me trying to calm me down. I looked down relieved whenever he's home I either lock myself in my room or spend the night at my aunts house. I was going upstairs to my room when I heard the door slam shut. 'No no no please don't be him' I ran to my room hoping to make it in time. I heard yelling downstairs I stopped dead in my tracks "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE!" it's him "DON'T TOUCH HER DAVE IT'S NOT HER FAULT YOU'RE NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HOME!" I kept listening feeling like it's my fault. I heard a slap "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I clenched my fists I grabbed my white board and ran downstairs slamming my fist on the wall. "There you are you little bitch" he reached for me but my mom pulled him away quickly I started writing on my white board 'STOP YELLING AND DON'T EVER LAY HANDS ON MY MOM AGAIN!' he walked out the door slamming it again. My mom took out her phone and called my aunt "hey I need you to come get Violet, Dave is causing problems again" she walked into the other room. I grabbed my bag my aunt gave me a room I tend to end up staying there quite a bit. "Hey love I'm gonna take you to the school your aunt will meet you there" I nodded and grabbed my things loading it into the car. We arrived at my school students were outside 'school must have ended' I got out looking for my aunt. One of the students approached me "hi we're in the same math class, my name is Cloud" I looked at her with a confused look "I know it's a weird name" she giggled. I smiled and waved "what's your name?" she smiled at me I looked at the ground fidgeting my thumbs a nervous habit of mine. "Hey you okay?" she put her hand on my shoulder I flinched away. She looked at me shocked my breathing was unsteady I took out a notebook 'my name is Violet I can't speak' I handed it to her. Those eyes....the ones that hold pity I hate those eyes "why can't you speak" I quickly grabbed my book and ran away. I found my aunt getting in the passenger seat quickly I kept my head down my aunt loaded my things into the back seat. She got in the drivers seat looking at me she grabbed my hand stroking the back of my hand. "I know it's hard one day you'll be able to make friends without the fear of being judged" she smiled starting the car. 'I hope I can make friends someday I'm just so scared' I held back my tears replaying the events in my head. We got to her house I stepped out slowly grabbing my bag as my aunt grabbed the rest "you hungry?" I nodded since I haven't eaten at all today. "What sounds good, maybe" she thought for a bit stroking her chin she smiled "hamburgers?" I smiled wide nodding excited. She laughed a little "okay" I hurried inside Snowball my aunts cat came up to me rubbing against my leg. I giggled picking her up and sat on the couch turning on the TV going to Hulu and turned on my favorite show Family Matters. My aunt came in and sat next to me "how did I know you were going to turn this on" she laughed and handed me a drink I smiled. Oh I guess I should introduce my aunt she is like my second mom her name is Shelly she has always been by my side and is one of my favorite people in the world. I smiled and took the can of soda "I'm sorry you have to go through all this" she looked at me with sad eyes I just shrugged and opened my drink. Shelly has taken care of me eighty percent of my life we became very close throughout the years. I love her to death I don't know what I would do without her "how are you feeling now have you calmed down a bit" I nodded and gave a slight smile "good I hate to see you like that" I leaned on her shoulder. "Oh by the way who was that girl that you ran from" I grabbed my white board 'her name is Cloud she's in my math class' she smiled slightly "why'd you run away" I erased the board writing on it again 'she asked me why I can't speak' she frowned a bit "oh that's why you ran away" I nodded slowly she pat my head and smiled at me I feel safe with her around. I couldn't ask for anyone better than her to be by my side through out my life.