

When Ximen Yu heard the words "I have", his heart was filled with joy.

"Truly or falsely, you wouldn't be comforting me, would you? My family is so poor, and you are a wealthy second-generation! You are both a school flower and a top student, would you be attracted to me?"

"I really do! When I saw you today, you made my heart beat!" Tang Xian'er said.

Ximen Yu is still very excited.

"How many times did your heart beat?"

"Damn it, you want me to beat my heart a few times! Besides you, no boy has ever made me beat my heart! You don't even know how to be satisfied!" Tang Xian'er said.

"Yeah! I'm so happy!" Ximen Yu burst into cheers!, Surprisingly, he was the first man to make her heartbeat.

"You have to be careful! Alright, I won't talk to you anymore. I'm offline, and after dinner, I'm going to read!"


"Well, see you tomorrow then!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Ximen Yu still felt very happy. Although Tang Xian'er didn't agree to be his girlfriend, she admitted that her heart was beating!.

Admitting her heartbeat indicates that it won't be too long before she completely gains her heart!.

Perhaps she needs more time to make decisions!.

Ximen Yu secretly said, "My intelligence is high now, I must improve my grades, and I will continue to write books. I want to become a god! I want to become a famous writer!" Ximen Yu also has a dream, he also dreams of writing a popular novel on the internet, which can be published, adapted into games, and even made into a TV series or anime!.

Ximen Yu has entered a potential lock fourth level state, his mind has become clear!, Ximen Yu is starting to conceive his new book!.

That night, Ximen Yu had conceived his new book!, Ximen Yu will start over again!, Ximen Yu starts coding immediately! Utilize his agile speed and high-intensity responsiveness!.

An hour later, Ximenyu stopped and counted the word count, 9500 words!

Ximen Yu was greatly surprised. He wrote 9500 words in an hour!, Tsk tsk, that's amazing!, I wrote almost five hours in an hour!

The next day, Ximen Yu got up at five o'clock and started reading!, Until 7:30 pm!, Have breakfast and then go to school!.

When Ximenyu walked to the school gate, he saw two guards blocking a student in front of him.

"Why don't you wear a badge? The teaching office emphasizes every day that you must wear a badge! There are always a few people who just don't wear it! Have you still taken the teaching office's words to heart?"

"I forgot my badge in the drawer, please let me in!" the stopped student pleaded.

"No, get out! Don't think of any excuses!"

"Get out of here and have your homeroom teacher pick me up! No one is allowed in without wearing a badge!"

Ximen Yu heard the roar of two guards from a long distance!

Ximen Yu ignored the security guard and walked in from the school gate!.

At this moment, the student who was stopped quickly pointed to Ximenyu and said, "Look, he doesn't even wear a badge. Why can he enter? Didn't you say that without a badge, no one is allowed to enter?"

"Who is it? Where is it? Why didn't I see it?" The two guards looked around, pretending to be blind.

"You... you...!" The stopped student was about to cry.

"What are you, are you still having sex without wearing a badge? Get out!"

The two gatekeepers said to themselves, "Oh no, that demon, who dares to stop him?"!.


Ximen Yu saw this scene and chuckled inwardly. It seems that the beating he gave them yesterday was very effective!, Otherwise, I'll have to be stopped again today!.

After taking a few steps, Ximenyu turned around and saw that the student who had been stopped had already been kicked out of the school gate by the security guard! I'm crying and losing face outside!.

Speaking of which, the atmosphere in the class where Ximen Yu is today was different from usual early in the morning.

Because many students enter the classroom early in the morning and find that the class bully Song Zihao, who usually comes very late, actually came very early today with a serious face. He was accompanied by two classmates, looking at their posture as if they were waiting for someone.

So, early in the morning, this class was filled with silence, an atmosphere of rain and hitting people.

After each student enters the class, they don't speak much and silently do their own thing. War is about to break out here to avoid harming themselves.

As for who the two sides of the war are, all the classmates in the class can guess. Yesterday everyone said that Ximen Yu would definitely be beaten by Song Zihao today, as expected!.

Tang Xian'er walked into the class with a small backpack on her back. As soon as she entered the class, she felt a different atmosphere than usual. It was very quiet, and the quiet air seemed to emit a palpitating aura.

Tang Xian'er walked to her seat and sat down. At this moment, Song Zihao walked up to her, pulled up a stool, and sat down next to Tang Xian'er's table!, Looking at Tang Xian'er with a serious smile, he said, "Xian'er, did someone want to chase you yesterday?"

"It's none of your business!" Tang Xian'er said angrily.

Song Zihao didn't get angry either and said, "Everyone knows that I like you. That new migrant worker dares to bully you. I think he might as well bully me because the consequences are probably not that serious!"

Everyone said to themselves: Bubble you, the new Ximen Yu, he's not glass!.

"Xian'er, I want you to watch how that ungrateful migrant worker begged for mercy!"

"Boss, he said yesterday that he will be the leader of the class from now on!" One of Song Zihao's followers, Zhang Hao, quickly added fuel to the fire, desperately adding fuel to the fire!, This way, the boss's anger is even greater!.

"Hmph! Out of control!" Song Zihao snorted disdainfully, "My brain has been kicked by a donkey! See how I can drive him back to the construction site!"

"Please leave, I'm going to read now. Don't disturb me reading!" Tang Xian'er said loudly.

Song Zihao stood up and then sat down in the seat behind Tang Xian'er.

After arriving this morning, Song Zihao had already moved back. As for the books in the drawer of Ximen Yu, they are now lying in the garbage dump!.

Song Zihao is waiting for Ximen Yu to come!.

At this moment of great war, there are very few students in the class who truly read, as if silently waiting for that moment to arrive.

Tang Xian'er is no exception, she can't even read a book. After all, this is a war sparked by two men for her. It seems like a disaster for beauty!.

There are still fifteen minutes until class, and almost all the students in the class have arrived, with only a few remaining, including Ximen Yu.

A few minutes later, Ximenyu arrived and walked in through the front door.

All the students in the class immediately brushed their eyes and looked neatly at Ximen Yu, who was dressed in very rustic clothes, while feeling a tremble in their hearts.