
Down the rabbit hole...

Wise men say…

Only fools rush in…

But I… can't help…

Falling in love… with you…

Years passed her by and yet her thoughts still wandered over to that fateful night. Now a young woman, she discovered who – or rather what her mysterious saviour was. And Anna was completely consumed with thoughts of Him.

Girls her age were out dating and having boyfriends and she tried that too. But no one could make her hands sweat and make her heart run like a freight train inside of her chest just thinking about him… No one but Him… She wanted - no, needed to see Him again…

And so she did everything she could. She went to weird gatherings, read satanic books and even joined a cult in her desperation. But despite all her efforts, nothing ever worked. At least, until she tried one last thing…

Anna stood over the body of her dead dog, the living room floor a mess of blood and severed body parts. She felt sorry for the old boy, he'd done nothing wrong and he'd been loyal to her since he was a little pup. But Anna was sure that he would've been happy to help her this one last time…

She felt His presence first before He fully materialized in front of her. He was just as perfect and magnificent as her memories of Him and she could quite help the sudden nervous fluttering of butterflies in her gut.

"You're finally here…" came her soft, adoring voice as she knelt in front of her saviour… her one true love…

Shall… I stay?...

Would it be… a sin...

If I… can't help…

Falling in love… with you?...

Anna had killed all sorts of animals in the past year. Dogs and cats mainly, since a lot of them wandered the streets and she figured if no one wanted them, then she might as well give their lives some purpose. She poisoned, stabbed, hanged, drowned and even boiled them at some point. The method never really mattered to her as long as they died. Each time He would come and collect them, and though He never spoke to her like He did the night they met, He stayed and listened to her as she updated Him about her life – just like couples did after days of being apart.

Her adoptive family has long since cut ties with her, finding her activities to be repulsive and wrong and sinful… she doesn't care. None of them understood what it was like being so far apart with her dearest love…

Eventually though, she's pretty much cleaned the streets of strays and her neighbours have either kept their pets strictly inside their houses or moved away, suspecting that she's been the reason for the disappearances despite having no proof. And so, a girl had to do what a girl had to do…

She found out then that humans worked better than animals…

Trigger Warning!! Animal abuse and lots of blood and insanity ahead. Please be warned.

Jseccreators' thoughts