
Long lost feeling

Ximen Yu suddenly became a little angry. Oh my god, on the first day of school, you came to bully me!.

If it were two years ago, when Ximen Yu saw such a tall and domineering student, he would have obediently given up his seat!, But now, first ask the Third Master of Ximen Yu if he agrees!.

"I didn't hear you clearly. Are you sure you asked me to get up and give you a seat?" Ximen Yu asked.

"I'll wake you up, you damn it, you're deaf!" The student shouted at Ximenyu!, Everyone in the car is looking towards them!.

"Hehe!" Ximen Yu sneered.

"I'll count three times, get up!" The student looked angrily at Ximenyu, as if he was going to hit someone if Ximenyu didn't get up honestly anymore.

"One, two...!"

"Pop!" A loud slap rang out in the car, and West Gate Yu didn't say a word before slapping him! That guy was slapped on the ground, almost knocked out!, On one side, there was a burning sensation on the face and a buzzing sound in the ear.

The student who was beaten was momentarily stunned, he actually started fighting before him!, Climbing up, with a grimace on his face, he charged towards Ximenyu. His other two companions, seeing their friend being beaten, also rushed towards Ximenyu!.

The car immediately became chaotic, and everyone tried their best to push aside to avoid the fight and harm themselves.

In the eyes of Ximen Yu, these domineering students cannot be described as weak in words.

Ximen Yu didn't want to bully the weak. When he saw that guy swing his fist towards him, his eyes were sharp and his hands were fast. He grabbed his fist, twisted it with his backhand, and kicked him hard in the abdomen, making the other person unable to get up in pain immediately.

Cover your stomach and scream in pain!, The second student who rushed up naturally couldn't escape and immediately screamed in pain!.

And the third student, seeing how miserable their two companions were, immediately pretended not to know them!, Put on earplugs and shrink back. This guy, he lacks loyalty!.

Ximen Yu walked towards the third student, hinking that pretending not to know him would make him okay?

Ximen Yu pulled out the student who was hiding at the back of the car.

The student quickly said, "Big brother, you can't be so unreasonable. I didn't even touch you!"

Dealing with bad people, never be soft hearted, this is the principle of Ximen Yu.

"In front of me, there is no reason to speak! If I feel there is reason, then there is reason! If I feel there is no reason, then there is no reason!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Ximen Yu lifted his foot and kicked three times with a bang!, He held his stomach in pain and howled in agony!.

The other passengers in the car couldn't help but shiver, this guy seems so fierce!, Those three domineering students really kicked the iron plate!.

"Get out of the car! The next time I see you, I'll hit you again, so if we meet again, it's best for you not to run away. Take the initiative to come to me and let me hit you again. Now, get out of here!" Ximenyu said. If he came to collect a taxi the next time he saw you, he would be so domineering, making bus passengers shiver!, How ruthless! A mountain is higher than a mountain!.

Three students were frightened by Ximenyu's strength, and the driver stopped the car and immediately rolled off!, After getting off the car, the three of them stared fiercely at Ximenyu outside the window. Fortunately, they had already driven, otherwise Ximenyu would have gone down and rewarded them a few more feet!.

Ximen Yu doesn't want to make people's noses and faces swollen, so Ximen Yu doesn't want to hit them in the face! Of course, Ximen Yu didn't hit any assassins, so he gave him a harsh lesson.