
Can't be yours

" Love hurts" "Is he love you or it's a obsession" "You don't need to find love love itself find whose to distroy" " Do you love me" Yess I do "But I can't be yours" Kim ten: I hate love ( crying hardly) Young Soo: I do love you young Soo is a daughter of the famous and dangerous mafia, his father kill her mom and treat her badly she is tired of her life and want to run away one day due to his father she run away she is injured badly in her way she meet a boy Kim ten. Kim ten is a simple boy with simple and happy life he took Young Soo to his house where his mother took care of her . They both feel in love with each other but young Soo nows that the faith will never let them together

Affifa_Tae · Urban
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32 Chs


18 years later:

A girl is sleeping in her bed her room is huge decorated with the photos of anime and k pop idols the alarm start ringing

??: arghhhh not again I want to sleep more ( she turned off the alarm )

someone enter in her room

??: ooo my daughter wake up

??: yess but I Want to sleep more

??: Cha young Soo you have to go school

young Soo: I know I know ( saying that she wants to washroom for freshen up)

Time skip At school:

Lisa young Soo friend is waiting for her at school entrance young Soo is late today

Lisa: where are you ?

Lisa is talking with herself then she see young Soo is coming while running

Lisa: finally you are here

young Soo: hehehe sorry

Lisa: let's go to ground

young Soo: why you don't want to attend class?

Lisa: mam are you in your sense we are 20 minutes late and you know miss song will never let us enter so let's go to ground

They are in there way to ground then a ball hit young Soo face she scoffs

young Soo: you brat how dare you?

??: ooo you angry huhh

Lisa: Kim ten stop it

Kim ten is a bad boy and a heart throb in school

Kim ten: really your too clingy friend comes late and come to ground to disturb me

young Soo: oooo really

The crowd start to gather cuz everyone knows that Kim ten and young Soo is gonna fight there fight is famous but Lisa don't let this happen she hold young Soo hand and drag her from there

young Soo: why you drag me here?

Lisa: plz don't start again let's talk ok don't wast your time

young Soo: ok

they sit in ground and start talking randomly

young Soo: Lisa you know I again saw that Dream

Lisa: you see that dream 30 times

young Soo: yess when I see that dream my head hurts

Lisa: hmmm it's ok

Time skip at lunch break

Lisa and young Soo is sitting in there table eating peace fully then Kim ten and his gang come every one start screaming and girl started drowning at kim ten

young Soo: arghhhh are those girls are blind

Lisa: but I think he is handsome

young Soo: my foot

Kim ten goes to young Soo table and sit there

young Soo: Mr Kim ten why you sit here

Kim ten: any problem

young Soo: yess

Kim ten: then go and sit somewhere else cuz this is my dad's school ok

young Soo: you I will kill you one day( saying that she left from there)

Kim ten is staring her then one of his friend ask him

jong: you like her

Kim ten: are you in your senses why I like her

jong: when you see her you start staring her

Kim ten: cuz I think I see her before and I know her before

jong : ooooo

On next table:

Lisa: what happened you feel zoomed out ?

young Soo: when I see that monkey ( Kim ten) I think I see him before and It seems like I Know him

Time skip at night :

young Soo is sleeping then she sees again that dream in her dream she sees that someone shoot a girl and a boy is crying and they both say I love you ( she wakes up )

young Soo us sweating

young Soo: why this dream again who are they why I can't see them properly there face are blurry

On the other hand:

Kim ten also got same dream and he is also sitting in his bed thinking about that dream

Kim ten: who are they?

young Soo and Kim ten: Aaaaaahhhh my head hurt