
Chapter 09

I could hear the light music ringing in my ears as I was in my half sleep. I fluttered my eyes open and rolled in the smooth sheets, smiling to myself when I realized that they were silk and I was not home but at Mr. Brown’s place.

I love silk sheets but they are expensive so I don't ask mum to buy them for me but they always feel good.

I sat up, yawning and stretching. The music was still playing lightly and it was very refreshing. I got up and searched for my cane. After few minutes of roaming around my room like a lost puppy, I finally found it.

Walking out of the door, I had no idea where I was going. I hoped I wouldn’t bump into things but I guess that house was really huge because I didn’t trip over anything.

I could hear distant chattering voices over the music now and I instantly recognized one as Mr. Brown’s. I smiled and tried to follow that voice. The voice became clearer and the music started fading as I walked further.

"I think it’s time to put an end on this. We should take this to court now." The man’s deep voice that I recognized as Mr. Brown’s spoke.

"But you will lose it. You signed the contract." This voice belonged to a lady and it made me frown.

What the hell was going on?!

"A contract? You mean the one that wasn’t even processed?" Mr. Brown said. I didn't want to eavesdrop but the conversation was making me curious so I just stood right where I was and I didn't know if I was visible to them or not and I listened to the conversation.

Only way to get to know Mr. Brown.

"No, the contract you didn’t submit for further procession but they did."

"WHAT?!" I could tell that he was shocked by the way he shrieked. I almost lost my balance at the sudden loud voice of him.

"This has to be solved in friendly conversation." She advised him. I really had no idea what they were talking about but they sounded so lost in it.

"But Lyla, I don't want to have a friendly conversation with them. Correction: they won’t have a friendly conversation with me." Mr. Brown exhaled. I could tell that he sounded so done with whatever was happening.

"But that's the only way. We can offer something else in return." She tried to put another option. She sounded so calm and sweet. Her voice sounded like she was singing a song even when she was just talking and that too very politely.

"I did but they don't want anything else. They just want to destroy me and snatch what is mine." He sounded so tired. I didn’t know what was

"Don't worry, Ryan. We will find our way out of it." She sounded confident and it seemed like Ryan trusted her because he didn’t reply for a moment and I could hear her mumble something to him I couldn’t understand.

"I can't-" and there... I sneezed. I tried to act like I wasn't standing there all this time.

"Noah?" I heard Mr. Brown's voice.

"Yeah…" I smiled at the direction I though he was standing, trying so hard to make it seem like I wasn’t eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Did you sleep well?" I could hear him getting closer to me. He stood next to me and put his arm around my waist and directed me to walk.

"Yeah. Umm who were you talking to?" I questioned.

"Oh… My lawyer and a very good friend as well." He answered, making me sit on the couch and continued "Lyla meet Noah Carter. Noah meet Lyla Saifi." He spoke and I extended my hand for her to shake. I had no idea in what direction she was standing or sitting but I felt a hand grip my hand and shake it.

"You didn't tell your relationship with him, Ryan?" She questioned.

To be honest, I wanted to know too. I wanted to know what he would say.

"He... uh... he is my student." He hesitantly replied. I was disappointed by the answer. I hung my head low and avoided the conversation.

"Your student?" She spoke, startled.

"Yeah... I think we should continue this meeting tomorrow. Yeah?" He dismissed her and she just hummed in response which could mean only one thing that she was not in her great mood.

"C'mon, escort me to the door." I heard her say in a monotone voice.

"I'll be right back, okay?" I felt Ryan’s hand on my back as he spoke to me. I gave a subtle nod. I made myself comfortable on the couch. I am his student, that's the only thought that was running through my mind.

"Ryan, what are you doing?" I heard Lyla's voice. She sounded disappointed.

"Lyla, please not now." He sighed in the response. They were trying to keep the conversation secret but I could hear their hushed voices.

"Ryan, but he is a minor. God.... Do you know they can use this against you?" They? Who are 'they'?

"What would they use? Huh? I’m not in a relationship with him. He is just another student." He hissed and my heart sank in my chest. Just Another student.

"Just another student who was sleeping in your bed?" Now she snapped at him, sounding furious.

"He was just sleeping there... Lyla, don't go there. You know I’m not like that." Ryan defended.

"Ryan, what is he doing here? If he’s just another student why he was in your bed? Fuck! Why he’s even in your house?" She sounded so pissed that it made me think that maybe she was jealous because she had a crush on him or something.

"Because something happened and I had to help him." Mr. Brown spoke in frustration.

"So it's just you being human and helping him or is there something going on between you guys?" She had an edge to her voice.

"Nothing is going between us. Will you shut up now and just go? Stop putting your nose in my business."

"If I stop putting my nose in your business, you’ll be doomed. By the way, I’m just concerned because of the situation you are in. You know it could be used against you, right? I don't care who you bring home but at least it should not be a student and not when you are in shit." She spoke and seconds later the front door shut with a bang.

I closed my eyes and laid my head back. Here I was falling for this guy to whom I am just another student. Does he treat all the students same? Is he this kind to everyone?

"Noah..." I heard his voice. I didn't move. I honestly didn't want him to know that I had heard his conversation with his lawyer but I was feeling low. All my energy was sucked out of me. I was feeling drained.

"Hey, what happened, babe?" I sighed and sat straight.

"What are we?" I asked him getting straight to the point. Maybe I did want to talk about it.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean... What is our relationship? Or am I just another student for you?" I confronted him, tears welled up in my eyes to the brim.

"So you heard the conversation..." He took a deep breath.

"Yeah I did." I admitted, tilting my head up to hold back the tears.

"Listen Noah, I know that we are getting close, unhealthily close. But still I’m your teacher and you’re my student at the end of the day, we’re not supposed to feel for each other like we do. You are still a minor. I-" I cut him off, really shocked of the words that came out of his mouth.

"You knew this before coming close to me, didn't you?" I was more disappointed than angry.

"Yes I did but-" I interrupted.

"But you thought why not play with this guy's feelings and make him miserable. It's not like he can do anything because he’s weak and blind. He will cry in silence but who cares, right?" I chuckled bitterly.

Thanks to my overdramatic ass but being homeschooled didn’t help me in coping up with emotions. I never had interactions in my life so being in a situation that wasn’t according to my mood made me overwhelmed with emotions.

"No, Noah. I really wanted to talk to you because you attracted me the minute you stepped in my class. I tried to keep myself away from you but it seems like this universe didn't want me to. We’re like magnets. No matter how hard we try we can't stay apart, we will be pulled back to each other. I tried you know I did but I failed."

"So what changed now? You've suddenly become brave enough to tolerate the pain of me walking away from you?" I asked raising my eyebrow and trying to hold my tears.

"You’re not going anywhere, Noah. I’m not going to let you go. It's just we can't be who you want us to be." He spoke the last part in a low voice.

"Why? Just because I’m not 18 yet? When did age start to decide who you should like?"

"It's not the age. It's the rules and policies. It's the matter of legal and illegal." He tried to make me understand, holing my hand but I pulled it back.

"You knew this before getting close to me. You were brave enough to take the first step and now you are too coward to move further?" I sneered at him. Now, I was angry.

"Noah, I’m 24, you’re just 17, and we can't be together. No one will accept our relationship. That's 7 years difference. I can get fired and you can get suspended or kicked out of the school."

"So...? You should have given a thought to this before having those rendezvous with me. Are you just trying to find an excuse to cut me out of your life? If so then don't bother, Mr. Brown. I’m already out of it." I got up from the couch. He gripped my wrist.

"Noah don't act like a child I-" I cut him off again.

"Uh uh... I am a child. Remember?" I said tauntingly.

"Noah, I don't want to lose you okay..?" He spoke with so much vulnerability.

"What is it that you want from me, Mr. Brown? You said yourself that we can't go anywhere from where we are now so? What is it?" I asked pulling away my hand as he tried to hold it again.

"Just stay... I don't know what I want us to be but I want you in my life. I need you in my life." He said sounding quite desperate.

"You’re lonely so you want me as an entertainment in your life right?" That’s the only thing I could understand from his desperation.

"What? No. Noah, I genuinely like your company not because I’m lonely or something. I like when I see you talking. It makes me smile. Your smile makes me happy. You bring happiness to my life." His voice was laced with honesty as he grabbed my hand and stroked it. It was melting my heart.

"I can't..." I pulled my hand back. "I can't, Mr. Brown. You don't understand that you are leading me on." I sighed.

"I’m not. I’m telling you that we can't go any further than this but we can stay here. Just like we are now." He was as if begging. I couldn’t understand what it was that he had on his mind.

"You think it's gonna work." I asked after sitting back on the couch. He grabbed my hand again and turned me a little so I was facing him.

"I don't know, but at least it has to work till you are no longer a minor." I nodded and let out a breath. I wanted to ignore this for now.

"You want something to eat?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"You didn't have lunch today right?" He further inquired and I nodded. He sighed and I heard some shuffling. He pulled me closer and cupped my face.

"You’re upset with me but not with the food so we can have another round of an argument when you have a full stomach. Okay?" he asked. A smiled tried to creep on my face. I bit my lip to hide the smile.

Gosh this man is so gentle and caring.

"Yeah alright."

"So the hope of having another argument with me, motivated you to eat? I’m impressed." He said playfully, stroking my cheek.

"I’m hungry" I said freeing myself from him, blushing. He chuckled.

"What would you like to have, your majesty?" He asked. I giggled and put on a smug face.

"Food duh!" I burst out in fits of laughter. I laughed for good 3 minutes and I didn't even know why I was laughing.

"Ryan, you there?" I asked and as soon as I realized that what I had said I covered my mouth with my hand.

I called him by his name!

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Don't be. I told you to call me Ryan, didn't I?" He spoke brushing my curls off of my face and tucked them behind my ear. I blushed, biting my lip to make it subtle.

"Your laugh cheers me up. You look more beautiful when you are happy so never let this die." He said leaning closer. I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Yeah..." I tried to catch my breath which I don't know when, how and why had become uneven.

"Let's just forget our conversation about not taking things further for some time?" He whispered his lips brushed mine and I felt tingles in my body. I wanted to just touch his lips and taste him.

"Yeah" I breathed out. He placed his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer. I couldn't believe I was going to have my first kiss.

Finally, after what felt like eternity, his lips met mine. My whole body felt like it was alive again. I felt tingles in my body. Temperature rose and hairs on my body were standing. His hand on my nape pulled me closer. I put my hand on his hard chest. For few seconds our lips just stayed pressed to each other. His lips were a little rough but plump. He moved his lips along mine slowly. I tried to keep up with his pace which was not hard. My body was on fire. He pulled me on his lap and I straddled him. Legs on both sides caging him. He licked my lower lip and I opened my mouth to allow him the entrance. His tongue slipped into my mouth and tasted every corner of my mouth. I was in heaven. I let out a moan shamelessly and he pulled me closer if that was even possible. His hand playing with my hairs at my nape, other hand rubbing the side of my waist gently and tongue licking mine. I don't know if I had ever felt so high without even doing drugs. Not that I used any but this was something I was sure felt better than even drugs. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better than this he took my lower lip between his teeth and pulled it a little before pulling back after giving a peck on my lips.

I was in pure ecstasy. It was a complete blissed moment. The moment in which I totally forgot that other than two of us, there is a world around us but in that moment it felt like it stilled.

He rested his forehead on mine as we both tried to catch our breaths. He cupped my face with his one hand and kissed the tip of my nose. I smiled at him. He stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"That was WOW." I said giggling. He chuckled.

"Yeah… I never got so lost in a simple kiss before." He said pulling away but keeping me on his lap.

"I never kissed anyone before." I admitted shyly.

"What? I just stole your first kiss? I am so sorry, Noah. I totally forgot. You told me in the car. I-" I cut him off putting my hand on his mouth.

"Hey… it's not like I didn't want it and actually thank you for making my first kiss so memorable and special."

"No babe, thank you for making me happy." I giggled when he tickled me.

"So you're ticklish? Huh" He said and started tickling me.

"Ryan... Stop" I said between my laughs. He stopped and kissed my cheek.

"I love how you say my name."

"I love how you say my name in that accent of yours." I said emphasizing on 'you'

"So, can we like pretend that the conversation we had before this, never happened?" He questioned in a playful tone, chuckling.

"What conversation?" I said smirking. He laughed and started tickling me again.

"RYAN!" I screamed and he stopped.

"You are so adorable." He kissed my cheek again after I get off of his lap. My cheeks became heated again. With him I’m always a blushing mess.

"So where we were before things got heated?" He asked getting up from the couch.

"I was hungry and you were making me something to eat." I informed him.

"Right!" I heard him walking and then his footsteps faded. But then I heard him yelling from a distance.

"You can always listen to the music or do your homework if you want. Your bag is on the same couch you are sitting!"

"Alright!" I shouted back and decided to do my homework.


He made me chicken burritos and I ate it in complete silence. I didn't even ask him to join me because I was too hungry to share and it was so delicious that I wanted it all. This man was even too good at cooking and I hated how perfect he was because it was becoming hard for me not to fall for him.

"We need to talk…" He uttered after we sat back on the couch in the living room and cuddled.

"Please no…" I mumbled burying my face in his neck. I was dreading the conversation.

"We have to." He said and I pulled myself back and sat up, huffing, pouting and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine." I said still pouting. I heard him laugh.

"What's so funny?" I scoffed. He chuckled again.

"Nothing it's just you teens-" I interrupted him

"We teens what? Huh? We what?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Jesus... Calm down. It's okay if you don't want to talk." He said pulling me closer.

"Nope. Now that you have ruined the moment... Talk" I said getting out of his hold and sitting as far away from him as possible.

"So what happened earlier..." he trailed off.

"Yeah, go on just say it that it was a mistake or it shouldn't have happened because you are my teacher. Go on ruin the moment for me. Ruin my first kiss for me." I snapped at him. I don’t know why I’m always on edge but I think I can’t help it.

"I-what?" His sounded startled and then started laughing like a maniac.

"Idiot." I huffed, still pissed off.

"You’re so cute." He groaned and pinched my cheek.

"Hey..." I said trying to sound angry but a smile made its way on my face anyway.

"I wasn't going to say that by the way. But your teenage hormones jumped in the conversation." He said pulling me closer to him. I hit his chest playfully.

"You’re a monster." I sat in his lap.

"You don't know that yet." I gasped and elbowed him in his stomach.

"Pervert." I muttered.

"What? I didn't say anything." He played dumb. I shook my head.

"Yeah, right, whatever. Continue what you were talking about." I said getting comfortable in his lap.

"Okay. I was saying that what happened earlier- Nah! Don't even open your mouth before I complete my sentence." He put his finger on my lips when I was about to say something. I shut up my mouth and he continued.

"I want it to happen more often but we have to set boundaries and rules." He softly spoke my heart out.

"Okay I am listening…"

"We can't go any further than this for now-"

"Like it's gonna work…" I murmured more to myself but he heard me.

"What did you say huh?" He started tickling my sides. I tried to kick him in the groin but failed when he laid me down on the couch and started tickling me. I let out a loud, ear piercing scream. He yelped and stopped tickling me.

"Dork." He mumbled.

"I’m saying, it didn't work the first time you said something quite similar to that line 'we can't go further'." I mocked him and shrugged. He sat up, pulling me up with him and making me sit comfortably on his lap.

"Shut up. We have to make it work and don't you dare to say that I said that before. We’re not going to meet in school because I won't be able to control myself now so after school." I nodded smirking.

"I hate your smug look but whatever." He groaned.

"So... you are basically inviting me to your mansion every day?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.


"Yeah. Don't look surprised. It took me half an hour from your room to walk here." I said exaggerating. He chuckled.

"Okay, drama queen. And yes I’m inviting you to visit me daily." He kissed my cheek.

"Alright." I sat back. My back was pressing his chest. I turned around a little and curled up in his lap. I placed my head on his chest. His arms secured me on his lap, hand gently rubbing circles on my back.

"I need to go home now." I mumbled against his chest. He hummed.

"Can't you stay a little longer." I could feel the vibration in my body when he spoke.

"What time is it?"


"Nah... can't stay longer than this. I’ve to go back or my mum will have fits about it." He hummed again. I got off of his lap

"Let me drop you." He offered but I shook my head.

"Nah I'll take cab." I didn’t want to bother him.

"I'll drive you there. No argument." He kissed the back of my hand and we made our way out of the house.

On our way to my house, I had this urge to ask him what he was talking about to his lawyer but that would sound nosy so I just controlled myself.

"What happened?" He asked in his thick accent. Gosh I love his voice.

"Nothing." I lied.

"I can tell that something is bothering you. What is it?" He placed his hand on my thigh as a little assurance.

"No I’m fine." I said smiling at him.

"You had a frown on your face. Now spill or we are not going anywhere." He pulled over the car as he spoke.

"Gosh... Fine!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

"What did Lyla mean when she said 'they' can use me against you? Who are 'they'?” I air quoted with my fingers. There was a moment of silence before he spoke.

"You... uh... you said yourself that I’m rich... so there are people who want to pull me down from where I stand now... She... umm... she was talking about them." he said hesitantly. I could tell that it was not the complete truth but I didn't push. I didn't want to sound nosy. I nodded.

"Alright, now drive. I don't want to get on the bad side of my mother." He chuckled and drove us to my house.

"So here we are" He pulled over the car.

"Thank you." I spoke. He placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips met and we lived the moment without involving our tongues. He pulled back and pecked my lips.

"See you at school." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"Okay!" I stole a kiss and got out of the car before he could say anything.